Chapter 2

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Sora dragged his friends to an empty classroom. They all had a free period and he decided to talk about something he had planned.

They all sat down on the desks, and glared at Sora. Their teacher let them go somewhere else because he was sick and having a whole room of teenagers with nothing to do would only make him feel worse.

He gave them each a pass, just so they wouldn't get in trouble. But they had to stay in one place. Sora had chosen this classroom because there wasn't anyone there, except maybe the teacher that was getting ready for the class next day.

"Why did we have to come here?" Kairi complained.

They heard small, quiet snores and they all turned to their blond friend. Tidus had his face over his arms, asleep.

"We just got here! How can he fall asleep so quickly?" Selphie exclaimed in disbelief.

Sora pouted when they all started to pay more attention to Tidus. He just wanted to tell them about a competition he came up with.


They all turned to him.

"Okay, the reason why we're here is because I have an idea to make a competition! A festival!" Sora exclaimed.

Kairi sighed, knowing where this was going. She had known him far too long to know.

He walked in front of the white board and picked up a marker. When he opened it, the teacher glared at him.

Sora smiled nervously and closed the marker again, and walked to the windows. He turned to the teacher and asked if he could use the smaller white boards.

She rolled her eyes but nodded. Anything to get them to stop interrupting her and let her work.

Sora grinned and ran back to the small group. He slammed the board down on the table, making the teacher and everyone else wince.

"So my idea is that I'll do whatever the winner of the contest says," Sora explained.

Wakka raised a brow. "Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea."

"It won't be so bad!" Sora exclaimed. "I'll see how many people like it, and me, and then somehow make it so that one of my friends wins! Simple!"

"You're so full of yourself," Kairi mumbled.

Sora puffed his cheeks out. "I'm not."

"You're spoiled."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

Sora and Kairi glared at each other for a minute before Selphie got between them.

"Cut it out you two," she said, glancing at the teacher.

"She's upset. She's going to kick us out if you two don't stop," she said in a whisper.

The teacher's piercing brown eyes were glaring at them with annoyance.

Sora smiled apologetically and waved at her. She sighed for what felt like the million time and put a paperclip on her papers.

"Akishima, I let you and your friends stay here only because your other teacher is sick. But if you won't let me finish my work, I'll have no other choice but to ask all of you to leave," she said said exasperatedly.

Kairi walked up to her desk and bowed. She apologized profusely on behalf of every one.

Selphie turned to Tidus. She noticed a few blank copy paper and rolled on up. She got a mischievous grin and started to poke and hit Tidus lightly on his head.

He started to mumble something about making a sound stop. He waved his hand to try and catch the papers but the brunette was too fast.

The noise that bothered Tidus was the squeaking sound of the marker on Sora's board. He seemed so concentrated while Kairi was pouting at the work she was given of erasing what was on the bigger white board.

Wakka started to play with some of the papers that Selphie had. He made airplanes and started to throw them at Tidus.

When Tidus was fed up, he lifted his head and glared at the red head. He got one of the paper planes that landed on his desk and crumbled it up to throw it back at him.

Wakka caught it, but he didn't expect the other one that was thrown and it hit his face.

Tidus blinked, surprised, but them started to laugh. Wakka, being competitive, didn't want to let Tidus win and soon there were paper balls being thrown in the room. Some hit Sora, but he was too busy writing things down to notice, and Selphie glared.

She, too, started to get into their little fight. This went of for about thirty minutes.

The teacher started to run a hand through her brown hair in frustration.

'Well, at least they aren't bothering a poor sick man,' she thought inwardly.

She turned to Kairi and she flinched.

'No more work, please,' she pleaded silently.

"Are they always like this?" she asked tiredly.

Kairi nodded. "Unfortunately, yeah. Sora's not involved this time though. It's usually worse."

The teacher groaned and looked at her watch. Her face brightened up when she noticed the time.

"Clean up my room. It's almost time to go," she strictly said. "You're not leaving my room until it's clean."

Then she turned to Kairi. "You can leave as soon as the bell rings. Thank you for your help."

Kairi smiled. "You're welcome."

When she turned, her smile turned into a mocking smirk.

"I hope you have fun cleaning your mess." She laughed.

They glared as she walked out of the classroom when the bell rung. Sora kept writing on the board while the other three cleaned up the paper.

When it was clean, Sora shoved the board to Tidus.

"What do you think?" he asked.

Tidus pushed it away to read it then shrugged. "Great, I guess. But are you sure about this?"

Sora nodded. "Yeah. You, Selphie or Wakka could compete and I'll make sure you guys win every round."

Wakka leaned forward while he slung an arm around Tidus.

"Most of these we could do," he said.

Selphie threw everything in the trashcan and walked to the boys. She read what he had written and nodded.

"Yeah. They sound easy," she told him.

Sora grinned and took out his phone. He took a picture and then erased it. He took it back to the teacher and smiled genuinely. The teacher was taken back but took the board.

"Thanks," he said, then looked back, "so can we leave now?"

Their teacher sighed. She nodded.

"Yes. But next time you come, if there is a next time, don't make a mess," she told him.

Sora nodded. He ran back to his friends and pulled them out of the classroom.

The teacher sighed and pushed her glasses up. She shook her head and continued to work on grading the tests.

Perfect In Every Way (SoRiku) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now