Chapter 58

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"You suck at this."

"Shut up, Haru. I know. I'm bad at these kind of video games, okay. I already said so like a million times," Kei responded defensively, not taking his eyes off the screen.

Haru only blew his bangs from his face, and rested his arms over his crossed legs. He looked towards Sora, who was really concentrated. Roxas and Axel joined Sora's team, and that sucked because Kei was absolutely terrible at this game while Roxas was an absolute master at it.

"Lost again," Kei mumbled, letting himself fall to the side, and Haru immediately caught him.

Kei looked up at him, and smiled. "Thanks."

"Whatever." Haru made him sit up again. "Don't do that, you can hurt yourself. No, you will hurt yourself."

"Aw, you care," Kei said, grinning. "Thanks, Haru. I still feel terrible about what happened, but you're acting like you don't care."

"I do care, idiot. You hurt my feelings," Haru responded, flicking his nose lightly then helped him get up. "Anyway, win because I don't plan on buying anyone anything. Especially to Sophia!"

Sophia looked up, and glared. "Why not? I thought we were friends."

"I just gotta save up for my own food," Haru told her, "and I eat a lot. And mess up my cooking, so I need extra."

"Everyone, don't listen to him. He's only burned like..."

"All my dishes."

"No! Only like ten out of everything he's made in the year," Sophia told them, then realized something. "Yeah, that's a lot though..."

"Good thing our competition was buying, and not cooking," Sora mumbled, fiddling with his controller. "Anyway, let's keep playing."

They all nodded, and kept playing for another hour.

"Okay, we're done, right?" Sora asked, stretching, then draped his arms around Riku's neck from behind, who now was holding the controller and had just won a round. "I'm tired."


"So, who won?"

"You and Riku, somehow."

"Because of Roxas," Riku pointed to Roxas, who started coughing again and was laying down next to Riku.

"I'm dying."

"Who lost?"

"Tidus and Wakka, and Haru and Kei tied," Axel said, and crouched next to Roxas and started to poke his cheek. "Get up."

"So...," Haru started, and Kei pulled him up to run away.

They ran into Riku's room, and closed it behind them. They locked it, meaning the others couldn't get the money from them.

"Sneaky idiots," Tidus mumbled, and Wakka agreed.

"Pay up," Sora said while grinned, holding out his hand. "We'll get Kei and Haru later. Just give us half."

"So nice of you," Wakka grumbled sarcastically as he handed Sora the money.

"Oh, come on," Riku said, leaning on Sora with his arm on the shorter one's shoulder. "It's just one fourth, if you think about it. You're not loosing much."

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