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I woked up feeling a figure beside me, I looked beside me and saw Rosey sleeping.I climb off the bed silently because I didn't want to walk her, I walked over my little sofa where my things from last was and check the time, it was 5 one the dot which means I have a hour and a half to get ready.I went into my bathroom had a shower, wrapped my self in a towel and brush my teeth. I went to my closet and took out a dark red dress, I got dressed with my dress reaching right above my knee.Because my curls are back in I couldn't do my messy bun, my hair is a bit thick for that and it would take a lot of time..I let it down , and went down stairs to the kitchen where I saw Rose making breakfast.
"Why are you up this early?"I asked her
"Morning, so you could get something to eat before leaving for work."
"But I always have something to eat before I leave on Thursday mornings."
"Having a apple and a glass of milk won't do Ziola and I'm tired of telling you that."
"OK fine, did Niola told you that our mum is coming here."
"Yes she did, and how do you feel about it?"
"I don't know how to feel Rose, I'm just hoping that she change."I gave her a sad smile
"Well I will be here if you need me."
"Your taking like you are going somewhere."I laughed
"Oh you may not know."She smirked and turn back to the stove, I just laughed and shake my head.She put three pancakes on my plate, with strawberries and the syrup, I ate then went back into my room and in the bathroom where I brush my teeth once more.I came out of the bathroom and saw Rosey sitting up on the bed.
"Mom where are you going?" Rosey asked
"I'm going to work baby."
"So early its still dark outside."
"Yes baby I go in early in Thursdays, but I need you to go back to bed."
"OK mom."I went over to the bed side, hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.I left the room and off close the door and went into the kitchen.
"Rose I'm leaving now, remember Rosey is upstairs in my room she's asleep."
"OK baby."I took up my bag and my keys and I dont let Max drive me on Thursday mornings, because he too have a family.I went into the garage and got my car and head for work, I reached work on a couple of minutes where Loreen was waiting for me..
"Morning."I said to Loreen
"Morning,how did it go last night?"She asked
"It was ok I guess."She smiled at me and we sat in my office
"OK your schedule for today, you have one court session, lunch with parents and visit the orphanage."
"What do you mean lunch with my parents?"
"They call me early this morning."
"You can't be serious."I sigh
"And your sister will be there too."
"where are we going?"
"The restaurant right around the corner."
"ok, but I'm going to ditch them early."
"OK what's the plan?"
"I guess the reservation is set for one, as it strikes two you call both mine and Niola's phone."
"OK wonderful, we have files to go through."
"Now you sounds like the boss."I laughed and she joined in.We look through the files and then I went to court, after court I went back to my office, after being there for about five minutes I heard a soft knock on my door.
"Come in!"I shouted, I was on my laptop typing so I didnt see who came in until that person clears their throat, I looked up and saw Luke standing there.
"Hi?"I asked unsure on what to say
"Good afternoon, so I'm just going to asked, would you like to have lunch with me today?"
"I would like to but I'm having lunch with my parents."
"How about dinner?"
"Sounds great to me."
"I'll pick you up at nine."
"By the time nine rolls up I'll be starving you better have a large amount of cash on you."I said then started to laughed and so did he.
"Your something else.How was Rosey last night."
"She was good."
"She didn't give you a hard time to go to bed."
"No she didn't, she fell asleep in no time."
"Well she would give me hell taking about I'm not sleepy,let's watch some TV, I don't want to sleep,you know your a real pain in the butt."I laughed hearing the last one
"She told you, your a pain in the ass."And then I started to laugh again.
"You know Ziola it's not funny having your four year old telling you, your a pain in the ass."Then I started to laugh even more.
"Of course it is."I said to him
"Well you ain't going to be laughing anymore when I tell you this."
"Go ahead."
"I'm your boyfriend."I looked at him real good and then I laughed.
"You need help."
"Most likely you, I went by your house to pick up Rosey and she didn't want to come with me,so I had to went back home get her some clothes and went back to your place.When I got there Rose open the door and said to me you are going to be Ziola's boyfriend and you can't back out, the first reason is i know you like Ziola and if you want to continue see her you would do this and last one you wouldn't want to hurt Rosey if she couldn't get to see her mom any more would you."I was now looking at him like he has grown another head
"What the hell."he just shrugged. I picked up my phone and dial Rose's number. She answer after the first ring
"Ziola before you start Shout,I think you should know if I did not do what I did your mother would arrange your marriage and because I know that would kill you I drag Luke into it."I sat there looking like I've seen a ghost, I hate nothing more than a arrange marriage especially when its my mother picking my husband. "Ziola I'm going to need to to listen to very word I say carefully, you are not going to back out of this because its for your own good, I know you like Mr Ceo and would like to get to know him and this is your chance.Your mother will be here for 2 months and we need to convince her that you two are really dating, you need to know the basics things yet still the important things about him."
