Chapter 2

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You woke up, to a massive headache; you ached all over. You looked around you to find that you were on the ceiling of the bus; it had been overturned in the crash. You crawled out to see if the other driver was alright. As you stuck your head out the door, something whizzed by, nearly hitting you on the head.

"Watch out!" someone yelled. You were swept out of the way of a beam of energy. You looked up to see your savior. You gasped; you knew the face only too well. The red hair, the blue eyes, the smile; it was Kid Flash. He glanced down at you and smiled, then looked thoughtful for a second you gazed at him wide eyed.

"Wait a sec," he said, you wondered if he recognized you, "you're-," he was cut off by a loud boom in front of him. He went flying across the street, holding onto you for dear life. He landed on a pile of rubble. You felt as though every bone in your body was broken, you cried out in pain, as Kid Flash shifted your position while getting up.

"Sorry," you said in unison. Kid Flash looked concerned, but helpless at the same time.

"I'm sorry," he repeated, "I should've been paying attention."

"Kid Flash!" someone yelled. It was Robin; he was running towards the two of you. Kid Flash straightened up.

"I'm fine, Robin," he said, "but we have to get the civilians out of here."

"Already on it," Robin said nodding, "Blue Beetle  is getting them off the bus; we just need to move her." He said, gesturing to you.

"Got it!" Kid Flash nodded, and then turned to you. "Hey," he said in a gentle tone of voice, "Um... we're going to have to move you, so..." he bit his lip and turned back to robin. "She's hurt really bad," he whispered, but you could still hear him, "I don't know if we can move her without injuring her even more."

"Do it," you moaned, Robin and Kid Flash turned towards you surprised.

"But-," Kid Flash started.

"I'll only get in your way," you whispered, "the faster the better." He and Robin looked at each other hesitantly for a moment.

Robin sighed, "You heard her," he said, "the faster the better," Kid Flash nodded then lifted you up. In a second you were off. You stared up at him as the world whizzed by. Then you blacked out while gazing into his beautiful sapphire eyes.

Not the ideal situation to meet your crush.

You woke up to find that your pain slightly muffled. You looked around and realized that you were in a hospital room, and none other than Kid Flash sat panting in a chair next to you. He was talking to someone on his communicator.

"Thanks Robin," he said as he snapped it shut, He looked over at you.

"Hey," he said softly, still slightly out of breath, "We just got here, but I called the room service, the doctor should be right up." He smiled reassuringly.

"Thank you," you whispered, barely able to get the words out. You were too nervous to even look at him.

"Don't mention it," he said, he looked at you for a second before asking, "Have we ever met before?"

You blushed. You wondered if he remembered you from the park, you'd always dreamed that he had remembered you, but, now that he brought it up, it was a little embarrassing.

"I- um," you stuttered, looking down to hide your beat red face from him, "I don't know, do you- um- remember seeing me somewhere?" He looked thoughtful for a second then stuck out his hand.

"Well," he said, "If we haven't met, my names Kid Flash" You smiled and shook your head, trying to seem nonchalant. On the inside you were so so SO chalant.

"I would never have guessed," you said, shaking his hand, "I'm (y/n)."

"Hi, (y/n)!" he shook your hand vigorously. You flinched in pain, and he stopped. "Sorry, he said rubbing his arm, "You got hurt pretty bad in that accident, huh?"

""Yeah," you answered, you didn't know how on earth you were going to keep up a conversation with the fastest boy alive. "Um," you racked your brain for something to say, "Do you know what happened?" That was a good question, right? You continued, "All I remember is sitting on the bus with my friend, and-," you stopped short, Amy! You'd forgotten all about her in the chaos, you tried to sit up, but fell back in pain. Kid Flash looked at you in alarm. "Please," you begged, "What happened to the other passengers? My friend Amy- is she alright.

Kid Flash's eyes filled with concern, "I don't know," he said, "Blue got them all out."

"Please," you pleaded, "Please find out if they made it out safe." Your eyes filled with tears, you looked up at the hero hopefully.

He took your hand in his, "Don't worry," he said gently, "I'm on it." He let go of your hand then sped off to check on the passengers.

You sat in the room, tears of worry and fear flowing down your cheeks. You were surprised when Kid Flash arrived back almost as soon as he'd left. You looked at him hopefully, and he gave you a reassuring smile.

"It's okay," he said, he sat on the bed and took your hand again, "They're all okay, there are a few broken bones, but other than that, they're fine." He said, he wiped your tears and gave you a hug, "Jinx didn't hit the bus hard enough to cause too much damage," he whispered into your ear." You gratefully returned his hug, forgetting that he was your super awesome super hero crush in the relief of the moment.

"Kid Flash?"

You looked up to see a nursestanding in the doorway. Kid Flash let you go, he smiled at you before turningto the nurse and saying, "That would be me Ma'am," he went on to explain theaccident and the fact that you needed medical attention. He turned to you andwinked; then he nodded to the nurse and sped away. You sat there speechless asthe nurse began to examine you. Then you sighed and relaxed a little. You'dnever thought you'd say this after being in a bus accident, but, "Best dayever."    

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