t h i r t y s e v e n

Start from the beginning

"Baby isn't that a comedy show?" He questions and I get mad.

"Yes, now don't fucking laugh at me." He raises his hand to show he surrenders. "You smell bad, go shower."

"Love you too baby." He says and walks away laughing. I roll my eyes and go back to organizing. I sit on the floor to organize all the pots and pans and I look down at my stomach.

Harry's POV

I walk downstairs after my shower and walk into the kitchen to see Rose sitting on the ground looking at her stomach, her hands on either side of the round belly and a pout on her lips.

"Mummy loves you, but you are making me so tired, nauseas, and moody." I say at the bump with my hands on the sides of it. "But I'm just happy you are safe." I smile at her word and lean against the counter, watching her interact with the bump. "Daddy is very protective over you," damn right I am. "I find it cute, I have a feeling you are gonna be a daddy's boy or girl." She smiles and continues to speak. "You are strong, you will do so much in your life little one, and I can't wait to see what you accomplish." She wipes under her eye and looks up. I quickly hide before walking in a little later, pretending I didn't see anything.

"Hi, babe." She smiles and I sit next to her. "Why are you organizing our kitchen?" I question and she shrugs. It's about ten in the morning and I want to surprise her with going shopping for the baby. "Hey you wanna go shopping for the little one today?" I question and her head snaps up and looks at me, a huge smile on her face.

"Really?!" She questions and I nod with my own smile adorning my face. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me passionately. I kiss back and she pushes me down straddling my lap, I pinch her bum making her mouth open and my tongue slides in. I moan into the kiss and she pulls back, making me whine. "Come on baby we got some shopping to do." The smile on her face and the look in her eyes showing nothing but excitement, I smile and stand up. I'm already dressed in a button up, striped shirt, black jeans, and brown Chelsea boots on. My cross necklace is seen from the buttons I have unbuttoned, my new rings Rose got me for Christmas on my fingers, and a tan fedora hat with a black stripe. Rose comes down in a blue velvety dress with flowers embroidered towards the end, and a light blue turtle neck with flares at the end. Her hair is in a cute messy bun, that I guarantee took her ten minutes to do, and small diamond earrings are in her ear, her second lobe with smaller ones and her helix with a gold ball. She has some small white pumps on her feet. She looks absolutely gorgeous, the dress shows her growing bump a little, but she doesn't seem to mind so I don't as well.

"You look beautiful." I say kissing her forehead. She smiles up at me and thanks me.

"I love your curly hair, you should keep growing your hair out." I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Really? You don't think I look bad?" She shakes her head.

"You are Harry Styles, you could never look bad." I chuckle and shake my head. I grab the keys to my Range Rover and we hop in and take off.


We have been shopping for four hours now. We have purchased the white crib, a matching dresser, a black car seat, a white rocking chair, some bottles, some diapers, some white onesies, and a thing to hear the babies heart beat at home.

Every time I would pick up something and put it in the cart Rose would give me a look. Currently I have a pack of baby blankets, that are really soft may I add, in my hand and I go to set them in the cart. Rose laughs and I shrug.

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