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Luke's POV
Having Zio in the same house and can't touch her or talk to her is so frustrating. She haven't spoken to me since that night and now she is out of the country leaving me with a note.

I know this is no way to communicate but I'll rather not talk to you right now. I'm leaving for two days or more, take of my babies and yourself.

At first I thought she wasn't going to return but when I saw the twins sleeping in their room I felt relief wash over me. I worked out in my personal gym downstairs before the kids would be a wake, I had a shower and got dress for work.

I had breakfast but before I could leave Vio caught me.
"Hi daddy, is mommy going to be back soon?" She asked with tears in her eyes. I took her up and wiped her tears.
"Yes baby, she'll be back before you know it. Now daddy needs to leave for work so go back to bed." I said

I kissed her on the cheek and watch her go back to her room.

The day was long and I had so much to do and all my mind was on is Ziola. Because I couldn't focus I decided to leave early. When I got home the girls were in my office saying they just talked to their mother.

I made dinner that evening for all of us including El and Sarah. We had dinner in silence and when the kids were done they said their last thank you and went to the play ground.

I was helping El with the dishes when she finally said something.
"Why don't you give her a call you might feel a lot better you know." She said to me.
"I don't think she will even pick up the phone. I messed up bad didn't I?" I asked her.
"I'm going tell you this, Ziola is a very independent woman and you saying you own her she might have took it the wrong way but you need to apologize to her." I nodded

The rest of the day was spend finishing up my work, reading the girls bed time story and me watching a movie I didn't even slept the night.


I woke up hearing soft knocks on my door, I groaned knowing I didn't fell a sleep for a good hour. I walked over to the door and found a sobbing Violet at my door and I pick her up quickly.

"What's wrong bunny?" I asked her. She just keep on crying, I bring her to my bed and we both lay there with her tears wetting my shirt. And then it came to me, the one person she's attach to isn't here. So I picked up my phone and FaceTime Ziola.

She picked up after the third ring looking half asleep.
"What's wrong Luke and it must be something good to wake me." She said with her eyes close.
"Open your eyes." I said to her she did as was told and I turn the camera to Vio.

"Bunny what's wrong baby?" She asked looking worried. Vio still didn't answer all she did was cry some more. And the look in Zio eyes were of a mother wondering why her child won't stop crying. "Ok baby, mommy is going to sing you something alright." Zio said and Vio calmed down a little.

"From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done"

Ziola and I looked at Vio and she was fast asleep with a small smile on her face. Ziola sigh and closed her eyes.

"Ziola are you ok?" I asked softly
" I'm fine, I'll call you guys in a few hours." She said and then the line went dead.

On Saturday half the day was spent in the meeting room and the other half with my little sister and her boyfriend. I called Rose this morning asking her to do me a favor and she didn't hesitate.

THE CEO AND THE LAWYER Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora