chapter 9

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I open the door and look at ross and my stomach dropped

"Hello red may I come in?" I move out of his way and let him in shutting it behind him

"Can we talk?" He sits on the couch

"Yeah just give me a second." I quickly walk to Amy's room

"Amy he's here" I whisper yell her eyes her widen the happiness on her face vanished and now she's scared it looks like she seen a ghost.

"What does he want?" she said as she goes into her suit case and gets her PJs on she's shakily going through her clothes

"He said he wanted to talk but I came in here to tell you that he's here but I'll go and find out" she stops me by grabbing my hand

"Please don't tell him what happened between us" I crossed my heart and kissed her forehead and walked out and shut the door

"Was she sleeping?" He looked at me brokenhearted.

"She just got over having a fever I was just checking on her, anyways do you want anything to drink?" He shakes his head no

"What happened between you and Amy at the office?, I should've asked months ago I just couldn't." I look at him

"It was a misunderstanding me and Amy have known each other for years and we're just friends" I quickly get up and walk to the kitchen to get two bottles of water as I bend down to get the bottles I ask my self why am I so nervous?

"You promise me nothing happened between you two, I normally would don't do this but I'm just worried" I started thinking should I tell him..

"Well" I started to say when Amy's cuts me off she peaks her head out of the door way

"When me and red first became friends we did have a relationship but but our friendship was stronger so when we broke up we just stayed best friends" Ross quickly gets up to head over to her and she stops him

" I don't want to get you sick." She says shakling putting her arm out

"I don't care I just want a hug because I miss you.." she sighs

She walks out of her room and he  basically runs in to her arms he starts crying she's looking at me sadly
As he hugs her he see the hickey on her neck
"Hey amy what's this?" Her eyes widen and she's looks so scared

"Amy are you okay your Shaking" I say pulling Ross off her

"I don't feel good" she runs into the guest bathroom and throws up into the toilet

"Ross I think it's time for you to go man, we don't want you to get sick" he gives me a bro hug

"Please keep me updated on amy" he says as he walks out I shut and lock the door and run to her.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" I said as I pull her hair back

"I just got so scared.." she's still shaking so I run and grab her a blanket and fix her hair and start rubbing circles on her back

"Why love?"

"I thought I was gonna brake his heart"

"What do you mean Amy?"

"I don't know how I feel anymore.." she said siting on the side of the toilet

"I'm sorry if I confused you" I said as she looks at me and reaches for my hand

"You didn't do anything wrong I did this to my self, I have to talk to him im going to visit Ross tomorrow "

"Do you want me to come with?" She smiles

"I would love for you to but, Ross already thinks there something going on between us" she said shakily getting up I rush up and help her to her room

"I'll be back don't worry I like it here it gives me time to think" she smiles and she makes her way in bed I kiss her forehead

"Get some rest love." And like that she fell asleep

The next morning Amy's pov.

I wake up feeling like a mess I'm scared I didn't tell them I'm swinging by.

"Hey red I'm leaving now" he walks over and gives me a hug

"Please let me know when you get there." I smile I start to walk out but then I turn around stand on my tippy toes and give red a kiss

"What was that for?" He looked at me confused

"Thank you" I said walking out

The car ride there was nerve-wracking i made sure the mark on my neck was covered other than that a part of me is happy I get to see everyone

As I pull in my heart falls out of my chest when I see everyone playing with maxs new dog they stop and watch me get out of the car and max basically runs to me and picks me up and spins me around

"Oh my God I missed you so much Amy" I squeeze tighter

"You don't understand how much I missed you.. mad Max" he pulls out of the hug and give me a Stern look

"Your lucky I missed you or I'd be chasing you around" I laugh at his response

"I'm sorry Amy I'm hogging you to myself there's other people who want to see you " I look past him and my heart drops

"Hello Amy you look alot better than you did last night I'm glad I missed you dork" When Ross said that I ran into his arms

"I think I miss you a little more wenniebutt" he smiled and started crying

"Alright stop with the sad stuff let's have some fun while she's still here " Tim said recording

And then on we had so much fun forgot why I came here but the whole time I was with Ross I couldn't stop thinking about Michael I never felt like this before are we friends or are we more...

I was walking around the house when I stopped by Ross's room I heard someone crying and I knocked on the door

"Hey are you okay?" I heard a bunch of shuffling around he opens the door  his eyes are red and puffy

"Come in please, we need to talk.." my heart dropped and I walked in and shut the door behind me.

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