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I woke up feeling a small figure beside me, I looked to my right and saw all three of my babies, Rosey and Lavender was sleeping but Violet was watching something on my iPad. I went into my closet to find something comfortable to put on, I put on a purple T-shirt, black shorts and black ankle sock. I went into the bathroom put some moisturizer in my hair, comb it out and then put it in a messy bun.I was going to leave the bed room when I saw one corner fill with red balloons. This is the only thing that could make me happy when I was down back when I was a child and it still is.I love red balloons while Niola love red roses, we look alike but we are the opposite of eat other.I went to the corner and saw a note on a chocolate chip cookies bag.
Hope this will make you happy and you not mad at me for staying so long. I'm your big brother never forget the things you like most.
Hey don't eat them all at once you will be sick like that last time.
Love Lexie.
I smiled because I knew that he is the only person that could have done this.I look in the basket and I saw chocolate chip cookies, cheese puffs and chocolate. Oh how much I'm going to enjoy this.I went on the other side of the hall and knock on Niola's door.
"Come in."I heard her say. I went in and found her sitting in one corner of her room that was filled with red roses and basket."Zio look what Lexi got me, he is the best big brother ever."She have oatmeal cookies, chocolate and potato chips.
"You said that five years ago and then you end up telling him off when he said you couldn't be with Louis."
"Whatever this is the best one yet."She said to me and smiled. He always got us these on our birthday, speaking of which tomorrow is our birthday.
"What we doing for our birthday tomorrow?"I asked her
"Ok I was thinking the new sea food restaurant, the park where we can go on rides, catch and movie then have dinner together."
"Ok that sounds fun and no kids."I said to her and she laughed
"I wasn't planning to, only the one inside me."
"What's inside you?"I heard someone asked from behind me, I turned around and saw Louis looking at both if us.I was going to leave so Niola could tell him but when I looked at her face she didn't want that.
"I know this is not my place to say but Niola is pregnant and she is stressing about telling you, its not like its you all first child and I thought I told you guys no more babies."They laughed and I shrugged and leave them in the room to talk.I went downstairs into the kitchen and found a note on the refrigerator.
hey girls your dinner is in the oven, strawberry smoothie is for you Zio and the banana for Niola. the kids already ate, we went out for a little bit soon be back.
Love mom
I looked into the oven and saw two plate I took one take off the cover and saw that it was lasagna, I got my self a fork and my smoothie. I sat at the island in the kitchen and ate peacefully, after I was finished I wash my dirty plate and glass.I went into the living room and turn on the TV, I saw some weird show going on but I didn't change it.I heard a knock on the door I got up and went to see who it was, I open the door and Luke was standing there.
"Twice in one day, what's is it now?"I asked him.
"I'm going on a business trip for a week, so I bring these for Rosey. Daycare starts at 8:30 and I wanted to see you before I leave."he pulled in a small pink suitcase and left it at the bottom of the step.He followed me into the living room and we sat together watching a movie.
"I heard that tomorrow is your birthday."
"Yes it is."I said to him. He said nothing after that, he got a call and he excuse his self.He came back shortly smiling at me.
"I must go now before I miss my flight, I'm going to New York but I want to do this before I leave."
"And what is-"I was cutted off by his lips on mine, he fricking kiss me and I did kiss him back, it was the best kiss ever.
"That."He said to me, he kissed me on my forehead and then went away and I was just sitting there. Did I really kiss him back I'm going to fall too deep for him no I can't do this again.I went upstairs and knock on Niola's room door and she told me to cone in.
"Lou can I have a minute alone with Niola please?"
"No, I'm not moving."He said smirking.I looked at Niola and raise a brow and she just shrugged.
"Oh come on Louis please." I whined
"Ok fine."He got up off the bed and leave the room closing the door behind him.
"What could be so important you of to drive my husband out off here?"
"He kissed me."
"Luke kissed you, so did you kissed him back?"
"Yes, I don't want to talk anymore."I was getting up off her bed but she hold my hand.
"You are scared you will fall for him aren't you?"she asked me but I didn't answer I just stare at my feet."Zio you don't know what will come out of it if you don't try."
"Trying involves my heart been broken, I don't want to go through the same thing that happen couple years again Niola I can't."
"Listen to me, don't judge him without knowing him."
"I'm not judging him, have you ever see him in the papers, a different girl every other night.I just dont want to get played and then go back to not even talking to guys that happen twice already I can't go for the third."
"That doesn't mean you will be one of those girls to him.Those girls don't have what you have your different from them why would he treat you like he treats them.Hey dont say what if, do it and if he hurts you I'll kill him, you remember how dad hurt that boy the last time."She said to me
"I don't know Niola I don't know."
"It will be ok and a lot of fun too."I hugged her and went downstairs and tell Lou that she's all his now, on my way back upstairs I took up Rosey's suitcase. I went into my room where I saw the girls playing on the bed.
"Mommy!"Lavender yelled
"Hey Lav."I said to her"Vio how are you feeling now?"
"I'm better!"She screamed and started to laugh
"Rosey you will be staying with me for this week."
"No I want to stay forever."I sat on the bed and Vio sat on my lap.
"Hey Rosey these are my daughters, which makes you a big sister."I smiled and hugged them"You girls hungry."
"I want grill cheese."Rosey said to me, I had Vio on my side while Rosey and Lav ran downstairs carefully. I made them grill cheese sandwiches and give then apple juice, when they were finished we went upstairs.They brush their teeth and I did the same.
"You girls ready to go to your room?"I asked them
"I want to sleep here."Lav said to me, my bed was huge so it could hold all of us and still leave a lot of space.I went into their room got their pj, their combs and oil. When I reached in the room Rosey was already changed, I gave the twin the clothes and they change.I pull Rosey on the little sofa in my room and braid her hair in two going back and I did the same with the girls but their hair is like mine curly and thick while Rosey's hair is straight, both her parents are white so her hair is different.They fell asleep shortly after they went under the cover, I was up for a bit then I fell a sleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing, I scrunched my eyes because of the screen brightness, I answered without looking at the callers ID.
"Hello?"I asked, half asleep.
"Happy birthday."The person said, I took the phone from my ear and looked at the ID and the time, it was Luke and it was 12 on the dot.
"Thank you but you could have just texted me not call me, your ruining my sleep Luke."
"Your welcome, I didn't mean to I just wanted to be the first person to tell you happy birthday day."He explain to me then my door open.
"Zio your a wake?"Mom asked she is the only person that comes into our room at twelve when its our birthday.
"Yes mom I am."
"Happy birthday baby girl."She said and hugged me, I thank her and then she left.
"Back to you well it doesn't change a thing, I might end up having a headache."
"Don't look at it in a bad way, at least I didn't forgot."
"Ok Luke I get it."
"You can go back to sleep now, I'll call you when its light out, have a wonderful birthday."And then he hang up, it didn't take long for me to fell back a sleep.