"Two months, I think I'm going to die in the first week.Why is she doing this?"
"Its ok, I'm here trying to talk your sister out of killing your mother.Your mother is looking for a house you Niola and she's getting really piss and you know how she is when she gets angry."I smiled
"Good luck with that but if you can't control her anymore just say to her what Nana say no need to harm them their time is coming and remember you have a husband that loves you and two beautiful children that adores you Michelle and Michael."
"Thank you and I need you to get off the phone and go talk to your boyfriend."I sigh and hang up the phone.I put my head on the desk processing everything I just heard.
"Ziola are you OK?"Luke asked.
"If I die now I would be."
"Don't stress over it, everything will be ok."I raise my head and looked at him and he smiled.
"How do you know that for sure?"
"Because I said so."I smiled at him, I looked at my watch and saw that I was five minutes late for lunch with my parents.
"Oh shit, Luke I have to run I'm late for lunch with my parents."
"Ok you run along I'll see you later."We both went into the elevator together when we reached to bottom floor we bid our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I reached the restaurant in six minutes because I walked, a young man came and show me the way to table where my family was sitting.
"Sorry I'm late, I lost track of the time."I said smiling down at my parents, mom get up and open her arm and I went and hugged her and then dad came and hugged and kissed me on the cheek.I have a seat beside Niola and hugged her from sides ways and she giggled.A waiter came and told us he would be our waiter for the day.
"Ziola how is everything?"My mom asked.
"Wonderful mom."I said to her
"Thats nice to hear, I see that you and Niola lives together."
"Yes we do, we decide to share a house because we dont like to be apart from each other."
"Girls you aren't kids any more you need to go on and stop sharing things."
"Mom none of us is moving we are fine where we are.We dont have a problem living together it is actually comfortable to know that my sister is safe at nights I dont of to worry what time she is in, have she eaten, or if she's doing ok." Niola said
"I love being around my sister, my niece and nephew, and my brother in law and I love Rose so much, I wouldn't change any of this for the world."
"fine since I can't get you both to live in separate houses I'm going to drop it."
"Thank you."Me and Niola said at the same time.The waiter came back and took our orders, we ate and talked about what have change about us these pass few years, we were on our way out when mom spoke.
"You girls know I only want the best for you right?"She asked and we said yes.I texted Loreen before our food arived and told not to worry call.Mom and dad driver came and pick them up, Niola drove her car and I walked back to the office.
"How was it?"Loreen asked when I stepped out of the elevator.
"I guess she has change a bit after the first month of her being here I'll tell you if you should prepare that extra room at your house or I'm staying home with my family."I said to her and she laughed.I went into my office and call Max to come and pick me up, I picked up my stuffs and went through the door, me and Loreen enter the elevator and went to the bottom floor, she stopped and was talking to someone while I went outside where Max was waiting for me. I went to the orphanage where the kids were happy to see as always I bring them gifts.
"Ms Ziola we have two new comers and I think they are fit for you."Amelia said to me.
"Amelia what's up with the miss, I have known you for three years now."She came to my side
"My boss is in today."She whispered
"Well I dont really care, drop it."She looked at me and nodded her head.
"You want to see the two beauties or not."She said to me.
"Of course I do want to see them."She led to one of the rooms where I saw too beautiful little girls playing with each other, they look up at us and instantly fell inlove with them.
"Their names are Violet and Lavender and they are three."She said to me.I walked towards them and sit on the floor where they where playing.
"Hi my name is Ziola."I said to them.
"I am Lavender."the light skin one said to me.
"And I am Violet."This one was my complexion.
"Nice meeting you both."I said to them and they smiled.
"You are the only one they have spoken to since they have been here."
"Can I see those papers for adoption right now, I'm ready."She noded and went out of the room, the adoption would only take a day or two to come through.
"I know you just met me but how would like it if you would live with me?"I asked them.
"We would love to."Said Violet.I smiled at them and they continue played with their toys.
"Ziola."I heard Amelia called me.
