60. The Game Is Over

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Sitting in one of the chairs in the common room, Mycroft is holding a copy of
"The Sun." Its headline screams "SUICIDE OF FAKE GENIUS" and the straplines state "SUPER-SLEUTH IS DEAD" and"Fraudulent detective takes his own life". Folding the paper and putting it down on the table beside him, he stares blankly into the distance and then folds his hands in front of his face in the prayer position.

221B. Elisabeth sits in Sherlock's armchair, dressed but with her feet bare and tucked together in front of her. One hand is propping up her head and she gazes into the distance, lost and alone.


As the rain continues to pour down, John gazes blankly at his therapist.

"There's stuff that you wanted to say ..." She says.

John opens his mouth briefly but then closes it.

"... but didn't say it."

"Yeah." Says John, his voice breaking.

"Say it now."


He shakes his head.

"Sorry. I can't."


John, Elisabeth and Mrs Hudson are sitting in the back of a cab as it drives into a graveyard. Mrs H is holding a bunch of flowers. Not long afterwards, they stand beside each other in front of a black marble headstone. The flowers are now resting at the base of the headstone.

"There's all the stuff, all the science equipment. I left it all in boxes. I don't know what needs doing. I thought I'd take it to a school." Says Mrs Hudson.

She looks at John.

"Would you ...?"

"I can't go back to the flat again – not at the moment." Says John.

She takes his arm sympathetically.

"I'm angry."

He takes a deep breath through his nose, trying not to break down. She gently pats his arm.

"It's okay, John. There's nothing unusual in that. That's the way he made everyone feel"

She gazes at the smooth black marble which simply bears the words SHERLOCK HOLMES.

"All the marks on my table; and the noise – firing guns at half past one in the morning!"


"Bloody specimens in my fridge. Imagine – keeping bodies where there's food!"


Elisabeth closes her eyes as Mrs Hudson continues, her own voice breaking.

"And the fighting! Drove me up the wall with all his carryings-on! Well, lets leave her alone to, erm ...you know."

Crying, she and John walk away, fishing out a tissue to blow her nose.

Elisabeth looks down at the grave, drawing in a deep breath. She looks back over her shoulder to see that Mrs Hudson and John are now out of earshot, then turns back to the grave again.

"Um ... mmm. You ... you told us once that you weren't a hero. Umm ... there were times I didn't even think you were human, but let me tell you this: I loved you so much. You were the best man, and the most human ... human being that I've ever known and and no-one will ever convince me that you told me a lie, and so ... There." She says, tearfully.

She blows out a breath, whimpering slightly. Looking over her shoulder again, she walks over to the headstone and puts her fingertips onto the top of it.

"I was so alone, and I owe you so much."

She takes a tearful breath.


She turns and starts to walk away but only reaches the foot of the grave before she turns back again.

"No, please, there's just one more thing, darling, one more thing: one more miracle, Sherlock, for me. Don't ... be ..."

Her voice breaks and fills with tears.

"... dead. Would you do ...? Just for me, just stop it."

She gestures down at the grave.

"Stop this."

She sighs and lowers her head and stands there, broken. Reflected in the smooth marble of the headstone, her figure appears to have the name SHERLOCK carved directly across her chest. She lowers her head further, covers her eyes with one hand and weeps. Finally she wipes her eyes, sniffs deeply and raises her head, coming to attention in front of her boyfriend's grave. Nodding in salute to him and giving herself permission to dismiss, she turns on one heel and then walks away.

Author's Note:

So here we are. The end of the line. (Not Really). Exactly 11 Months And One Day Later, the book is done. I honestly never thought that I would finish it. Like most of my projects I thought I would just get lazy and never finish this but, surprisingly, I did. I won't say I'm not proud of myself for actually finishing something for once. I thought about adding authors notes in other chapters but I thought it would be best to keep the immersion if there's any. So First and probably last authors note, this one. Don't worry however, there will be more. The story will go on. And the Baker Street Trio shall return. But I don't know when. I still have to revise all the chapters of this book. Maybe I'll change the layout, book cover. I still have to add a Story description.
I still don't know how long this series of books will last but I'm taking it step by step.
There will be one more main book. But before that, I'll write a tiny One-Episode book. But again, I'll completely finish off this book first.
Thank you for reading. I am truly grateful for everyone who has supported me And this book. Hope I see you again soon.

All the love. xx


What you haven't left yet?

Oh well let me tell you a bit about myself, then.

My real name is Ibrahim Wahdan.

I'm an Egyptian, you might be surprised to hear. Although I don't actually live there. As of February 28th, 2019, the date I'm writing this, I'm 17 years of age. Not nice by the way. Getting older is the worst thing that could happen to any human being.
Anyways, I'm currently in an "International School" meaning we just take the same stuff Americans do. Contradictingly (I don't think that's actually a word) I have a British accent.
I obviously adore the Sherlock series.
I also like most British things, I don't know why, maybe because they're just Better. Maybe that's just my taste.
Anyways, I'll be off now, this is probably the last you'll hear from me until I start writing the next book. Till then, Goodbye my loves.

Right....revised the entire book. Lets start writing new stuff again.

Or maybe in a bit, not now.

Oh and we still have the description to go.

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