I woked up and none if my babies were on the bed.I went through my closet I pulled out a high waist jean pants which was ripped, burgundy tank top, bra and panties and went into my bathroom.I had a long warm, brush my teeth, comb oh my hair and pin both sides.I put on my clothes, watch and a burgundy shoes, I tied the lace.I went into my room and saw the girls with their backs facing me.
"Good morning."I said to them, they turn around with a cupcake and a single lit candle in it.
"Happy birthday."They said at once, they handed me the cupcake and I blew out the candle.
"Thank you babies."I said to them, I hugged them and they smiled.
"Aunty Niola got the same thing from her kids, grandma bought the cupcakes and candle."Rosey said to me.
"I choose the chocolate flavor."Said Lav
"And I bring it up."Vio jumped. I bite piece and it was really good, I gave each of them a bite and I ate the rest.
"You girls have to go to the daycare."I said but Vio wasn't up for it, her face started to make up and then came the tears."Hey why are you crying?"I asked
"Don't want to please."
"No Violet you are going and thats it."She cried even more.I took her up and bring her to her room with Rosey and Lav behind me.I went into their bathroom and bathe all three of them, then wrapped them up in towels.Rosey ran to my room for her clothes and I went through the closet for the twins clothes. I picked out two black nickers, two grey blouse with mickey on the front and grey jordans. Rosey came back with pink nickers,white blouse with frozen on the front and pink jordans. I lotion their bodies, put on their under wear and then their clothes, I then pulled out the briads and leave their hair flowing.
"I still don't want to go mommy."Vio cried
"Hey baby, its ok you can get to meet new people."
"I don't want to."She fold her arms crying. Lav took up her back pack and put it on her back and had Violet one in her hand.I picked her up and Rosey and Lav lead the way downstairs. We went into the kitchen go into the cupboard and took out snacks and juice boxes and put it in their bags. I already did the paper work at the daycare, so all I need to do is drop them off.
"Happy birthday aunty!"Michelle and Michael yelled.
"Thank you babies, are you ready."They nodded. Niola walked into to kitchen looking like a zombie.
"Happy birthday Lala."I said to her
"Happy birthday bear and thank you."
"Thank you too.Why do you look like that?"
"I had a long night."I rised a brow at her and she shrugged."Ok my lovelies be good today, I love you."
"love you mom."Micheal and Michelle said to her.I grabbed the black mini van keys because its best for us to bring all the kids in their car seat in it.We went into the garage and put each of them in their car seat. The daycare was 20 minutes away, the kids were talking except for Violet.We reached in quick time and they started to unbuckled, they got out leaving Vio in the same spot. I unbuckled her and took her out, we went to the gate where a lady was standing.
"Good morning my name is Flora Campbell."
"Good morning I'm Ziola Johnson nice to meet you."She knew Michelle, Michael and Rosey and they called to her. "These are my daughters Lavender and Violet."Lavender told her hi but Violet wouldn't.
"I'm use to kids been here for the first time and how scared they were."She said to me, I stooped to their level.
"Rosey take care of them, and you girls behave.Violet would you atleast try and see if you like it."I kisses them and they went through the gate.


Hope you enjoyed😊

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