Chapter 29

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With a bright red mark on his forehead, Riku dug through his backpack looking for his ID. He brought it out, and put in front of him and waited until they let them out. He yawned loudly, gaining a few glares from other students.

The teacher called all the students that were leaving to check their student IDs. One by one, they left the classroom with a smirk. They laughed at the seniors, and they only rolled their eyes. Those seniors only had to repeat one class, but that didn't mean that they got along with their juniors. Especially those kind of juniors.

Riku handed his ID to his teacher, and they nodded. He took it back, and put it in his pocket despite being told to put it around his neck. He closed the door behind him, and walked the opposite way the others were going. He walked to Roxas' class, as that was closer, and waited until he came out.

When he did, he almost got hit on the face hit with the door.

"Hey. Want to wait for Axel? Or do you want to go already?"

Before Roxas had the chance to answer, Axel came running from down the hall. He almost tripped a few times, but managed to get to them without hurting himself.

"Here's who you were missing!"

"So clumsy." Roxas rolled his eyes, laughing softly after.

"Says the one who dropped his science project back in elementary," Axel retorted, crossing his arms.

"How do you know that?!" Roxas exclaimed, and noticed a few teachers walking around. "Let's go before they tell us to go back to class."

They walked away, Riku lagging behind and tried to look anywhere but at Roxas. The blond narrowed his eyes, and Riku noticed.




"It was you, wasn't it? That was embarrassing. Let it go," Roxas told him, still glaring.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Riku tried to sound innocent, but his eyes gave it away.

"You do! You're so mean," Roxas exclaimed, and bumped into a person. "Oh. Sorry."

She turned, and locked eyes with Riku. Her face turned pink very quick, and turned away. Riku got a bad feeling, but they were going to same way so he couldn't avoid her. Unless he walked fast, but Roxas wouldn't follow. Axel might, but not Roxas.

She kept fidgeting, as if she wanted to say something and Riku had an idea what it was. She was probably the one that left the note. She was pretty, there was no denying that. She had long flowing blonde hair and bright hazel eyes. Pale skin, and rosy cheeks, though that might be because of Riku's presence. She seemed shy, or maybe only around him.


Riku turned back, and so did the other girl. They saw Roxas on the floor, and Axel doubling over with laughter. Riku rolled his eyes. Axel was probably the one that did that. Roxas glared at him, but Axel tried to help him.

They reached the auditorium, and found a few seats. The girl sat near them, leaving a seat in between her and Riku. Roxas was the first to sit, and Axel was right after. That left Riku to sit at the end. The girl took out her phone, and started to text. Riku ignored her. They sat near the doors, since they hadn't seen the teacher who talked to them. After a few minutes, they started. Riku frowned, and stood up.

"I'm gonna ask something. I'll be back in a minute, alright?" Riku told his friends.

They nodded, and Riku left. He managed to catch a glimpse of her phone. She was texting one of her friends, and he saw his name. Riku sighed, feeling bad for her already. He walked up to the closest teacher, and asked him about the other young teacher.

"Oh! Right. No, she's not here. She called in sick, unfortunately. She was really looking forward to working with you three," he told Riku, who only looked down.

"So do we go up there or not?" Riku asked, genuine sadness on his face. "I just feel bad, you know?"

The teacher shook his head, smiling.

"She said you didn't have to," he told him. "Actually, scratch that. She said no. She didn't want to make you go by yourself when you didn't know what to do."

Riku nodded. "Alright. Thanks."

Riku walked back to his seat, already hearing them start talking. No one paid much attention, and Riku was no exception. His head fell on Axel's shoulder, and started to fall asleep. Roxas did the same on the other side.

Axel rolled his eyes, and lifted his shoulders. Both teens woke up quickly, and looked around.

"Screw you, Axel," Riku muttered, rubbing his eyes. "I just wanna sleep."

"Do that after," Axel told him, then pointed to the front. "They're almost done anyway."

He was right. A few minutes after, they ended everything. They started to leave, but the girl waited outside. Riku stopped Axel and Roxas to explain.

"I can't leave her waiting," Riku told them. "I don't want to seem like a jerk."

"Sure thing. Go," Axel said, waving his hand dismissively. "Tell us later."

Roxas slapped his arm, and turned to Riku. "Alright. Good luck. See ya later."

They left first, and Riku took a deep breath. He hoped he didn't make her cry or hurt her feelings. After a minute of trying to get rid of his nerves, he walked out.

The girl looked up with wide eyes, and put her phone up. Riku slowly walked to her, and stood in front of her.

"H-hi," she stuttered, looking down at her feet.

"Hey," Riku said awkwardly.

"R-Riku, sorry for calling you here and separating you from your friends," she said, and looked up. "You three seem very close."

She had a soft smile, her cheeks completely stained red. Riku couldn't deny she was cute, but nothing went farther than that and he felt bad for her. She moved her bangs from her face, and put her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah," Riku breathed out. "We are."

She laughed, and looked down at her hands again.

"I called here to tell you...," she trailed off, then took a deep breath. "To...

To tell you I like you. A lot."

Riku looked away, not being able to look at her as he replied with his own words.


"Ever since I first saw you, I liked you. No one else ever caught my attention like you have. I'm not the best girl in school, and you can probably choose anyone better but I like you. I can't help it," she said, bowing her head.

She clenched her eyes close, and Riku turned to her. She had tears brimming in her eyes, and her fists were clenched. She was ready for anything. Even for rejection...which was exactly what Riku was going to do.

"I'm sorry."

She opened her eyes, and the tears started falling. She bit her bottom lip, which made Riku feel worse.

"You're a pretty girl, don't think so low of yourself. Have confidence, no one else is like you and vice versa. You're unique, and you'll find someone that will love you and will want to spent their time with you," Riku told her, and walked closer. "Unfortunately, that someone isn't me. I'm sorry."

She wiped her tears, and looked up. She forced a smile, and gripped her skirt.

"I...I see. I understand. Sorry for w-wasting your time."

With that, she walked away. She took out her phone, and called someone. Riku shook his head, and whispered, "you didn't."

Riku followed after her, sighing. He felt horrible. He made a girl cry, and hated it. He walked out of the school, and ignored everyone as he headed home.

"What's so great about me that people like or are jealous of?"

Perfect In Every Way (SoRiku) [Completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora