Chapter 21

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"(Y/n)!" Tim yelled, as you disappeared before his eyes, "No!" he pounded his fists against the control panel. He walked back to the other room where Dick was helping Bart too his feet.

"You ok?" Dick asked, using himself as a support.

"Yeah," Bart grunted, "I think I broke my leg, but it's not too bad."

Tim walked in, "What happened?" he asked.

"There was an explosion, and I told (Y/n) to run," Bart explained, "How was I supposed to know it was you two?"

Tim grunted in frustration, "He's right Tim," Nightwing said as he propped up Impulse, "We shouldn't have rushed in like that without knowing the circumstances."

"But they disappeared how were we supposed to—" he cut himself off, Dick was right, he needed to relax. Thanks to him things had spiraled out of control, "You're right," he sighed, "I'm sorry."

"So where's (Y/n)?" Dick asked


You stumbled out of the Zeta Tube and looked around. The first thing you noticed was that it was not the Watchtower, unless the Watchtower had been remodeled to look like a creepy Nazi base. The second thing you noticed was that someone was coming towards you.

"And you're certain everything's in place." A voice echoed through the long hallway in front of you. You froze, recognition flooded your features. Katya. You looked around for somewhere to hide. Luckily there was a closet on your right. You ducked into it just in time.

You hardly dared to breathe as you heard her voice draw nearer.

"Yes. I am aware, but we will have to continue on schedule." Her cold voice came closer. "I trust you will not disappoint me, Cabrera. Your life depends on it."

You heard her stop for a moment and another set of footsteps come from the other direction.

"I trust everything is in place?" a low, growling voice said.

"Yes. All will proceed as planned, despite these....setbacks."

"It had better. I will not have you fail me a second time." The voice seemed to move closer.

"Yes sir." Katya's voice sounded strange. It almost seemed to you as if she was...scared.

"Have the shipments been taken?"

"They are on their way to Central City as we speak."

"Code names, Katya."

"Apologies sir."

Central City? You heard their footsteps echoing away. What could they possibly want there? You stepped out and scanned the hallway. You had to find a way out of here, but which way? This place was like a maze!

You headed down the hallway and looked around. You wondered how Bart was, and why the heck had Tim been at the base? Nothing made sense anymore....or at made less sense that usual.

How would you get out? There had to be a map somewhere, or at least some sort of sign. You felt your heart beating faster. What if you never got out?

"Focus (Y/n)! You can do this." You stopped and studied your surroundings. The floor was lightly sloped upwards. There were no windows. It smelled damp and musty. You were probably underground, just like the other base, meaning if you kept going upwards, you would eventually surface somewhere.

But you couldn't help but be curious. What was this place?

"Maybe a quick look around..."

You snuck through the halls and looked through every door. Most of them were empty, but finally, you found what you were looking for. Files.

You turned the knob and crept in, "Bingo." You looked through a few of them. These people had done it all, bombings, name it. These people were serious.

The something caught your eye, Human Weapons: new generation. You picked it up and drew in a breath. There was a baby on the front. A baby that bore an uncanny you.

You clutched the file to your chest as you burst out of pair of metal doors into the lobby of what looked like a bank. Probably a cover up for their operation. The place was almost completely empty. The reception desk was in front of you and there was no way you could get out without getting caught by the security guard that stood between you and the doors to freedom. You could already see sunlight filtering in through the glass doors.

You sighed and pulled out your phone. Your mom was so going to kill you for this. You put the volume up and slid it across the floor.

Eye of the Tiger started blasting across the giant room. The guard started and ran over to check it out. You bolted, running across the wide area as fast as you could and bursting through the doors into, "Metropolis?" you looked up at the towering buildings and the ever familiar, Daily Planet.

You walked down the sidewalk, wondering what to do next. You had no way of contacting anyone. And you had no idea how to contact Superman.

You sighed and crossed a street, Bart was probably so worried right now. You groaned and looked around, "Superman has super-hearing right?"

It was worth a shot, "Hey Superman!" you yelled, "I need your help!" you waited a minute, surprised that nobody cared, "I have something for Batman!"

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