“Aha, well that’s England for you.” Niall chuckled as he and the rest of the boys put their Ray Bans over their eyes.

“Well, this is my first day in England ever, and it’s not welcomed me at all!” Maria tried to sound upset with the turnout of the weather, but I could hear the excitement in her voice and a wide grin surfaced onto her face. She was definitely looking forward to her stay here, even if it was only for a week, and even if the forecast was pretty rubbish.

But before making any decisions about our next move, and even with all of the Ray Bans and hoodies, a mass of flashing began to shower over us and surround us.

Liam quickly found my hand and held me close.

"Crap, I should have expected this." Liam mumbled into my ear.

"Who are they?" I think I already knew but I just wanted to be sure.

"Paparazzi,” was his final answer before the interviewers fired questions at the boys.

"So boys, you are back from Italy?"

"Did you enjoy the peace or miss the fans?"

"When will you all be starting work again?"

"News on upcoming any singles?"

"So what were the Italian fans like out there?"

"Meet any interesting people during your stay?" with that question, I felt Liam squeezing my hand as he led me out of the crowd with the others trailing behind. I saw him grab his phone from out of his pocket and put it to his ear.

"Is the car here? Ok. Yeah the paps are already here. Sure, thanks. Bye." He put the phone away and led us out into the rain, and pretty hurriedly, away from the cameras and microphones.

We all piled into the taxi that was already waiting for them.

"Oi, come on Harry!" Liam yelled back outside at Harry who was casually posing for the cameras. He waved back at the interviewers before jogging over to the car with his bags.

Even though we’d barely been in the wind and rain for no more than a couple of minutes, we were all absolutely drenched. My hair was a mess; well everyone’s hair had gone pretty wild, all of it sticking to our faces from the rain. Zayn had a torn expression as he tried to fix it when we all clambered into the taxi.

"Oh shit! I bet they got photos of me with my hair like this." He mumbled to himself.

Louis went to shake his hair out like a wet dog, and ended up flicking all the water over onto me and Maria, causing us to both squeal in disapproval.

I heard Liam giving an address to the driver over the commotion in the rest of the car, with all of us complaining, laughing, and squealing.

“Hey, do you want the address to my apartment too?” I went to ask Liam, hoping that we could be dropped off either on the way, or after the boys got dropped off.

“No. You’re coming back with us for now. I mean we’re all soaked so you two should stay with us until you dry up a little.” Liam replied quickly with a little side smirk that sent a tingle down my spine.

I nodded at him then tried hopelessly to get comfortable in the seat. But with my wet clothes sticking to me, it was pretty impossible.

After a few minutes in the taxi, we pulled over and I expected us all to start getting out.

“See you later Lou!” I heard Niall say.

“Say hi to Eleanor for us.” Liam smiled.

“Hpmh, I’m gonna have words with that lady of yours, taking you away from me.” Harry mumbled but then ended his comment with a little grin.

Where Do I Belong (a Liam Payne Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now