Chapter 35

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Sophia winced, and quickly apologized as she put the ice bag on his wrist. The school nurse had told them that Sora could stay for a few minutes to use the ice pack just in case it started melting. She also let Sophia stay with him, and she would give both a pass to class after.

"I'm sorry, but it's hard when you move so much," she told him. "I'm almost done. I don't think it's sprained or anything. The nurse will check it better though."


Sora turned away, and looked at mirror next to the door. His eyes were red, and puffy. He narrowed his eyes as he noticed his sky blue eyes were now a dark blue color. When did they change, he had no clue but not even Clara had pointed it out.

The nurse came in, and smiled. She wasn't too tall. She has long wavy black hair, and the most brightest and the warmest brown eyes Sora had ever seen on an adult. Her round face gave her a girlish look, and there was no make up on her face, which Sora thought was nice.

After she checked Sora for any big injuries, she told him he was fine and he could go back to class. Sophia and Sora walked quietly back to class. Turns out, they had the same class, but never talked to each other. It was a bit awkward on Sora's part, having just cried not too long ago. He never cried in front of anyone, trying to be as strong as possible.

"Sora...who's Riku? You seem to miss him a lot," Sophia asked, looking away. "Can you tell me about your other friends too?"

" about during lunch? I'm just going to sit in the back and sleep today," Sora said after a yawn, then shook his head. "I doubt that I'm staying awake today."

"I can't tell you not to, you seem really tired, but," Sophia said, giving him a worried look, "please don't get in trouble. Okay?"

"Alright. You just met me, and you're already acting like a mom or something," Sora muttered, covering his mouth as a yawn came out loudly.

"You're just very approachable and social," she answered, seeming unbothered by the loud yawn, "and that just attracts people, you know? I'm very reserved and introverted, so I just surprised myself."

"Yeah? I guess you're right. I am very social, and I'm good looking so it's obvious people will...approach me..."

Sora mentally slapped himself. Hanging out with those arrogant people brought his old habits back, though he was never an asshole and he never put others down to the point where they felt like they were trash and unworthy like some people he hung out with against his will.

Sophia flinched, and looked away. Why did she do that, Sora had no clue. Maybe she saw that Sora was slowly turning into someone like the popular kids, and maybe she was right. It hadn't been too long, but when you hang out with people you were similar to, it's not hard to revert back to old habits and change more.

'Maybe I'm better off just being alone...'

"S-Sorry," Sora whispered, and shuffled his stuff. "I'm just gonna go. Come on, let's turn in that pass and sit down."

Sophia only nodded, and followed him as he walked inside. They gave the teacher that paper that's important even though it's just a paper, and they went their own directions. Sora put his head down, and stared at outside the window. He was glad this seat was empty today, or else he would've been yelled at already.

He closed his eyes, and thought about all the things he could've been doing with his friends. When exactly did Sora change to a better person, and why was he acting worse now? Would Riku still talk to him? Would Tidus still be his best friend? Would everyone still hang out with him?

Do they miss him?

Sora had accidently broken his phone without being able to do something about his contacts and lost contact with his friends, mainly Tidus. Everything was broken, there was no way to save anything. He had to deal with their absence, since he had almost no free time now. He heard his father say so many things about his expectations for Sora and business related things, which were of no interest to Sora.

School was hell for him. Class after class, work after work, projects after projects. He felt like could stay awake all night and still not finish all his work. His parents, probably not caring, told him he needed to work hard to graduate on time. The pressure was getting to Sora, despite trying to ignore it.

Sora had his problems with his parents, most which were only kept inside the house. That's probably why his number changed when he got a new phone. They hadn't liked Riku and the others. Not because of things Sora thought were going to be a problem with them, but because Riku wasn't like them. He didn't come from a wealthy family, like Sora and his friends did.

And, while Sora had though that way for a while, he not once did he think that were less than him. Sure, he did think that he lived better, which might not be true, and that Sora could have anything he wanted, but never treated them that bad. He admitted, he did act like a jerk, but he didn't really mean it. He was positive he never told them anything about where they came from or anything. He was just...rude.

"No wonder I had few friends..."

He fell asleep quickly, not caring about the class anymore. He could hear his teacher talking, but her voice was quickly fading as he fell asleep.

"Sora Akishima!"

Sora jumped, and then let out a yelp when he felt a pencil hit his head. He picked up head up to glare at whoever did that. Then he noticed that the classroom was empty, expect for two people. Two of people who were none other than the two dumbasses who lead the group of jerks.

Sophia was hitting the door, yelling something with a expression of fear.

"The fuck you want?"

Sora rarely said any words like that, but he wasn't in a good mood right now. He hadn't slept well, and being woken up like that made him upset. Though he did feel better since his wrist didn't hurt anymore, even if he had slept in a weird position. The older guy, the one who called Sora cute but still hurt him, walked closer to him. So close Sora could feel his breath on his lips.

"Heh. You're so cute, such a waste."

He turned to Sophia, who kept glaring and hitting the door. He clicked his tongue, and turned to the other guy.

"Hey, Daniel. Shut that girl up. We don't want anyone to come."

Daniel nodded, and went to the door. Sora's eyes shifted towards it, and tried to stand but was pushed back by the other teen.

"You stay. We're gonna have some fun."

Sora glared, not liking his tone of voice and the hand running over his thigh.

"Fuck off!"

A/N: Everything's gonna be fine.

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