55. Kiss And Tell

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A minute or two later, the Chief Superintendant walks out onto the street holding a handkerchief to his bleeding nose. Sally walks out from behind him on the same state.

"Are you all right, sir? Ma'am?" Asks a police officer.

Nearby, Sherlock has been leaned against the side of a police car, facing it. Now John and Elisabeth are slammed up against the car next to him and to his left. Sherlock looks across to them with an amused expression on his face.

"Joining me?" Asks Sherlock.

"Yeah. Apparently it's against the law to chin the Chief Superintendant." Says John.

Behind them, a couple of armed officers unlock the cuff on Sherlock's right hand and transfer it to John's right wrist, chaining the boys together. Elisabeth and john's are also chained together. Sherlock looks over his shoulder, watching what the officers are doing and where they're standing.

"Hmm. Bit awkward, this."

"Huh. No-one to bail us."

"I was thinking more about our imminent and daring escape."

"What?" Asks Elisabeth.

Sherlock looks down at the radio lying on the dashboard of the car they're leaning against. The radio squeals as the dispatcher speaks.

"All units to two-seven. All units to two ... " Says The Dispatcher.

Rapidly Sherlock reaches through the open window of the car with his free hand and presses down on the Talk button. Instantly the officer behind the trio doubles over in pain and grabs at his earpiece when a high-pitched squeal of feedback rips through it. Sherlock reaches behind him and pulls the officer's pistol free, instantly raising it. Because it's in his left hand, John's shackled right hand is yanked upwards as well and he gasps in surprise at the rapid turn of events. Sherlock calls out as he aims the pistol towards the nearest officers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, will you all please get on your knees?" He says.

Nearby, Greg's whole body language says, 'Oh, For God's Sake.' When nobody reacts very quickly, Sherlock raises the gun skywards and fires it twice.

"NOW would be good!" He says.

He lowers it and points it at the police again.

"Do as he says!" Orders Lestrade.

He gestures everybody downwards and all the police start to kneel. The trio start to back away.

"Just-just so you're aware, the gun is his idea. I'm just a ... you know ..." Says John.

Sherlock transfers the pistol to his right hand and alternates aiming it between John and Elisabeth.

"... my hostages." Says Sherlock.

John gasps.

"Hostages! Yes, that works – that works!" Says Elisabeth

They continue backing away from the kneeling police. Behind them and probably unnoticed in all the excitement, a piece of artistic graffiti has been sprayed on the wall of the house on the street corner. In red paint, huge letters spelling out "iou" are at least three feet high and are surrounded by an elaborate dark set of angel's wings. The boys begin to back carefully around the corner.

"So what now?" Asks Elisabeth.

"Doing what Moriarty wants – I'm becoming a fugitive. Run." Says Sherlock.

He turns and begins to race off down the road, dragging John and Elisabeth with him. Back at the police cars, Greg buries his head in his hands. The Chief Superintendant gets to his feet and turns to him.

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