Chapter 18

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It was strange being back in your own home after so long. Of course, it was wonderful being back with your family, but sometimes you found yourself missing your friends from the Watchtower, mostly because they didn't know you for your clumsiness and constant bad luck and your family did. You tried to keep what Tim had told you in mind, not everything bad was your fault, but with all the accidents you caused around the house it was really hard to remember.

You couldn't tell your family most of what had happened, partly because you didn't see anything in the watchtower but the medical bay, and partly because when you did get to see the other parts of the watchtower, it involved boys, and if your mom found out that you and Kid Flash were together she would kill you, and it would not be done with mercy!

So, things were back to normal, you started school again after about a week, and you were dying to tell anyone who would listen about Kid Flash, but you couldn't because it was top secret! So, you had to do your best not to yell all of your feelings to the world, but it was really hard and really distracting. Not distracting as in from school, you'd always been the last minute studying type, but you were always totally spaced out when you were hanging out with your friends and they'd keep asking 'What are you smiling about?' and you'd panic and yell something stupid like, 'Cheeseburgers!' or 'Dogs!' and looking really stupid for smiling about those things.

Finally, after about two weeks of being home, a sudden breeze whooshed through your room as you sat watching Elena of Avalor. You looked across the room to check if the window was shut, and when you looked back, you felt something brush against your cheek. You gulped, someone was sitting next to you. Very slowly and carefully, you turned your head to check if it was Katya.

"Bart!" you yelled, both from the surprise of seeing him and the relief, "Bart it's you!" You tackled him in a crazy attempt at a hug, "You're here!" you yelled, to which he nodded, "In my room!"

"Yup," he responded.

"You're in my room," you gasped as the meaning of the words sank in and you realized your parents must have heard you by now. You rushed to the door and sure enough, you could hear the sound of your mother's footsteps as she walked up the stairs.

"Get under the bed," you half giggled half whispered, waving frantically as if it would hide him faster. There was knock at the door, and you opened it, trying desperately not to giggle, "Yes?"

"Is everything okay?" asked your mom, trying to push past you into the room, "I heard yelling.

"Oh, that was just me," you laughed ludicrously, "I dropped my book on my toe, and I was... yelling at it," you grabbed a book from your desk and held it up for your mom to see. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Aye aye aye," she sighed, she rolled her eyes and released the door, "What am I gonna do with you?" You closed the door behind her and listened as her steps receded down the stairs. Then you ran over to your bed and peeked under it.

"You can come out now," you said, Bart slid his face out and kissed you on the nose.

"Well that was a close one," he laughed.

"Sorry about that," you laughed as Bart wriggled out from under the bed, "My parents are super overprotective"

"It's fine," he sat down next to you, "They seem like nice people."

"They are, most of the time," you sighed, you loved your parents, but sometimes you couldn't stand them, "I mean, at least they try."

"My parents were awesome," he sighed, "I mean, they will be, because they're from the future..." he scratched his head and laughed, "It's kind of weird; I'm going to watch my dad grow up." At first you thought he was joking, but after looking into his eyes you could tell that he genuinely meant what he was saying. After all, he'd left everyone he loved behind when he'd come to save the world from a REACH apocalypse, he'd really sacrificed a lot, yet he kept the same happy-go-lucky attitude the whole time. You gazed into his eyes for what seemed like forever, just thinking about that and admiring him, then Bart seemed to notice. He blinked his eyes and suddenly the thoughtful look was gone from them.

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