"Yes?"I asked getting up
"Come this way, we have some papers for you to sign."I followed her into a office where I saw Ms Peart sitting around the table.
"Hi ms Peart."I said to her
"Ziola its nice seeing you and this time you make up your mind"
"Nice seeing you too, I think I'm ready now."I said to her.
"Good I have this for you to sign."She handed me a paper and I start to read it, I was finish in no time. I signed the papers and hand it back to her.
"Good someone will come to your house tomorrow and see if its ok you know those stuff don't you and for you to put them in your name and your name on all of their documents that will take a week and after the week you will be in court to finalize everything."
"Ok ms Peart, even though I know all the process."I told her thank you and went back into a room where the kids were play with each other but the twins weren't their, I guess they are in their room.I play with the kids and I had a wonderful time.

It was about 8:00 when I reached back home.
"I'm home!"I shouted
"We are in the living room!"I heard Rose shouted back at me.I went in the living room where everyone was playing some kinda board game and the kids playing on their iPads.
"Aunty Zio!"Michelle shouted and ran to me I picked her up and swung her around , Michael came and stand by my side I stoop down to his level and kiss him on the cheek and the Rosey came running to me, I put Michelle down and picked up Rosey.
"Mom I missed you."She squealed
"Rosey I was just gone for a couple of hours."
"I know but I still missed you"
"you're too sweet."I said to her. "Guys I have news."
"Good are bad?"Rose asked me
"OK you have all my attention."
"I sign the papers for adoption." Niola squealed and ran to me.
"Finally I thought you were going to wait until I die."I laughed at her and she started to laughed too.
"I'm going to have more grand babies." my mother scream and hugged me.
"I'm so proud of you kiddo."Said my father and kissed my forehead.
"Ziola I'm so excited, girl or boy and how many?"Rose asked
"Twin, two girls, they are three and their name are Violet and Lavender."I said to them and at that moment everyone was happy even the kids.
"I would love to celebrate some more but I have a dinner to attend."I said to them
"With whom?"My mother asked
"Luke..."I answered
"Luke as in your boyfriend and the father of Rosey?"She asked
"Yes thats Luke and I have 20 minutes to get ready before he reach here, so I better hurry."I said and walked out with Rosey still in my hand laughing.
"What's so funny?"I asked her
"If your daddy's girlfriend that means one day you will get married and I can live with both of you."By just hearing that I froze and looked at her and she was smiling and that's a smile that reaches her eyes.
"Who told you that baby?"
"Daddy said when he finds the right woman for him, she first going to be his girlfriend then his wife."
"And you assume that is me?"
"Yes because he likes you."I smiled at her.I don't really know if he likes me or it is because Rosey like me thats why he is doing this but hearing that warm my heart.I went into my room, I had a shower while Rosey was on my bed watching TV after I was finish I pit on a bra and a panty and walked into the room.
"Rosey what color should I wear?"
"Red."I went into my closet and took out a red dress and put it on.It was fit down to mid thigh the front was short and the back long it flare off at the back of my knees and at mid thigh.I put on some black heal, put on a light shade of red lipstick and pin my hair to the sides.
"How do I look?"I said Rosey once I was finished
"Thank you baby, are you ready to go to bed or you want to go back downstairs?"
"Downstairs, they told me they are my grandparents."
"Really thats nice."I smiled at her and she giggled.
"Ziola Ceo is here!"I heard Rose shouted.
"Come on baby your dad is here."She hopped off the bed and hold my hands, we walked down the stairs and Rosey ran to her father that was at the door staring at me.
"Daddy."Said Rosey. I took this time to see what Luke was in. Black suit with red tie and his hair pushed back and he look handsome he smiled at me and I return it.I heard someone cleared their throat and a I turn finding everyone staring at us.
"Luke meet my parents Marian and Jacob, dad and mom meet Luke."dad and Luke shakes hands but mom stay where she was staring at him.
"Do you happen to be Ashalee and David son?"She asked
"Yes mam."He answered.
"Finally I get to meet you."And she shakes his hand.
"Ashalee as in your friend Ashalee ?"Niola asked and Mom nod and me and Luke look at each other.Luke put Rosey down not before telling her to behave and giving her a kiss, he handed me a single red rose and I thank him.
"I think we should go now if we dont want to miss our reservation."he said to me and he stretch out his hand for me to take, I took it and I walked out with him.


Hope you enjoyed☺

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