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Three weeks later

Its been three weeks since I have seen or heard from Rosey and Luke. Today is the day that I will go for Violet and Lavender we had the court session yesterday where they are sign to finally be mine.I really did missed Rosey's smile, laughter and watching cartoons with her.I was now Saturday, twelve noon and on my way to the orphanage to get my babies, I reached in couple minutes.
"Ziola wow its the day you become a permanent mom."Amelia said to me
"I'm so excited." I said to her. I collected their stuff and we headed home.
"Can we call you mom now?"Violet asked.
"Yes you can."We planned to go straight home but I decided to take them shopping, went at one the biggest mall where it all so have food court in it, I parked the car and unbuckled them from their car seats.We went to different stores getting things for the girls, they pulled me to almost every store.
"Ok girls one last one so pick which one would be best?"They both point at the same store for kids.We went there they picked clothes and I sit on a little sofa while they went into the changing room according to them they don't need my help. They didn't stop try on until they reached about six outfits, matching outfits at that they looked so sweet,they left me with all the bags while they ran to the food court.
"What would you ladies like to order?" The cashier asked.
"Three hot dog, two with only katchup and the other with everything. Two juice boxes apple and a bottle of water please."She prepared the food, we collected the food and I payed her and sat around a little table for three.We ate then went home because mom was preparing dinner for us.

We reached home after five, the kids pull their suit cases while I have the shopping bags. When we entered everyone was at the bottom of the step waiting.
"Violet, Lavender this is my mother and father Marian and Jacob, my sister and her husband Niola and Louis, niece and nephew Michael and Michelle and my second mom Rose."I introduced them to each other and they instantly fell in love with them.We ate dinner together with the kids talking about movies.During the three weeks Louis and Niola prepare the rooms for the twin, they paint it in pink, with two small beds, bed side tables with frozen night lamb, white book self, a bathroom at the side along with a walk in closet on the other side. I prepared them for bed because it was late, they were in pink matching pjs and white socks.
"Mom read us a story."Said Violet
"Cinderella."Said Lavender. I read them the story but they fell asleep half wat through it.

