Chapter XIII: Hell

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Everything is a blur as [Name]'s eyes flutter open. Her mind is still hazy from the event earlier on. She tries to reminisce but fails as her head aches. As she attempts to massage her temple, her gaze lands on the toy in her arms. Decorated in the palest pink, sits a fuzzy teddy bear.

"What the...?" She picks it up and examines it. As realization dawns over her, she gasps and throws away the toy in disgust. "That bastard!"

Scurrying out the bathroom, she looks around. Her eyes scanning the environment, hoping to see any sign to where her friends might be. No one knows how long she has been out and what could've happened in that amount of time. She panics.

"No. No. No," She rumbles as tears form from the corner of her eyes. Her lips tremble in worry as she might never see her friends again. Regret fills inside her as what if runs around her mind. "They can't be dead. No... please..."

Soon enough, she breaks down into tears. She receives glimpses and hush judgement as people pass by her. Their words mean nothing to her aching heart. She falls on the floor. Her tears flowing like a never-ending waterfall fill with sorrow. She wails. Her cries catch Larry's attention. A brim of hope fills in as he sees her alive. He rushes towards her and calls her out. "[Name]!"

The girl head snaps toward his direction. A wave of happiness filling inside her. "Larry?"

Their reunion is sweet and simple. His arms wrap around her and twirls her with delight. Laughs escapes from their lips as they feel relief. They're safe. The crowd claps at their scene. To them, it's a well-crafted act. Their reactions cause the pair to part from their embrace. Laughing to ease the awkwardness. Larry holds her arm as he smiles. "Let's go meet Sal."

Nodding, the two runs off. Into Hell they go, where the killer awaits.

During his battle with Sal, he struggled. His opponent is swift with his weapon, as if he's used to it. He wields it with such finesse that his attacks look almost theatrical. He was losing to him and he could've been dead. To his luck, one of the victims awoken and distracted his blue-haired opponent. Her cries caught him off-guard and the killer preyed one of it. He managed to weaken him by making deep cuts before running of to his target.

The killer scowls as he holds onto the stuffed toy. The image of her in the bathroom stall makes him smile. Her unconscious state gives him a calm and soothing feeling, as if he doesn't want to harm any more. Although the thought bothers him, he convinces himself that she is no longer a victim to torture. No. To him, she is now his Queen. A woman of power and confidence wins his heart.

In his years of killing, he has seen it all; victims that begs for their freedom, and feisty ones that fights back. None of them catches his eye, and none of them are still alive. That's why he finds himself curious after seeing [Name]. When his eyes landed on her group, he never thought that they will be his next targets. The emptiness in the girl's eyes attracts him, in ways that he even labels it as seduction. The way she faces him to protect her friends, is bold, and it excites him. In his eyes, she continues to give him reasons to stalk her. One of it is what he loves the most about her-the purity of her personality. He knows that no matter how hard he tortures her, it will be non-bearing. She will take every cut, every blow, or even every inch of pain, for her friends. She's selfless.

"She's perfect," He smiles. Placing down the toy, he stalks the halls of Hell. This maze holds so many memories for the masked man. This is where it all started, and for every victim, this is where it all ends.

Footsteps echoes in its halls, alongside with the sounds of thunder. The maze is perfect for hunting. Every door frame will trigger a certain sound to show where his victims are. Every section of the maze holds a unique tune. At the entrance, a deep voice will welcome them, along with the sound of thunder. [Name] is here.

"Did Sal say where we'd meet him?" Her voice sounds like music to his ears.

"No, but it's better if we stay put," Larry replies. The killer snarls at the sound of the brunet's voice. He never liked him. He keeps on meddling with his plans. He needs to go.

Quick on his feet, he runs to the brunet. The girl is fast enough to see him as she grabs her friend and running off. The masked man holds a smile as he sees her leave. He knows that she'll sense him, and he didn't mind at all. If anything, he finds it amusing.

"Shit," Larry curses as they outrun the killer. "He's here."

"I'll keep him out," [Name] replies. Her head moves left and right as she waits for him to come out.

"No! He'll kill you." He protests. "I'll protect you."

"That's sweet, Larry Face, but we don't have any time for this."

Sounds of drills fill their ears. The killer is near.

"Look," The brunet hold a tight grip on her shoulder. "I've been a coward. I couldn't protect any of us. I watched him take you away, mimic Sal, and even as he attacks Ashley and Todd. I failed you all."

Without any warning, [Name] pulls him into an embrace. Tonight, is hellish for them. Their innocent get-together is now filled with blood and misery. It would be a miracle if they survive this. Tears pour down to Larry's cheeks as he hugs back. He mumbles comforting words for the two of them as they wait...

...Either for Sal or the killer. Whoever arrives first.

Hell | Sal Fisher x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz