t h i r t y f i v e

Start from the beginning

"How's the baby?" He questions and I gasp,instinctively putting my hand on my stomach.

"How'd you know?" I say pouting make him and Harry chuckle.

"Baby he was at the hospital when we got the first ultrasound." I think back and remember his being there for a split second and freaking out when the nurse came with the sonogram machine.

"Ohhhhh,yeah I remember. Pregnancy brain." I say pointing to my head,the laugh and I turn on the side and wrap the shirt tight against me so you can see the bump. "How do I look?" I question and Harry looks at Louis quickly.

"Don't answer that Tomlinson." Louis chuckles and rolls his eyes. "But you look absolutely lovely baby." I smile and thank him before untucking my blouse and lifting it. "I feel fat." I pout and now it's Harry turn to roll his eyes. He stands and walks towards me,grabbing my hips.

"No you don't baby,I promise." He kisses my lips before leaning down and kissing my bump. "Baby look what you have done to your mother,you made her sad." I laugh and put my hand in his hair. He kisses my bump once more before standing up. His tall stature making me feel small.

"You guys make me feel really single." Louis says sadly from behind Harry. Harry turns around and we laugh.

"You'll find someone one day Louis." I say reassuringly. He just rolls his eyes and mumbles a doubt it.

"Alright I'll leave you two lovers alone. Goodbye Harold,goodbye Rose." He waves and we wave back,he opens the door and leaves. I turn to Harry and fix my shirt.

"Ready?" I question,and he smiles before nodding.


Harry's POV

Currently I am driving with Rose in her car to the doctors office. Getting out of the office was a bit of a struggle because of the paparazzi that have been hanging around recently,trying to get a picture of me and Rose. We got to her car though,my valet pulling it up for us. But we are almost there and when we stop at a red light I glance at Rose. She is probably the most beautiful pregnant women I have seen,let alone women in general. They say when your pregnant you break out or your skin turns bad,but not Rose,her skin has the pregnancy glow and her body is showing it wonderfully. I smile at the beautiful girl,rubbing her knuckles with the hand I have in my lap. I bring her hand up to my lips and kiss it,she looks over from the windows and smiles at me.

"I love you." I say and she smiles wider.

"I love you too." I smile big,and look at the light as it turns. I press the gas and we listen to the radio in a comfortable silence. She looks at me a few minutes later,making me glance at her.

"I told Danny today." She says hesitantly. I nod and humm.

"How did he react?" I ask and she shrugs.

"Happy I guess,confused,and a little shocked." I nod my head and she clears her throat before speaking again. "You aren't mad I told him are you?" She questions and I look at her confused as to why she'd say that.

"No,why would I be?" I question and she shrugs.

"Dunno,just thought you would be." I shake my head and soon we reach the doctors office. I help her out before we walk through the sliding doors. We walk up to the front desk and Rose tells the lady her name. The lady behind the desk gives her some paperwork to fill out,a clipboard,and a pen. Rose thanks her before we walk over to seats in the corner. She starts to fill out the forms and I look around. There are posters everywhere,the wall are white and the carpet is dark red,the chairs are wood and leather. There are a few pregnant women in here,some have huge bellies and others have little ones,next to a couple of them are the significant others. They all look nervous except one who is bouncing a toddler on his left leg and singing him a soft tune. To my left a baby starts to cry and a blonde haired women takes the little boy out of the car seat,she puts him on her shoulder and starts to rock back and forth,shushing him,the baby only cries louder I flinch and look away. This is gonna be me and Rose in seven months,handling a crying baby a the time. I run my fingers through my growing hair and flip it back. I unbutton the button on my suit jacket and lean back. I glance at what Rose is filling out a couple times before pulling out my phones. I'm in the middle of texting Zayn back when Roses name is called.

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