Chapter V: Voices

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Silence fills the air as the group lets [Name]'s words into their heads. Panic fills her thoughts as they stand still, figuring out which emotion should they give. Gazing at her friends, she notes their body languages.

     Her eyes land on Todd and she notices his eyebrows creasing. He's in deep thought. Neil seem unfazed yet worries about his lover's reaction to her confession. Ashley shows frustration as she bites her lip and glares on the ground. Meanwhile, Larry interlaces his hand with his lover, guilty for hiding the information. Sal, frozen in his spot, doesn't know what to do or what so say. His thoughts are running wild as his mind processes the woman's words. Anger, anxiety, and betrayal fills inside him. It mocks his frozen state and it provokes him to take action.

     'They betrayed you,' a voice whispers.

    'They deserve your anguish,' Taunts another.

    'Hurt them!' One screams, making Sal tighten his hand into a ball. His teeth clenches as his vision darkens.

     Without thinking at all, Sal grabs [Name] by her arm before dragging her away. No words escape her lips as he does so, afraid of what he might say or do. Instead, she listens to their friend's cry of protest vanishing as they go far. Stopping on his tracks, he lets go of her arm and faces her. His blue eyes pierces through her own as a sense of desperation flashes before her.

     "Tell me everything," He demands. His voice is firm with determination.

     "I..." She trails off, thinking of an excuse. Knowing Sal, he'd react the same way as he did earlier.

     "You, what?" He frowns under his mask.


     "You, what, [Name]? Say it!"

     His outburst makes the girl flinch. Tears starts to form in her eyes as she looks down on the ground. Her vulnerable state makes the male agitated.

     "Tell me!" He shouts, grabbing her shoulders in a forceful manner. This causes the girl to whimper, causing him to tense up.

    'She's scared of you.' A voice taunts.

    "No..." Sal mumbles, realizing his mistake. His eyes gazes down at the trembling girl. The same fear she portrayed before is evident on her features and it makes him soft with regret. His hands making their way to her face. She flinches with his touch as he caresses her cheeks in a gentle manner. "Hey."

     The woman looks up to meet his eyes as it shines with worry. She hesitates to whether tell him or not as she knows how he would react.

    "I don't know," She mumbles. "I don't want you to react like this again."

    "Like what?" He asks.

    'Like a monster,' A voice nags from the back of Sal's mind.

    "You're being overprotective of me, Sal." [Name] sighs, taking a bit of courage. "I don't mind that, though. It's just... I want to enjoy the night with you guys and if you become wary like this, I fear that you'll cancel the night for all us."

     "I mean..." She trails off, removing Sal's hands on her cheeks. "This is the first time we ever go to see each other. After everything that had happen between us, I'm still scared that you'll cut me off all over again."

     Sal stands frozen as he registers her words. His chest aches as he process it all. He looks down on the ground as voice hisses onto his ear.

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