45. You Repel Me

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Later, Sherlock, Elisabeth and John. have arrived at the Tower and they are watching the recorded security footage taken from behind Jim as he sticks the gum onto the glass. From a distance it's not clear what he then pushes into the gum.

"That glass is tougher than anything." Says Lestrade.

"Not tougher that crystallized carbon, he used a diamond." Says Elisabeth.

Greg adjusts the footage, which shifts to a recording taken from the other side of the glass. The footage also goes into reverse, showing the glass rising back up into place before it shattered. As Jim pulls back the fire extinguisher again and the glass becomes whole, the message which he scrawled onto it becomes clear. He deliberately wrote the words backwards on the glass so that they would be seen from the camera on the other side of the case. With the smiley face inside the "O," the message reads:


John turns and stares at Sherlock but his eyes are fixed on the screen.

The Daily Express has somehow obtained the security image with the message clear on the glass, and has run it on its front page with the headline:

"Crime of the Century?"

The rest of the text reads:

"Questions are being asked in parliament as to how the Tower of London, Pentonville Prison and the Bank of England were all broken into at the same time by the same man – James Moriarty. There are unconfirmed reports that Scotland Yard's favourite sleuth Mr Sherlock Holmes has been called in to help the team piece together the most audacious crime ..."


Elisabeth is standing in front of the mirror in the living room, finishing up her makeup. Near the sofa, Sherlock is buttoning up his own jacket while watching Elisabeth's reflection. Sherlock leads the way downstairs and goes to the front door, where john's waiting.

"Ready?" Asks John.

"Yes." Says Sherlock.

Bracing himself, John opens the door. Police officers are trying to hold back the large crowd of journalists who immediately start photographing the trio and calling out questions as the police clear the way and allow them through to the waiting police car.

"Get in." Says John.

As Sherlock and Elisabeth do as instructed, John goes round the back and gets in the other side and the car pulls away and races off with its sirens wailing.

Some time later, the police car is just going round Trafalgar Square.

"Remember-" Says John, but Sherlock cuts him off.


"Remember-" John tries one more time, but Sherlock cuts him off even faster this time.


Elisabeth smirks as John looks away in frustration. He decides to give it another try.

"Remember what they told you: don't try to be clever, and please, just keep it simple and brief." He says.

"God forbid the star witness at the trial should come across as intelligent." Says Sherlock.

"Intelligent, fine; let's give 'smart-arse' a wide berth." Says John.

There's a slight pause.

"I'll just be myself."

"Are you listening to me?"

At the Old Bailey Jim is marched up the stairs into the courtroom, two prison officers holding him by the shoulders. Outside, TV reporters are talking into various cameras as they record pieces for the news programmes.
Jim and his prison escort reach the top of the stairs and he is turned sideways and walked into the dock. As a female prison officer comes across to check his restraints, he turns his head and murmurs into her ear.

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