15. Raoul de Santos

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Kenny is still standing by the fireplace, looking thoughtfully at a framed photograph of Connie holding her TV award. John is sitting on the sofa looking down at his notebook as he talks.

"It's more common than people think. The tetanus is in the soil, people cut themselves on rose bushes, garden forks, that sort of thing. If left un..."

He looks up in surprise when Kenny – who has walked across the room unnoticed – now plonks heavily down onto the sofa beside him and stares at him intensely.

"... treated."He Completes his sentence.

"I don't know what I'm going to do now." Says Kenny.

"Right." Says John, nervously.

"I mean, she's left me this place, which is lovely ..."

John looks around the living room with his eyes narrowed, apparently not agreeing how 'lovely' the place might be.

"...but it's not the same without her."

John tries to move further away from Kenny, but is unable to do so.

"Th-that's why my paper wanted to get the, um, the full story straight from the horse's mouth. You sure it's not too soon?"



"You fire away." Says Kenny while staring intensely at John.

The cat meows and trots across the carpet. Watching it, John reaches up to rub the side of his nose. As he pulls his hand away again he suddenly realises something and quickly raises his hand to his nose once more, pretending to rub it while he quietly sniffs at his fingers and looks towards the cat again. He smiles round nervously at Kenny.


Mrs Hudson has left the room but Sherlock, Elisabeth and Lestrade are still standing in front of the wall display. Sherlock's phone rings and he fishes it out of his jacket pocket, looks quickly at the Caller I.D. and then holds the phone to his ear.

"John." He says.

"Hi. Look, get over here quickly. I think I'm onto something. You'll need to pick up some stuff first. You got a pen?" Replies John.

"I'll remember."

Some time later, Kenny is primping in front of the mirror near the fireplace. Nearby, the entrance door shuts and, on the sofa, John puts down his teacup and starts to get up.

"Right. That'll be them."He says.

"What?" Asks Kenny.

Raoul shows Sherlock and Elisabeth into the room. Sherlock has a large bag over his shoulder and Elisabeth is carrying a long narrow case which is designed to hold a photographic tripod. Sherlock walks over to Kenny.

"Ah, Mr Prince, isn't it?" He says.


"Very good to meet you."

"Yes; thank you."

They shake hands, Sherlock looking closely at Kenny's hand as he does so.

"So sorry to hear about ..."

"Yes. Yes. Very kind."

"Shall we?" Says Elisabeth.

They walk over to the sofa, put down their case. And Sherlock starts rummaging in his bag. Kenny turns back to the mirror and fiddles with his hair again.

The Art Of Deduction (A BBC Sherlock Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin