Chapter 1

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You sat on your favorite bench in Happy Harbor. It was just a regular bench in the middle of a regular park. The passing observer would see nothing special about that spot, and they would be right. But that wasn't why it was your favorite, you didn't care a lick about the bench and you could care less about the park, but you came there every day all the same.

You sipped your coffee, and looked at your watch; it was almost 10:00. You sat up and looked around you attentively. Suddenly, the wind picked up, and blew your hair into your face you didn't care, you simply watched as a red and yellow flash sped by. You looked on for just a second as it passed you by in a blur; then it was gone.

You sat back and sighed. You wondered if he ever saw you, or even just noticed you as he sped by. Maybe he just thought of you in the back of his mind, like, 'There's that person on the bench again,' or just, 'huh, a person,' or he just didn't care at all. You definitely thought of him all the time. You watched him on the news, read about him in magazines, and ever since you'd discovered that he passed by this spot every morning, you'd waited there just to see him, every day.

Your phone beeped, it was time to get to class. You hurried to catch the bus, and sat next to your best friend Ally. She looked at you; you were out of breath, sweaty, and exhausted.

"Let me guess," she said, "hunting for super heroes?" she said. You smiled; you trusted no one, not even my friends, with your secrets, especially crushes. All they had to know was that I liked super heroes.

"Yup," you answered cheerfully.

"And I'm guessing you found something," Amy continued.

"No," you answered nonchalantly, "Why do you say that?"

"I don't know," she said sarcastically, "Maybe it's the big goofy grin on your face,"

"I'm just happy," you said cheerfully, "Can't I just smile?"

"Hmmm," Amy looked at you suspiciously, "Yeah right," then she shook her head and turned to the window glancing at you suspiciously every now and then. You didn't care; you just sat back and dreamt about Kid Flash. He was so heroic and handsome, and- well, he just seemed like such a nice person. Someday you would meet him, you were absolutely determined. You looked out the window, it seemed like all of nature was reflecting your mood. The birds chirped, the flowers bloomed, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. Today was going to be a good day.

Suddenly the bus lurched forward and you went flying from your seat. You screamed as you flew forward, there was a moment of panic overwhelming you, and then a moment of excruciating pain, then everything went black.

Time Speeds By (Kid Flash x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now