Chapter 26

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The rest of the day, Riku shut himself in his room, angry with himself. It wasn't so much Sora leaving as much as he felt really stupid for forgetting to answer a very important question to Sora.

He ended up falling asleep, but someone, or rather two people barged into his house. Roxas and Axel, of course. When Riku was rudely awaken, it was already dark outside. Since he hadn't slept well the night before, he was probably was really tired.

"What do you want?" Riku mumbled while rubbing his eyes.

Roxas grinned when he saw the ring on his finger, and reached for it. Riku blinked sleepily, not quite understanding what was going on yet.

"A ring, eh?" Roxas teased, tracing a finger over the blue words. "A promise ring?"

"What? No, isn't a promise ring something about marriage?" Axel asked, looking at the golden ring over the blond's shoulder.

"Promise ring? It's more like a soulmate ring thing." Riku yawned, but the sleepiness did not leave his eyes. "I'm way too young for marriage."

Roxas turned to Axel, who started to laugh in a low tone. He tried stifle his laughter, looking away and covering his face but it didn't work.

"Riku," Roxas called, and Riku looked at him.

Roxas had a smirk on his face as he leaned towards his face. He raised his hands, and pinched his cheeks.

"You awake?" Roxas giggled, watching how Riku started to feel more awake.

When Riku was feeling better, and more awake, he glared at Roxas.


And with that, he pushed Roxas backwards. Axel caught him before he fell off the bed, and turned to him.

"Awake now?" he asked, a grin still on his face.

Riku rolled his eyes, and a blush started to form on his face. Pink dusted his cheeks more than anywhere else on his face.

"So are you and Sora a thing? Did you get his number?" Axel asked, sitting back and pulled Roxas so he sat on his lap. "But please, don't talk about him all the time."

"Um...see, what happened was...," Riku mumbled, and trailed off when he didn't know what else to say.

Axel groaned, and wrapped his arms around Roxas' waist, placing his chin on his shoulder. Roxas glared, but didn't move.

"Don't tell me," Axel began, already knowing the answer, "you forgot. Didn't you?"

"Pretty much," Riku said, and stretched his arma forward. "What are you two doing here? Especially you, Roxas."

Roxas crossed his legs, and put his arms over them. His blue eyes looked anywhere but Riku.

"The marriage is off," he mumbled. "My mom threw a fit, like a child. Namine's parents stayed firm with their decision, saying that they realized that it's wrong to force either of us to do something just because of what we liked."

"What do you mean?" Riku asked, still running the sleep out of his eyes.

"Well, I like guys, you know that," Roxas responded, "and Namine likes girls. That's why, but they understood her after a while."

"Oh, well at least it's over," Riku told him, but before saying anything else, his stomach growled.

Riku blushed, and moved to the edge of the bed. Without turning, he asked the others if they wanted something to eat.

"Sure. I already ate, but I'm still hungry," Axel told him with a light laugh as he jumped off the bed.

"I'm starving," Roxas said, crawling off the bed slowly. "My dad just left to talk to my mom. He said to eat without him."

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