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Saturday rolled up faster than I expected it to.Luke called me everyday and he always made me laugh.Violet no longer gives me any trouble to go to daycare and this week was a busy one left the house by five in the morning and ten in the night. Court session after court session it had my head all over the place and when I reached home Friday my nose was bleeding my mom was cursing me out and Rose shouting at her to calm down.

I was on my way home from the office, going home in order to get ready to go to Luke's parent's house.I reached home a hour later because of the traffic, when I got in the house toys were everywhere, I smell fresh bake muffins and they smell just like mom's. I went into the kitchen, were mom was standing at the oven, Rose cleaning off the counter and my little sister eating a muffin.
"Luci?"I asked
"Ziola,oh my I missed you so much."She put the muffin down and ran to me throwing her arms around me and her legs wrapped round my waist.
"Luci your not that light you know that right.I missed you too little sis."I hold her so she wouldn't fall.She put down her feet but she didn't let go of my neck.
"I have a boyfriend."She whispered in my ear."But you can't tell mom because I don't want her to get mad at me."She said again
"OK I won't."She then let go and I tell them good evening and went to my room.I had a shower and put my hair in a tight bun.I put on a bra with matching undies on, I looked for a dress.I put on a black fitted dress, black pumps.I was about to put my lipstick on when I got a phone call.
"Ziola its Luke, bring extra clothes because mom send a driver that means we are not leaving tonight."
"I know I'm sorry ok."I didn't answer him I gust sigh and hang up the phone.I went into my closet got a purple shorts with a purple crap top and white socks for the night and a Adidas suit for in the morning with one of my black Adidas shoe.I put them in a small bag along with underwear and a bra, deodorant, body wash and more things that I would need for the night.I put on a dark shade of red lipstick and went downstairs in the movie room where the kids were.
"Mommy!"Violet yelled"You leaving already?"
"Not right now Vio, Luke is not here as yet. Rosey are you ready to go?"
"I'm not going, I told you already I want to stay here with my sisters."
"Its not up to me its up to your father."
"You look nice mom."Lavender said to me
"Thank you."I said to her, they were watching trolls. They each came and give me a kiss and a hug."Girls I'm not coming home tonight, so that means you girls should go to your room or if you want to stay in mine ask Rose to turn on the lights."
"I can't sleep without you mom."Said Violet, she made up her face like she was about to cry.
"Rosey will be with you, there is no need for you to be scared and if you do get scared you call me."I smiled at her and kissed her forehead and she shook her head.
"Ziola their is a hot guy outside asking for you."Luci said to me.
"Ok my babies I'm leaving now but Rosey you need to tell your daddy that you are not coming."They all went to the front door while I went upstairs for my bag and my phone. I bought Violet and Lavender their own iPad and they have access to the WiFi. I went downstairs and out to the front door where the girls were talking to Luke.I told everyone that I was leaving and went back to the front door.
"You look hot."Luke said to me smirking and I smiled.
"Thank you, you dont look too bad yourself."
"Oh I know I'm smoking hot."I laughed and shake my head,he took my bag and took my hand with his free hand. We went to the drive way where he out my bag in the trunk where his was and open the door for me I went in and he follow.

It took us almost two hours to get there, the driver doesn't really speak.The ride wasn't boring but it was too long I didn't expect it to be this long, I would have bring some chips. We got out of the car and Luke took out the bags.To say this was a huge house would be an understatement, it was a mansion the drive way was long beautiful tress on each sides and a big house at the end of the drive way.We went on the porch and I rang the door bell and a lady in black and white open the door.She looked a bit familiar to me like I have seen her somewhere before.
"Luke."She said Luke hugged her and then turn to me.
"Margret this is Ziola, Ziola meet Margret."I shook her hand and smiled at her.
"Nice to meet you."I said to her
"Nice meeting you too."she led us to the living room where Luke's parents were sitting.
"We are here."Luke said and they got up to greet us.
"Ziola."Uncle David smiled
"Uncle David."I said to him"Aunt Ash."I said smiling because of the confuse look that Luke has on his face.
"How do you guys know each other?"Luke asked.
"You don't need to know that, go put the bags upstairs dinner is ready."Uncle David said to Luke, Aunt Ash pulled me into the dining room with her as in literally pulled me.
"I want to know what you can eat and what you can't."She said to me, I look on the dinner table.
"I'm allergic to nuts and I don't eat beef."I said to her.
"Ok good, but you will eat cheese cake for dessert."I smiled and shook my head.

We had dinner and it was wonderful,I help with the dishes then follow Luke to his room to get for bed it was after ten but I wasn't sleepy at all.Aunt ash is a lot like my mom but more fun. He stopped at the fifth door on the left side of the hall and then we entered.It was painted in dark blue and can I tell you this room was huge, its alot bigger than mine and the bed could fit me and all my siblings even my parents and my daughters thats how big it was.
"Are you going to tell me how you know my parents?"Luke asked
"Not before you explain that picture downstairs."After dinner Aunt Ash gave me a tour of the house and she had a room full of pictures on the wall and I saw one with Luke and my mother.
"OK when I went to your place to pick up Rosey and Rose told me I had to be your boyfriend, I went inside and saw Aunt Marian.She new we weren't dating and she said when you finally get to introduce me to her we would pretend to not know each other." We were both sitting on the edge of the bed and I was just staring at him.So he knew my mother all along and didn't told me.
"Why didn't you tell me?"I asked him
"She told me not."I sat there just looking at him."So are you going to answer my question." He asked
"They came to visit me on my birthday but I knew uncle David from I was a baby but then he moved when I was ten and so did my brother."I said to him, I got up and took my clothes out of my bag.I took out my tooth brush and went to the bathe room even it was bigger than mine. It has a tub, a standing glass shower, a huge face basin with a marble counter around it.It has a cabinet with towels at a corner and a mirror on the wall.I brushed my teeth and changed into my night clothes.

My phone rang after eleven, I took it up and answer it.
"Mama I can't sleep."Violet said, it was video call she was laying in my bed I recognize the pillows.
"Ok baby mommy is going to sing you a song it might work."I got up off the bed and went downstairs to the kitchen.I sat around the island and place my elbows on the counter so Vio could see my face."Which song would you like me to sing?"
"Uhm one from trolls."I think really hard until one I kinda know popped up in my head.
"You with the said smile don't be discourage
Till I realize its hard to talk courage
This world full of people and you taken all you bare the darkness inside you can make you feel so small and I see your true colors shining through and I see your through colors thats why I love you so don't be afraid to let them show,your true colors, true colors are beautiful like a rainbow."I sang and she was fast asleep I didn't really know if the words were right but I tried.
"You can sing." someone said to me startling me.I jumped and hit my knee on the edge island.
"Fuck!"I hissed.I ended the call and turn around, I saw Luke with concern in his eyes.
"Are you ok?"He asked, I nodded my head saying yes even though it was a big fat lie.I looked down on my knee where I saw a fresh cut.I stand on the right foot then put the left one down and I bring it back up as fast as it hit the ground, this shit hurts alot. "Ziola you got hurt."Luke said but I didn't answered. He came to my side and looked at my knee."Your bleeding you know that right."
"Yes stupid I know."He was just stating at my knee not doing anything."Are you going to help me or just stare at me because staring is not helping me in anyway."He rolled his eyes and walked off, to where I don't know. He came back with a first aid kit and sat on a stool beside me.I wet the cotton with alcohol and wipe it on the cut.
"Shit."I hissed
"Stop being a baby."He said to me them apply pressure to the knee.
"She curse wow."
"Shut up!"


Hope you enjoyed😉
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