Chapter XIV: Trapped

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The sound of thunder fills Sal's ears as he enters the maze. Sweat trickles down his scarred face as he takes deep breaths. His temporary mask is nowhere in sight after losing it during their fight. Since then, he's always on the edge. He grips his knife tight, alert to any possible attacks and ready to fight back.

Ever since the killer attacked him, he felt different. Something inside him snapped and shifted him into this knife-wielding machine. He admits, their battles were tough, but he knew he had a fighting chance. Especially now, where everyone knows the psychopath is. The killer can no longer play the game as his pawns turn into strong individual pieces. Neil called the police, Ashley and Todd are resting in the clinic, and Larry is waiting for him here. As for [Name], he knows that she's somewhere safe.

The sound of a crying baby fills his ears. Someone is in the other room. He stalks the halls, sensing his surroundings. Stepping into the near room, sound of the crying baby repeats.

Sal notes his observation as he goes further into the nursery-themed room. Decorated with dolls of different kinds, decapitated toys, and a crib at the center, he shivers. Shrugging off the feeling, he scans the room. He knows someone is here.


A doll falls and shatters on the ground. His starts to heart beat faster at the intensity. He looks left and right to look for its cause. He snarls. "Come out and face me, you, sick fuck!"

A silhouette passes by him. The killer is swift, but not as swift as him. Something sparkles at the corner of his eyes. He attacks. Swinging his knife, the killer dodges. Knocking out dolls and toys, they glide through the room, exchanging blows. Adrenaline coursing through their veins as their fights leads them outside the room. They trigger various sounds as they dance through the maze with their knives.

In the end, they stand on a room filled with hanging corpses. They're far apart as they catch their breath. They both received equal number of cuts from their opponent causing them ti struggle. Whether they like it or not, the night will end with one of them dead.

Sal's breathing is unsteady compared to the killer's. His world starts to spin as his vision blurs. He feels light-headed and weak. To his misfortune, the killer notices this and takes advantage of it. He swings at him, but manages to dodge, even in a sloppy manner. His back hits a wall as his opponent looms over him. With confident smile, psychopath goes for the kill. He stabs through the hoodie, almost missing Sal's head as he slides out of the clothing.

The attack jots him awake. He curses. 'That was close. I can't die now. [Name] is waiting for me.'

The killer scowls as his knife gets stuck on the wall. He didn't bother pulling it out as he faces Sal. In a swift motion, his opponent's blade slices through the prosthetic's belt. He curses as the mask falls onto the cold hard floor, revealing the killer's face.

Sal stands back as his gazes at the person in front of him. He has wavy, black hair that falls by his ear. Menacing hazel brown eyes staring back at him. His tan skin decorated with a long scar across his face, like what he gave to him. It's him, their killer.

The killer curses as he scurries out the room. For the first time, he's seen, and he didn't like it one bit. Now, he must lock them in. No one can leave this maze with the knowledge of his face. It's evidence.

Sal stares as he processes everything. He didn't know why he didn't run after him. He stands frozen still as the revelation caught him off-guard. Sighing, he decides to look around the maze. Larry is still waiting for him, there. He lurks into the halls, as he looks. He's still alert, knowing that the killer would be back. Someone with a mind like him won't back down. Especially now, wherein Sal saw his face.

The atmosphere is thick with tension as the floorboards creak. Larry and [Name] decides to hide by the cabinet, in one of the rooms. They know that the killer is lurking around, looking for them. The reckless sounds they heard earlier, scared them. The killer must be having a fit.

"Do you think Sal will find us on time?" Larry whispers.

"I don't think so. I know so," She replies. "Text him. Tell him we're hiding here."

"No!" He shushes. "The killer may have his phone."

"...then let's hope for the best." She closes her eyes in fear. The strong, confident facade is now breaking down. For the whole night, she has been dancing with death, and she didn't realize it until now. It's the end of the line for her.

Tears flow down her cheeks as she muffles her cries. All the emotions she bottled is now pouring out. Her fear in getting chased, the worry she holds for her friends, and the guilt for everything. She breaks down.

"This is all my fault," She whimpers. "If I didn't ask you guys to go here, none of this will happen."

Larry pulls her into a hug as she sobs. "It's not your fault, [Name] Face. No one knew this will happen."

He pats her head. "Fate decided to play a sick game on us, but we'll survive, alright?"

"Yeah," She chuckles. "We're a tough bunch."

"Yeah, we certainly are."

He pulls her close as silence fills the air. He knows there will be a small chance for them to survive but he can't tell her that. This could be their last moment and he doesn't want to soil it by ruining their friendship. He sighs. 'Sal, you better save us.'

As his eyes closes, he waits. He hears a click then follows by the sound of power shutting down. They're trapped.

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