Chapter 34

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Sora waved at Clara, who had to continue walking. Sora walked inside the gate, and quietly made his way to his classroom.


The brunet flinched, and narrowed his eyes but didn't turn around. The fake high pitched voice irritated him, and having to hear it so early in the morning put Sora in a bad mood.

"Ignoring me, are you?"

They dropped the fake voice, but Sora still wasn't satisfied. (H: He will never be satisfied. ... Okay, I'll leave.) He wanted the person to just leave. Sora just shrugged, to at least answer him.

"I see. Well, just wanted to tell you that the guys and I will go..."

Sora tuned him out. See, this guy was a popular guy but he was such an ass. If people though he and his friends were bad, then these guys were way worse. Some were such assholes, and it pained Sora to have to call them friends. They caught him on his first day, this guy taking a liking at him because he was, "cute". Something Sora did not appreciate coming from a stranger. He would it slide if it came from his friends, Riku's friend, and Riku himself.

"You're such a nerd. Honestly, why do we hang out with you?" he asked, closing in on Sora, who only backed up without letting his expression change. "I though you were cute, which you are, but you're such a goody-too-shoes. I hate that. Step up your game, then we can talk more. Until then, I don't want to see you."

Sora was wondering why his mood and attituded changed so quickly, until he realized the books in his hands. The other slammed his hand down on them, making Sora drop them. He cursed, and bent down to pick them up. He felt a sharp pain in his wrist, but he ignored it.

"Idiot. I want to pass, unlike you."

A girl passed, and saw him. She bent down as well, and helped him. When they got his stuff, they stood up and Sora thanked her.

"Thanks. I-I'm sorry," Sora stuttered.

He hated people seeing him like that, in need of help. Having people follow you because of certain things wasn't very fun and they took those opportunities.

"What for?" She smiled, and shook her head. "I saw what he did to you. I know you hang out with them, but I suggest you don't. They treat each other like trash, make them feel inferior. Trust me, my best friend went through that and had a tough time distancing himself away."

"Alright. Thanks."

Sora was unsure of what to say, so he just said the first thing in mind. He knew what they were like. The main guy, who Sora never to bother to learn his name, always put down his siblings in front of them, and always picked on the youngest of the group. Sora wonder why he still hung out with them. Such a mystery, and Sora really wanted to help but it seemed the guy wouldn't listen.

When Sora shifted the books from one hand to the other, the same sharp pain from before was back, and he almost dropped them if not for the girl. She grabbed them, and took a look at his hand.

"You okay?"

Sora nodded, gently rubbing it. He smiled, and shrugged. He didn't want to worry anyone. He didn't want to get close to anyone, because he didn't want to lose anybody again like he did with his friends.

"Are you sure? Let's get some ice, at least," she offered, and went to leave the books inside the classroom.

Sora waited until she came back, and she took his other wrist and gently pulled him to the nurse's office.

"I'm Sophia, by the way."


"That's a nice name. I like it," she told him, turning to him with a smile. "When we get the ice, we can stay for a bit. I don't care if I'm late. To be honest, I don't really want to go."

For some reason, having someone care for him again made him want to cry. Maybe it was a the stress, and fact the he couldn't handle loosing his friends well, but he just let go of Sophia's hand and broke down.

He leaned against a wall, sliding down with his face covered. Sophia turned quickly, and her cheerful face fell when she she him crying. She wasn't good at dealing with crying people, but she attempted to help him.

"I know you just met me, but I'm here, Sora," she whispered, sitting next to him, rubbing his shoulder. "Trust me, I can stay with you until you want. I'll be your friend, you can talk to me."

"I-I miss my parents, I miss my friends," Sora whimpered, leaning towards Sophia. "Most of all, I miss Riku. I feel like h-he could u-understand me. I can't keep doing this, it's too much. I'm failing, but my parents don't know. I'm a disappointment, I'm a failure. I just want to go back, back to where my friends were, to where he was."

Sophia hugged him, and Sora leaned into it. She let him rant, and listened carefully to him. They heard the late bell, but they didn't care. She knew how it felt to bottle your feelings, and she understood how he felt. Crying helped, so she let him do just that.

"You're not a failure," she whispered softly. "You're doing your best. That's all that should matter. Who cares what others think? Just try your best, do what you can, and be proud of what you can do."

"But what if my best isn't enough?" Sora asked, scooting away from Sophia, and she saw the helplessness in his dark blue eyes. (H: I know they're not dark, but there's a reason. Related to the ring. Just wait. Magical crap is gonna happen.) "What if I want people to approve what I do? That's all I want, even if it's fake praise. I've gotten so much fake appreciation just because my family could be the one helping the school. I'm used to it."

"What do you mean?"

"I know this isn't a private school, but it still needs funds and rich families can help," he mumbled, "like mine."

"What?" she asked, but then shook her head. "So? You should know that some praise is true."

"I wonder," Sora whispered, and wiped his cheeks to get rid of his tears. "At least I know my friends, Riku, and his own friends weren't after me because of my money. Riku and his friends didn't like me at first."

"Who's Riku?" Sophia asked, and stood up. "Let's go to the nurse's office. We can talk there."

Sora nodded, and Sophia helped him up. They walked silently, but it wasn't awkward. Sora felt a lot better, and now he felt like he could lean on someone for support, even if he had just met her. Maybe in the future, he could really rely on her. He just hoped.

"Riku, I'm not replacing you. Tidus, I have not forgotten you. Kairi, I haven't forgotten the time we spent together. Selphie, I haven't forgotten all your advice. Wakka, I haven't forgotten how you always cheered us up. Axel and Roxas, I haven't forgotten how you stuggled but still managed to smile. I hope I can meet you all again some day..."

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