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It rolled up to Wednesday a bit quicker than I thought,court day with Luke and the mother of his child.I put all the documents I needed in a file jacket and meet Luke outside my door to go down to the court room.
"Are you okay?"I asked him
"I will be when everything is over with."I nodded my head to him and enter the court room.The judge came we were all seated.Luke was question and a lot about if he is capable of growing child they try to pull something's but hey I'm defending him.It was now time for me to question Ms Wisdom, when I asked her certain question she started to shake like she was afraid to tell the truth.It didnt take long for the judge to say all rise.
"As far as I see Ms Wisdom is in no condition to grow a child so I now turn over full custody of Rosemarie Veronica Anderson to Luke Xavier Anderson."He said and leave the court room, Luke let out a sigh of relief.We walked back to my office, when we reached he hugged me out of no where.
"Thank you thank you so much."He said to me
"Don't thank me its my job."I said to him.
"I think we should celebrate, with Rosey you know she loves you."
"OK, I won't be off until seven but I would of to go home and change if you dont mind."
"No not at all."He said to me, he told me thanks once again then leave.I carried on with my work until I took my lunch time.My door burst open and I was going to say something rude when I say a flustered Niola.
"Niola what happen."I asked
"Mom is coming to London."She said to me sitting down on the seat in front of my desk.
"Ziola I live with you, and you know how she is.I can't deal with her that woman drives me nuts sometimes."
"Hey calm down, its been awhile since we last see her maybe she as change.And so what if you are living with me, I want you guys there."I said to her
"Well we will see tomorrow."
"What do you mean tomorrow?"
"She is coming tomorrow and she is spending two weeks."
"OK then."We talked a bit more and I share my lunch with her.She left at one in the afternoon because she had work.
I had two case in the court room that I had done after lunch,so I'm working on some papers when I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in!"
"Ziola you have to leave now in order for you to get home and change in time before Mr Anderson reach to pick you up."Said my assistant Loreen
"OK thank you, I think you too should go home."I said to her.
"I hope you have a great time with him,but dont come back pregnant."
"Oh come on Loreen who do you think I am."
"I'm just saying."I laughed and she winked then left my office.I gathered my things and call Max telling him I was on my way down.

I reach home in twenty minutes time,when I step out off the car I saw a unknown car in my drive way.I open the house door,I heard laughter coming from the living room.
"I'm home!"I shouted, because I didn't care to know who was in there I just went up to my room freshen up and went through my closet for a outfit.
"Ziola you have a date or something?"Niola ask frighten me.
"Shit, did you have to sneak up on me like that and no I'm just going out with Luke and Rosey."
"OK,just don't come back pregnant."I sigh
"What's with you and Loreen?".She shrugged.
"I'll pick out your outfit."
"Oh hell no,I will do just find."
"I would rather not let you leave out here looking like our grandmother,even though she do have a nice taste."
"I think you need to get your curls back, the straight hair isn't for you anymore, your natural hair fits you more."
"I've been going straight since college."
"Well curls fit you better, so that means we have ten minutes to get them back." We went into my bathroom, were Niola washed my hair in order to get back my curls.After washing my hair Niola blow dry it and put all different type of moisturizer in it, she pin both sides out of my face and put on a dark shade of red lipstick on me.
"OK nothing more, just the outfit and if you don't hurry when he gets here I won't be ready."
"OK fine, just give me a few minutes." She went through my closet and came to a halt all of a sudden.
"Perfect!"She scream, she hold up a black dress with the back cut out and a leather jacket with some black pumps.
I put them on the dress reach right above my knee and it was fitted.
"You look amazing!" She squealed, I walked into my closet and look into the mirror I did look a bit different.
"Ziola!"I heard Rose shout.
"Yes!"I answered
"CEO is here." I looked at my self once more, and went down stairs.Niola hugged me and told me to have a wonderful time.I open the door and saw Luke's back facing me, I tapped on his shoulder and he turn around.
"Wow you look amazing and you hair is different."He said staring at me like he is seeing my soul.
"My sister thought if it was better going back to my curls their natural."I said to him, he held out his hand and I took it and we walked to his car where his driver open the door, I went in first then he followed.
"Mommy!"I heard a little voice squealed I looked to my left and saw Rosey sitting there as beautiful as ever.
"Well hello there my little angle."I lifted her up and sat her on my lap."Aren't you looking beautiful."I said to her and she blushed.
"Thank you, I like your hair."
"Thank you."
"Can I get mine like that too?"She asked and we both turn and look at Luke.He didnt notice us looking at him because he was typing on his phone.Me and Rosey talked through the drive.We reached at a aquarium, Luke's driver open the door and we got out of the car with Rosey holding my hand.
"I love this place."Said Rosey, I smiled down at her, she was wearing a pink and white dress with flat pink shoes and a white hair band with two ears on it.Luke was wearing a black shirt with dark blue jeans and some black shoes.This is the first time I really took him in, his face is well shaped, his eyes are beautiful you could get lost in them,his muscles you can see them forming out the shirt,it looks like he have six pack.
"Mommy do you like fishes?"Rosey asked bring me back to reality.
"I guess but I do love dogs.Do you like dogs."
"Oh I love dogs but dad don't want me to have one."I stoop down to her level and whisper in her ears.
"You can have one at my house if you'll like."A huge smile was placed on her face.
"I would love to."She said to me.When I stood up Luke was staring at me.
"What?"I asked him, he looked away and shake his head saying nothing.

We left the aquarium after spending almost two hours there, then we went to McDonald's to get something to eat it was Rosey's choice,Luke and I object to it at first but then we decided to go a head.I don't like fast food, the only fast food I eat is pizza.They both ate, all I ate was a couple of fries and drank some water..After a while Rosey got tired, and wanted to go home.We got into the car Luke put Rosey into her car seat and the drive drove off...We reach at my house in quick time I got out and do did Luke..
"Mommy don't go!"I heard Rosey shouted then started yo cry.
"I thought she was sleeping."I said to Luke
"She was and now she is not going to stop crying."
"I want to be with you."She cried
"She can stay with me for the night if that's OK with you."I said to him
"I wouldn't want to bother you."He said to me
"Rosey could never be a bother to me,I love her like she is mine."
"That I can see for sure."I smiled at him,he unbuckled Rosey from her car seat and put her in my hand along with her bag...
"Bye bye daddy."She waved and he kissed her on the forehead.
"Good night baby."He said to her.
"Have a good night Ziola."
"You too Luke."Walked off leaving him watch us I took out my keys out of my packet and open the door, Rosey waved to him one last time and I closed the door. I saw the living room light on and I went in there.
"Hey I'm home."I said.I saw Rose and Niola in the kitchen.
"Well hello there, I remember this beautiful little girl Rosey."
"Hi, she's my mama."She said to them pointing at me,I smiled at her and put her down.
"How was your evening?"Rose asked
"It was fine but I'm hungry."
"You want grilled cheese sandwich?"
"I would like that."Rose made me the grill cheese, I ate then tell them good night.I picked up Rosey from off the sofa and carry her up stairs.
"Do you want to sleep in your own room?"
"No."I went to the end of the hall where my room is and put Rosey on my bed, I went through her bag to see if any night clothes was there but there wasn't.
"Rosey let's go to my closet and see if I have any to fit you."She climbed of my bed and we want into my closet.We search until we found two matching T-shirt one smaller than the other she out one the small one and I out on the next one.I open the door at the other end of my closet and went to the bathroom,I brush Rosey teeth then I brushed mine and went back into the room on my bed.Not long after putting the covers over Rosey she fell asleep and so did I.


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