"Ready or not here I come? "I heard Michael shouted, I guess they are playing hide or seek. It was Sunday morning mom and Rose in the kitchen, dad and Louis in front if the TV, the kids playing and Niola sleeping.I was going to the living room where dad and Louis was but i heard the door bell ring.I opened the door revealing Luke.
"What do you want Luke?"I asked him
"I wanted to see you."He said to me, I raise one of my eye brow staring at him.
"What could-"I was interrupted by a crying from one of the girl. I told Luke to come in and I went where I heard the voice coming from.I saw Violet holding her knee, crying.
"What happen here guys?"I asked them
"We were just running when she fell and hit her knee."Michael explain to me, I picked her up.
"Kids go watch a movie and no more running." I told them and they did as I say. I went to the girls room with Luke behind me.
"It hurts momma."She said to me.
"I know baby I'm so sorry."I clean the cut, then put ointment on it and the a bandaid.I laid with her on the bed until she fell asleep, I kissed her on the cheek and went to my room and Luke follow me.
"What could you possible want to talk to me about Luke?"I asked him.
"Look Ziola I'm sorry ok I didn't mean to shout but I didnt know what else to."He said I was just looking at him not saying a word."I shouldn't have said what I said I was wrong and Rosey open my eyes for me. She said to me a week ago I missed V, i love her and she loves me. She use to take care of me and spend a lot of time with me doing amazing things. I know she is sick I could see it in her eyes.When will I see V again dad? I didnt answer her because I couldn't."
"And you're telling me this because?"I asked I wasn't in the mood for this, I felt bad because Violet got hurt.
"When she talks about you she has the same look in her eyes when she talked about Veronica. But I mess up Rosey said its always my fault when things happen."
"Not because I don't want to see you doesn't mean I don't want to see Rosey."
"What if I want to see you smiling, laughing and not that look that you are giving me right now."
"Well...I don't have a answer to that at the moment."
"I really do like you Ziola I just don't know how to speak to persons without yelling sometimes."
"I hate it when I'm been yelled at and I have been that way from I was three."
"I let Rosey visit Veronica every Fridays and Saturdays now.I couldn't be more happy when I saw the smile on Rosey's face and I want that same smile you always have when I'm around."
"That's wonderful Veronica must be happy."
"Ziola there is someone here to see you!"I heard Rose shouted from outside my door and then it burst open.
"Alex!"I screamed oh my God I haven't seen my brother since forever.
"Gummy bear, you have grown so much."He said to me and I hugged him tightly.
"I missed you bro."I said then water started to form in my eye.
"Hey bear you promised you wouldn't cry the next time you see so no tears. "I wiped my tears with back of my hand and smiled at him.
"And you also told me you wouldn't stay long again but you stayed five years Alex five."
"Ok I know I'm sorry but I have something for you, I hope this will cheer you up."He was about to leave the room when he saw Luke."Luke Anderson, its been a long time."He said to him and I raise a brow.
"Alexander Johnson, still hasn't change."Luke replied
"I can say that for you, I'm a married man."
"I know dude."They did this bro hand shake thing.
"Do you guys know each other?"I asked Alex
"You remember my best friend back in my childhood days that you didn't have time to meet because of your books, this is him and still my best friend."Alex said to me.I was about to answer bout I saw Rosey running to me.
"Mommy!"She screamed
"Muffin, I missed you so much."I said to and I lift her up and hugged her.
"Hold up she just called you mommy and Luke is her father.Luke what the hell man, I thought I told you my sisters are off limit!"Alex yelled next thing I see is Alex on top of Luke hitting him.
"Alex stop it!"I yelled but he didnt listen and now Luke was the one hitting Alex. Dad came and pull them apart.I put down Rosey and she ran out of the room.
"I thought you two have grown up what's all this about."
"He thinks I slept with Ziola and get Rosey. I told you her mother name is Veronica, Alex I kept my promise."Luke said
"Lexie you don't have any control over who I sleep with I'm an adult."I said to him"and you broke is freaking nose."
"You are my little sister and I said you won't be with him."I went through my closet with Luke following me into the bathroom.
"This conversation is over Alexander."I closed the bathroom door while the closet one was still open.He sits on the bath tub and I went to the cabinet for the first Ade kit. I started to clean his face that had other bruises but often times he flinch.
"What promise did you make to my brother?"I asked him
"That I would never get involve with none of his sisters, I knew Niola back then but not you because you were always in your room, and then Alex changed high school and so did I so I never really saw you."I didn't answer him I just put a bandaid on his nose and left him there. I went into the girls room finding Violet turning on her side and then went downstairs.
"Ziola!"Mom shouted
"Yes I'm coming!"I replied.I went into the kitchen to mom. "you called me?"
"What's all the shouting for?"She asked
"Ask your stupid ass son."I said to her and went through the front door with them calling for me to stop.I was in a ripped jeans, black jordan, black top and a jeans ripped jacket.

I took a taxi to France's place, I just dont want to see the faces I see everyday. I rang her door bell and she came about two minutes after.
"Bear what are you doing here?"She asked
"I just want to stay here for a couple of hours that's all but if I can't its ok."
"Hey you are always welcome here, but you always call before."I just shrugged and she let me inside.
"Where is D I haven't seen him in a while now."I asked him
"He's in Paris working, you know he travels alot."I spend four hours with Niola talking and doing other things.I reached home about after two or something I didn't have my phone, I use my key and open the door.I was on my way to my room when Niola called me.She was in her room in the bed.
"Yes?"I asked not in the mood for anything but my bed.
"How are you doing?"She asked
"I'm ok and you?"
"Pregnant, I didn't want another baby Zio, Louis doesn't even know."
"There is nothing wrong with having another child and you need to tell Louis."I said to her she shaked her head and I hugged her, I went into my room took off my shoes and my jacket and lay in my bed until darkness too me over.


Hope you enjoyed😉

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