Chapter 45

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Sora kept looking at his phone, waiting for Riku to reply. He waited for about a minute before he got a text.

"Thanks, Sora. You've changed. A lot. What happened over at your new school?"

Sora remembered his experiences in his high school, and shuddered. The first thing to come to mind was Aiden's cold stare that he would get every time he was out in the halls. It hadn't been long, so he hadn't gotten over how harsh Aiden's words and glares were. Good things then came to mind, overpowering the bad memories. Sophia and Haru really helped him in feeling better about himself after leaving his old high school and helped him mature. Sure, they were a little childish, but they were mature and responsible when they needed to be.

"Let's just say that I got help from my new friends. Btw, have you talked to Tidus? Haven't heard from him What about the others?"

"Wait you weren't in good terms with him when I left"

Sora wanted to smack himself, and laughed. He was really forgetful but his excuse was that it had been about two years ago. But anyone would forget small details like that in the span of one and a half long years.

"Meh some guy decided he wanted to pick on me and I met Sophia and Haru both very nice people"

"Would like to meet them one day. About Tidus, he moved schools during our junior year. Haven't heard from him since same with Kairi"

"And Selphie and Wakka?"

"They were here but Wakka didn't talk to me much. Selphie just buried herself in work"

"I got their numbers?"

"Nope. Sorry. Tidus and I made up though just in case you care he still didn't like me completely but he didnt hate me"

"That's good. Anyway, wanna meet up at that park near the school tomorrow?"

"Yeah what time?"


"I'll be there. Can't wait to see you again and see the oh so great person you've become"

"Shut up. You're just making that up. Like I could change that much"

"You did. stop being stupid"

"Anyway I hope you dont treat me any different who knows maybe youve become a smarter person and now thinks I'm stupid"

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing I just talk like that to the others ignore me"

"I'll text you later."



"I missed you. A lot. Welcome back."

"Riku what's up with the cheesy words?"

"Shut up."

"I've missed you too. See you tomorrow"

"Right. Bye"

Sora turned his phone of, and put his pillow over his face. He let out a scream into it, then peeked over with bright eyes. The dark blue started to fade a bit, the sky blue color he had before coming back little by little.

"The hell? I'm acting like a teenage high school girl," Sora mumbled, and turned over, still having a bright smile on his face. "Wonder how things will go this time?"

The next day came fast, and Sora was excited. He barely stayed still, anxious about meeting Riku alone. Yeah, he shouldn't be, but could you blame him? He was going to see Riku again after a long time.

He checked his phone, but nothing. He told his parents that he would go out, and that if someone came looking for him, to just call him and he would be right over.

He really would come for anyone, especially his friends. If they somehow got the news that he was back, then maybe they would look for him. After all, they had a been best friends. Losing them wasn't something Sora wanted to think about.

Sora walked around, looking for a store where he could buy a gift. When he found a store with tons of toys and stuffed animal toys, he all but ran inside. Trying to contain hid eagerness, he walked around, looking at all the new things. A girl carrying a box passed by, and smiled.

"Do you need any help?"

Sora jumped from suprise, and turned to face her. He scratched his neck, then shrugged with a smile.

"Yeah. I can wait though," he said, pointing to the box.

The girl nodded, and left. After a few minutes she came back, and Sora felt a bit uncomfortable. She just gave him a small smile, and asked him what he needed.

"I-I'm looking for a gift," Sora stuttered, and played with his ring, making the girl notice. "I just don't know if I should get a plush or something."

"For your girlfriend?" she asked, and Sora looked away.

She smiled, and restated her question. "Or maybe a boyfriend?"

Sora blushed, and shrugged. "Not exactly my boyfriend, but yeah. For a guy."


"Not every guy likes these kinds of things, but you should know what he likes. And I don't suggest asking her about this."

They both turned, and saw a really tall guy looking really upset. He was intimidating, and it didn't help Sora with his nerves.

"Shut up. I bet he does, and I also think they would be cute together," she said, crossing her arms and looking away.

The guy snorted, and rolled his eyes. "You don't even know them."

"Something happened, didn't it?" she asked, then pushed him away. "Still, you're being unprofessional, and you're making me look the same. Go away."

The other just mumbled, and left. Sora sighed, and picked up a stuffed bear.

"I wonder if Riku will like this. He did take the dreameater last time," he mumbled, and caught the girl's attention.

She peeked at the bear, and nodded like she agreed and it was the best choice. Then she paused, and turned to him.

"Wait. Did you say Riku?"

Sora turned to her with a confused expression, and nodded slowly.

"Yeah?" he said, a bit unsure now.

"Does he have long silver hair?" she continued to ask, grinning wider with each word, all while scaring Sora.

"Yes? Do you know him?"

"He was here a while ago. With a loud and very inappropriate redhead," she told him, sighing while she shook her head. "Just let me say that you'll have big surprise if we're talking about the same person."


"Anyway. Help," she said, and started to him a lot of stuffed animals.

Sora honestly didn't know what to get Riku, but hopefully he liked anything he got him. Sora was always a bit romantic, a bit cheesy with what he did and said, but everyone that he knew was okay with it. He hoped Riku wasn't an exception.

A/N: I'm really tired. lol Sorry this chapter is bad, maybe I'll do better next time. I'll try to make sure to give special attention to their reactions this time. Have a nice day. See ya.

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