Chapter VI: Message

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Ashley is the one who first notice [Name]'s approaching figure. "Hey, isn't that—"

     "Ashley!" The woman in question cries before lunging towards her best friend. She pulls her into a tight hug as tears flow down her cheeks. Her muffle sobs fill the air. No words escape from her friends' lips as they glance at each other, wondering what to say. Instead, Ashley pats her back and lulls her with comforting words.

     "What happened?" The brunette asks as she cups the sobbing girl's face. [Name] wipes her tears before letting out a shaky breath.

     "I want to go home, Ash. Sal, hates me." She whimpers.

     Her croaking voice makes Larry's chest ache with guilt. He knows that it's his fault why things turned out this way. If only he told Sal about it sooner, they would avoid this kind of anguish between them.

     When the pair ran off earlier, the brunet spilled everything. His guilt slips past through his lips and confesses every detail to them. His words cause mix feelings and reactions to their group, making things worse. Todd is worrying over [Name] and her state. Neil is sympathetic to Larry as he hangs his head low. Ashley ends up shouting at her lover, knowing well how he ruined things for the broken pair.

    "[Name]..." Todd pipes in and takes a step forward. He pats her back before giving her a hug. The sobbing woman chuckles and hugs him back.

     "Hey, let me have some," Neil says as he wraps his arms around them.

     As the group hugs, Larry gazes at them, afraid to speak up or ruin their moment. [Name]'s sobbing face is now flashing a bright expression. A smile spread across her lips as her eyes meet Larry's. Lifting her hand, she offers him a hug. Warmth fills the brunet's chest as he entraps the girl into a hug. He buries his face on the crook of her neck as he whimpers, "I'm sorry."

     "It's alright, Larry Face," She assures, patting his back. "The past got in the way and now, Sal doesn't want anything to do with me."

     "I could've done something to prevent it!" Larry exclaims as he unclasps from their hug. His hands shaking as it lays on her shoulders. "I shouldn't have—"

     "Larry, stop." Ashley pipes in, placing a hand on his back. The brunet glances at his lover. Ashley smiles at him. "The past is over and everything that happened is now forgiven, alright? There's no point in dwelling in the past."

     "I agree. If you wish to undo something in the past, the present will be very much different than now." Todd says. "Today is perfect as it is. We're all still friends and we'll make every moment of worth it."

     "Preach that," Larry chuckles.

     He ruffles [Name]'s hair before pulling Ashley into a hug and kissing her forehead. He mumbles an "I love you" to her to make amends. [Name] smiles at the sight as she hides the tinge of pain in her chest. She remembers Sal and their argument. In instinct, her fingers touch her lips and the feeling of his lips on hers lingers.

     "Hey." Todd nudges her side. This causes the woman to snap out of her thoughts. "Enjoy the night, alright? We all know that Sal will come to his senses soon."

     "Speaking of Sal, I'll text him to meet us in the next ride?" Neil asks.

     "Yeah, he might think we're picking [Name]'s side if we don't," Ashley says. "Obviously, I'm on her side, but he doesn't need to know that."

As the group erupts into laughter, they head down to their next agenda. Neil texts Sal, making the phone on his pocket 'ting'. The sound catches the attention of the killer. His eyes gaze down at the unconscious male laying on the ground. He picks him up and he carries Sal to the nearest restroom before placing him down in a cubicle. 

     Blood seeps through his black sweater as he received a couple of stabs on the back earlier. The cut made him knocked off his senses to the killer's dismay. He wanted to torture him more.

     "I'll be taking this," The killer chuckles, taking out Sal's phone out of his pocket. "And this."

     Reaching behind his victim's head, he unbuckles the prosthetic and removes it. Sal's scarred face is now bare for the killer to see. Lifting his knife, the masked killer traces a scar with its tip. He cuts down a fresh wound across Sal's face and his blood pours down his chin. Satisfied, the killer removes his own mask before replacing it with the prosthetic.

     'A perfect fit,' He thought before going towards his new target's destination. Holding onto the phone, he reads Neil's message: "[Name]'s here with us. We're heading to the Deadlands, like we planned. We all hope to see you there."

     "Everything is according to plan," The masked man muses.

     As his skims through the phone, he types a reply: "I'll be there. Can you send her number? I want to talk to her about what happened."

     A few minutes pass and the phone let out a 'ting!'. A smile appears in his face as he receives the woman's number. Typing down, he sends her a message.

     A small notification sound muffles inside [Name]'s purse as they enter the ride. Pulling out her phone, she sees a message from an unknown number. It says: "I'm heading there. Can't wait to see you."

     She tilts her head, confused. She doesn't know this number, yet a nagging voice is hinting otherwise. Tapping on Neil's shoulder, she shows the number. "Do you know who this is?"

     "It's Sal," Neil answers with a toothy grin. "He asked for your number and I thought maybe you two would make amends if I did."

     "Well, I guess you're right," She replies, giving a soft smile. Looking down on her phone, her heart skips a beat. The thought of Sal wanting to make amends warms her heart. Then again, an unsettling feeling bubble inside her. Doubts filling her mind as she questions the text's liability.

    'Is it really him?' She questions herself. Little did she know, she will soon receive the answer as the masked killer comes near.

     Tucking away her phone, their group enters the ride. Sitting in the roller coaster in pairs, [Name] rides behind Ashley and Larry, alone. As the rides starts, the masked killer enters. Wearing his victim's mask, he smirks. His plan is going too well.

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