Chapter IX: Mark

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Sal didn't hesitate to kiss [Name] once more. The same fiery passion radiates from them as their lips move in sync. Their arms surrounds each other in a secure manner while they melt into the kiss. His tongue caresses her lips, asking for permission. She parts hers in response. He strokes and teases her as he slips his tongue inside. She lets out a moan as he continues to roam the wet cavern causing him to smile at her response.

     "Adorable," He chuckles.

     [Name]'s face flush bright red as he leans down on her neck. Sal plants butterfly kisses on her sensitive skin. As he do so, he receives another moan from her. Smirking, he kisses the spot she seems to enjoy.

     "S-Sal!" She tries to push him but he only pulls her tighter. Her reaction arouses him. "S-Stop!"

     "Stop?" He ask. Lifting his head away from her neck. His hands tracing circular motions on her back.

     "I-It's just..." She bites her lower lip, trying to explain. She didn't know why she stopped him. The odd sensation surprises her but she didn't dislike it at all.

     "It's alright if you don't want to," He smiles, kissing her nose. "Just tell me."

     "I actually don't mind," She mumbles. Her voice loud enough for him to hear. Sal smiles.

     "I love you," He coos, leaning in. A giggle escapes [Name]'s lips as she melts into their intimate kiss. 

Their moment starts to go deeper. Harsher. Lower. Sal's lips trails down her neck causing [Name] to be moaning mess. The way his lips caress her sensitive skin drives her mad. Its teasing nature makes her weak yet she didn't want it to stop. If anything, she wants more. More of his affections, his touches, and his craving. She wants it all.

     "Sal..." She mumbles as her arm snakes around his shoulders. Her fingers comb through his soft, blue locks.

     "Yes, love?" He hums. His lips continues to graze over the sensitive spot on her neck. Before she can respond, he finds her sweet spot as she lets out a moan. His hands claw her black dress as he nibble it with such craving. Licking. Kissing. Sucking it until her skin turn purple. Satisfied, he smirks.

     "Purple looks good in black," He muses. Pulling her close, he showers her with kisses.

     [Name] giggles. "Thank Todd for the outfit."

     "Oh I will." He presses his forehead against hers, cooing at his lover. 

    As their intimate moment ends in each other arms, the woman's phone chimes. She curses under her breath as she pulls out her phone. Her hands shake in fear as she reads the notifications. Tons of missed calls and text messages from Sal's phone. The killer is contacting her.

    "Fuck..." [Name] grumbles as she reads one of the killer's text. It says: Meet us at the next maze or your friend Neil gets what he deserves. Death.

    "What's wrong, love?" Sal asks as her body tenses at the impending danger.

    "Sal, I have to go." She urges. "He's after Neil."

     Before he can react, she rushes off, in fear that their friend might die tonight. Leaving him behind, Sal puts back the mask and lifts his hoodie over his head. His intimate scene with his lover is cut short. For now, he needs to focus on his plan. He needs to save them all.

     Upon the killer's request, [Name] arrives at the maze. There, her group awaits, complete and uninjured.

     "Where have you been?" Ashley rushes towards her. The brunette cups her cheeks and analyzes the girl. Her expression relaxes as she sees no injury. "We thought the masked psychopath had you! We were so scared, [Name]."

     "It was just an employee," She smiles before gazing at the killer. "He isn't the one we're looking for."

     The killer didn't respond to her hinting statement. Instead, his eyes land on her neck. The purple mark on her delicate skin shimmers under the moonlight. She has been marked. His innocent victim is not innocent anymore. Her beauty is now tainted with someone else's doing.

     The thought makes him scowl. 'That bastard marked her. No one must mark her but me. He'll pay for this...and so will she. '

      Approaching the girl, the killer grabs her arm with such force. It shocks her friends but before they could react, he pulls her away. He drags her into one of the routes in the maze. He shoves her inside without any hesitation. He pushes her against the wall, trapping her as he place both his arms on the side of her head.

    'Fuck!' He wanted to scream at her. Tell her that she belongs to him and no man can touch her. Instead, he grabs hold of her [Hair Color] locks and pulls her to a chair. Tying her up, he pulls out his knife.

     The urge to make her scream in torturous ways taunts him but the sight of her causes him to stop. [Name] isn't reacting the same way anymore. Fear no longer holds a place on her orbs. Her lips doesn't quiver or tremble at the sight of him. No scream escapes her lips as he steps forward.

     In front of him is a different kind of [Name]. Someone who is bold, brave, and stunningly beautiful. Her disheveled hair looks perfect on her fierce face. The mark on her neck only proves that she can look good even with something so hideous. The killer stands frozen in awe. He have never seen someone so broken yet so complete. 

     He smirks. 'Things will be so much fun'.

As the masked man leaves, she hears Ashley's voice from afar. "I swear, Larry, if Sal hurts her--"

     "He won't," Larry defends. "Sal wouldn't do such thing."

     "But that doesn't mean that masked bastard is Sal," He adds.

     "Let's not theorize for now. We need to find her before something bad happens." Todd remarks. "This maze has a lot of paths. It will be faster if we split up. Neil and I will take the path on the right, you and Larry take the left."

    Footsteps follow suit after their conversation. Light foot taps becomes louder as the tied up woman hears her ginger friend's voice.

     "I'm telling you, babe, she's--"

     "I'm over here!" She screams.

    "[Name]!" Todd rushes inside the room and scurries over to her. As he proceeds to unties her, he looks over to his shoulder to call for Neil. "Babe, she's over here!"

     Instead of a response, the two hears a scream. Intense footsteps follow suit making them panic. The psychopath is after Neil. He's going to kill him and they can't do anything. They're frozen in fear, hoping the best for Neil.

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