Chapter 7

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Farmer Morgis sat with his wife Amy in their farmhouse sitting room. He was snoozing in his rocking chair while she knitted by the fire. He was dreaming about eating a home baked plum pie, when a sudden rap at the door startled him out of his sleep.

"Now who could be knocking at this hour?" he heard his wife say. "Morgis," she called to him. He mumbled sleepily, "Albert!" she called again.

"Yes dear," he muttered.

"Go and see who it is."

"Yes dear," he muttered sleepily. He made a big fuss about getting up from his chair, and mumbled curses under his breath the whole way to the door.

"Oh sweet honey iced tea!" yelled the farmer, causing his wife to jump in surprise.

"What is it Morgis?" she asked hobbling over to the door, "Sweet Cheese and Crackers!" she yelled upon reaching the door.

"Call the doctor Amy," said the farmer, gesturing for his wife to hurry.

"Phones are out dear," she said, beginning to panic. The farmer sighed; the phones had been out since the afternoon.

"I'll carry them inside, you get the first aid," he said. He and his wife hurried to get the young boy and girl into their house. They laid them in separate guest rooms, and then discussed what to do.

The boy was dressed as a surgeon from what the two could tell by his bloodied, torn clothes. It was a miracle that he was still alive; he was covered in bullet wounds everywhere, and blood flowed endlessly from every wound he had.

The girl was better off than the boy. She seemed to have a broken arm, but that had nearly healed.

"We can't wait till morning," said the farmer. His wife nodded her head.

"We'll call the sheriff," she said, taking her husband's arm and leading him out.

Kid Flash-

Kid Flash awoke to the sound of a door shutting. He took in his surroundings; a farmhouse. He'd made it, he'd escaped, he'd saved you. He sighed in relief, then groaned in pain. All the pain he'd felt running here came rushing back to him. He had to get this treated now.

"Kaldur?" he said into his com.

"Yes! Bart!" came the response. Bart smiled, his com was back online.

"Hi Kaldur," he said, "I um, think I'm gonna need to get picked up,"

"Kid Flash," said Kaldur, "Where are you? We've been trying to reach you for hours."

"Same here fish boy," mumbled Bart.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," he said, clearing his throat, "Now then, I'm um," he looked around him and sighed, "Well, I don't exactly know where, but, "I'm in a farm house near Kansas City, and um, there should be an ambulance showing up soon. Does that help?"

"It might," said Kaldur, "Let me see if Tim can get us linked to the police radios."

"Alright," said Bart, wincing with pain, "But hurry, Kid Flash out."

He made himself as comfortable as he possibly could in his current position; which was pretty much adjusting his left eyebrow to make his face more comfortable. He bit his lip to distract from the pain. He hoped that you weren't as bad as this. He was, getting used to getting hurt on the job, but you... He just hoped you were alright.

Your View-

"Bart, help!" you screamed as you sat up in bed. You looked around in consternation. You weren't in the operating room. You took in your surroundings, breathing heavily, unsure of what would come next. Suddenly the door swung open. You barely managed to suppress a scream as you turned to face whatever was coming.

An old woman stepped through the door. "Who are you and where am I?" you asked, eyeing her warily.

"It's alright dear," the old woman said, "Your safe now; the ambulance is on its way."

"Ambulance?" you repeated thoughtfully, what was she talking about? You felt fine, just a little sore, "Bart!" you yelled, "Where is Bart?"

"Your friend?" she asked, you nodded, "He's um..." She was holding something back from you.

"What's wrong?" you asked, she didn't answer. You leapt out of bed, "Where's Bart?" you yelled.

The woman looked at you with alarm. You sat back on the bed and buried your hands in your face. "I'm sorry," you whispered shakily. It wasn't her fault, it was yours. If Bart had died, getting you out of that place you would- you wouldn't be able to live with yourself. This was all your fault, if you'd never known him, if he'd never known you; maybe he would've been better off.

You looked up at the woman, "Is he..." you paused to hold back a sob, "Alive?" She nodded. "Oh thank God!" you whispered. He was still alive.

"Is it," you began shakily, "Is it bad?" The woman nodded again. The hope, you'd felt just a second ago was replaced, once again, with guilt. "Thank you," you whispered to the woman, as you turned around to hide the tears rolling down your cheeks.

As soon as you hard the door shut, you threw yourself on the bed, and cried, all the tears you'd been holding back, into your pillow.


Sorry that was so short! I'll try to do a longer one next time!

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