Chapter 55

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A/N: Guys, I'm crying ^ for real, don't doubt it. A game has never impacted me as much as Kingdom Hearts has. I will honestly love this even if no one ever remembers it (but you guys, let's keep this game alive and our love for it as well) Why am I getting emotional and making this all deep? lol

By the way, this will mostly be AkuRoku.

When Riku walked inside, he was mentally prepared to see a disaster caused by Axel, but no, everything was fine. It was actually really clean, the dishes from the morning had been washed already. He smelled the light scent of food, and he was right. There was food still on the stove. He pulled his hair tie, and let his hair fall over his eyes. Tired. He was beyond tired, and didn't care about how he looked anymore.

"You're surprised, I know. But whatever, Roxas is feeling better," Axel's voice came from behind him, and Riku felt that he almost jumped out of his skin.

"Holy sh- Axel, don't do that!" Riku yelled, jumping back, the sleepiness he might've felt disappeared from the shock.

Alex attempted a smile, and shook his head. Riku turned serious, and grabbed his arm.

"What's wrong?" he asked, pulling him to the living room.

Axel sighed, and brought his legs up to rest his chin on them after sitting down. Riku sat next to him, patiently waiting for him to talk. He was just fine earlier in the morning, so he wondered what changed him all of a sudden.

"You know how I'm living on my own?" Axel started in a low voice, barely above a whisper.


"I still saw my parents every once in a while," Axel continued, staring straight. "But I just got a message a while ago, they're moving and they won't tell me where. I know they're still mad I chose Roxas, but wouldn't it be their fault? They forced me to choose, someone was going to end up hurt."

Axel swallowed back his sobs, he was starting to cry, and he rarely did that. The two were very important to him, there was no good reason to do this. Why didn't they ever accept Roxas, he would never know.

"I'm sorry..."

Axel curled up even more to cover himself, and wrapped his arms around his knees, covering his face with them. Seeing the strong, cheery, and joking Axel like this was strange. It pained Riku. Riku only wrapped his arms around him in a reassuring hug. They stayed there for a long while, until Axel's crying subsided. Riku always seemed to be the one cheering people up, but he didn't mind. He was glad his friends trusted him enough to talk about the things that bothered them.

Riku was their support. They knew he would never judge them, and that'd he listen and stay with them for however long they needed him to. Axel leaned into Riku's hug, and took small breaths to steady it. A few tears still fell down his cheeks silently. There was no way around this pain. He felt that either way, he would be in this state if he chose the other way.

Riku blinked faster as his eyes stated to burn too. These two were some of the very few important people in his life, and they went through a lot already, they shouldn't go through any more hardships.


They looked up when they heard a hoarse voice call Axel's name. Roxas came into the living room, blond hair even messier than before and blue eyes still holding sleepiness in them. He saw the state his boyfriend and friend were in, and his heart ached even before knowing what was going on. He just knew it was bad news or somewhere along that.

"What's wrong?"

Axel stared at him for a bit, before tears started falling faster. He closed his eyes tightly, and Riku let go of him as Axel ran to hug Roxas. The blond barely managed to keep his balance as he returned the hug with confusion, and looked towards Riku.

Riku shook his head, and quietly left. He felt like he needed to leave them alone. He walked to his room, his good mood going down to sadness.

Back in the living room, Roxas and Axel sat hugging each other, the younger still not knowing what was happening. The TV was on at a very low volume, and it hid most of the sounds Axel was making. A few more minutes passed, and Axel gently ruffled Roxas' hair.

Roxas turned to him, and Axel's hand went from his hair to caressing his face, careful not to hurt his top piercing as he went past it to place his hand on his neck. Axel gave him a small sad smile, and Roxas returned one with worry.

"Roxas, I love you so much," Axel whispered, and swallowed back his tears. "I'll never trade you for anything, I'll stay with you forever. You're my world, my entire life."

"I don't know what's going on, but," Roxas said softly, leaning closer to Axel, wiping the tears from earlier, "I love you too. You're my everything, and you were worth every single trouble and problems we went through."

Axel nodded, rubbing what little he had of the purple make up off his face, and looked down.

"My parents...they hate me, probably," Axel told him, and Roxas lowered his head, thinking about it now. "They don't want to talk to me anymore. They're leaving without telling me anything."


Axel didn't look. He loved Roxas too much, and he knew Roxas might tell him to go with them.


A sudden cold feeling was on cheeks, lifting his face to meet narrowed blue eyes. He tried to hold back a small cough, trying his best to not forget what he was going to say.

"Parents shouldn't make their child choose between two important things in their life," Roxas told him, his voice still scratchy and his throat was hurting, but he still continued. "Your parents will have to understand that one day, they have to. We have overcome so many obstacles, we can take this one on too."

"I'm scared," Axel said, barely holding back a whimper.

"Face your fears."


"Dammit, Axel!" Roxas yelled, putting strain on his voice. "I'll be right next to you, always will. We will make your parents understand. If not, they're missing out on seeing their amazing son."

"I never regret choosing you, Roxas," Axel finally said after a while. "I could've chosen both. It was hard, but you're also important."

"I hate that. I hate how you're parents made you choose," Roxas growled, pulling back. "I feel bad you chose me, but I know I would be upset if you chose your family, yet it would've been the right choice."

"Don't worry about it." Axel let out a soft laugh, pulling Roxas into a tight hug. "I love you."

Roxas smiled, and looked up. Axel pulled back just enough for their faces to be close. Roxas pushed Axel back, and kissed him, surprising the taller male but he kissed him back. Somehow, he managed to flip them, Axel now on top.

"Ha, you thought."

Roxas smirked, but then let out a loud cough and Axel winced. Roxas glanced at him, now an innocent look on him.

"Hey, you guys-"

Riku came by, then looked at them. He placed his open hand besides his face, and walked past quickly without glancing back. Axel and Roxas looked at each other, and laughed. Riku came back, his hand on his face again, and a glass of water on the other.

Axel sighed, and flip Roxas to be laying on top of him. With a strong hold, he told him, "let's sleep."

"Goodnight...I love you, Axel."

"I love you too, Roxas..."

A/N: This might be updated daily until it's over starting next week on Monday.

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