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Ziola's  POV
I walked downstairs with Lav in my hand when I heard the door bell rang. I put her down and she ran off, I opened the door and a white lady with blonde hair gray eyes and a slim figure was at the door.

"Hello may I help you?" I asked her.
" I'm here to see Luke."  She said looking at me.
"Violet!" I shouted. I heard her running in my direction with a smile on her face.
" Yes mommy?"
" Go get your father tell him someone is here to see him and no running down the stairs." She nodded and went up the stairs.

I saw her coming down with Luke holding her hands talking to her she nodded in agreement to what he was saying the only thing I heard was good girl. When he saw who was at the door his eyes got cold and if looks could kill that woman would be dead by now.
"Victoria what are you doing here?" He asked her, i could feel the tension between them.
" You deserve an explanation after what happened." She said to him. I took that as my cue to leave them both when I was passing Luke I gave him a small smile and leave them both.

Luke's POV
I walked into my study with Victoria following behind me I close the door sat in the chair behind the desk and she sat in the one in front of the desk.
"You need to make this quick I have things to do." I said coldly,  her being her is just going to start things and this is not the time things are just getting better.

"I did loved you Luke and I'm really sorry I hurt you like I did but I didn't have choice, if I didn't get the money my family would have been dead by now, when I was sent to do this job I wasn't suppose to fall for you but I did and I am sorry." She said to me
" So you are fucking telling me you were playing with my feelings from the beginning!"I yelled
"My family was in danger I didn't have any other choice." She said defending her self but it pisses me off even more.
"You fucking lie to me, you had me thinking you loved me, you ruin Veronica's life and almost cause the life of my daughter and now you are coming in here tell me your fucking sorry it doesn't change the fact that you left me heart broken and just when everything is getting better you want to fucking explain that you played me." I said to her pacing back and forth in the room, she just sat there looking at me. " It's been three fucking years and you choose to come now!" I yelled.

I heard a soft knock on the door and it open, I saw Ziola at the door looking at me.
" Not that I'm interrupting you guys, but Luke the girls can hear you." She said to me, I nodded at her and she closed the door.
" I just wanted to say sorry because I really am and I hope you have a wonderful life you look happy." She said to me, she walked out the door and I followed her, the girls were at the bottom of the step looking at us.

"Daddy is everything ok?" Lavender asked me
" Yes Lavender you guys don't need to worry, go wash your hands for lunch. Daddy is going to walk his guest to the door." I said to them they nodded got up and went to the kitchen.
"They are beautiful and your wife looks lovely." She said to me walking through the door.
"They are the best thing that had ever happened to me." I said to her. I gave her one last look, she nodded and so did I then I closed the door.

I went to the kitchen where everyone was, I washed my hands and sat down. Everyone was eating not saying anything and the air around us was getting thicker by the minute. It seems as if Zio couldn't bare it anymore, she got up with her food and went to the living room and the kids followed her. I sigh looking at my food not in the mood for it anymore. I heard the kids laughing and Ziola telling them it's not funny.

"You should go talk to them." El said with a hand on my shoulder.
"What am I suppose to say to them El?"
"You need to make them know you are here for them Luke if you don't they will slip right through your fingers." She left me there and I think about it.

I walked to the living room and saw them in the sofa watching some family movie.
"Can I speak to you guys for a moment." I said to them, they looked at me and Zio turned off the tv giving me all her attention.
"I just want you guys to know that I love all of you and nothing can change that. Lav, Vio I will be your father no matter what." I said to them, they smile and nodded.
"Ziola I need say something to you." I said to her
"Go ahead."
"Move in with me."She looked at me like she have seen a ghost. " I know it's a bit soon but I'm very serious about us and I am falling really hard for you."
"What!why?" She asked looking at me.

"I really do love you and I'm not just saying that I mean it." I said to her. She looked at me in the eyes and smile
"Yes I will." She giggle I hugged her and the kids laugh joining us.
"Good because Rose is on her way bringing some of your things over." She looked at me and shook her head.
"What if I had said no?" She asked.
"I wouldn't give you chance to say no I would keep on asking you." I said to her
"See mom I told you this would happen." Rosey said to her with the brightest smile I have ever seen.

Rose came over with about four purple suitcase and four pink. The girls were excited to move in with Rosey and her over sized bed but Rosey was excited the most because her sisters were finally living with her and her parents were living together. All I was doing was smile the whole time Zio was there putting her things in the closet.

The next day
I woke up with Ziola head on my chest and her legs tangled with mine. Her vanilla scent filled my room over drown my cologne scent and I was loving. I watch as she breath and her chest rises and fall, she snuggled further in my chest and I hold her a little tighter. I check the time and it was after six, Zio told me to wake her six but I liked watching her sleep.

"Babe." I shook her slightly. She groaned and told me to leave her alone. "It's time to get up you going to be late for work." She didn't move at all. "Babe."
"Mmmhh?" She asked, she open her eyes glaring at me then she smiled. "What time is it?" She asked
"About six fifteen."
"Thought I told you six on the dot and I thought you should be getting ready for work." She sat up turned her back to me and got off the bed. She went to the bathroom then I heard the water running.

I got up and went inside the bathroom were Zio was humming to a song. I took my clothes off and went in the shower, she smiled and continued washing her body.

I was dressed in a black suit and so was Ziola, her hair was pulled back and she had on dark shade of red lipstick and no make up and she looked so beautiful. She was currently on the dresser looking for her watch or something like that.
"Would you stop staring at me." She said looking at me through the mirror.

Ziola's POV
I walked down the stairs with my bag in my hand and Luke walking behind me. We went into the kitchen were the girls were having  breakfast and El sharing two extra plates.
"Morning." I said kissing all three of my babies on their foreheads.
"Morning mom."they said. Luke told everyone morning and we ate breakfast together.

After I was finish I told the girls bye because Luke will be dropping them off at day care. I took my keys off the plate at the door to the garage and went in down the steps. When I looked I saw two black bikes, two Audi, one BMW and my black Audi. Rose wanted the Honda so I gave it to her.

Right before I reached my car door I felt I hand hold my arm and my whole body felt warm and only one person hand that effect on me Luke. I turn and looked at him and smiled at him.
"I didn't get a good bye kiss." He pulled me by my waist and place his lips softly on mine I kiss him back and then it got a bit too heated I had to pull away. I looked at him and saw he had a some of my lipstick on his lips. I took my thumb and wipe it off.
" You are making me late for work." I said to him he kissed me on the forehead and open the car door for me I got in and drove out the garage.

Hope you enjoyed
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