chapter 3

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Ross's pov

As Amy called and told me what happened at work she told me she's going to be coming earlier as sky wanted to record something with stepping on legos after lunch and I was gonna be with Amy during lunch and afterwards to, and I asked if someone could took my place and max said he would do it. Man that's true friendship stepping on Legos for your friend I texted amy the adress and she said she had to get ready (the picture of debby is what amy is wearing to her meet up with ross) I told Adam that I'm'm going to lunch a bit early today and he said hurry up and I walked outside to wait for Amy.

Amys pov

As I touch up my make up and everything, I was ready to head out the door my mom calls but I have no time to answer it, i will call her later and see was she wants,I put on my leather jacket grabing my keys and my phone and locking the door behind me walking to the direction ross walked yesterday and I see an office building I see someone standing in front of the building I hope that's ross and it is, ross looks up and smiles widely he puts his phone in his pocket then walks towards me he pulls me into a hug I hug him back

"I'm so glad to see you again amy, come on let's start walking to the taco truck" he said pulling out the hug and walking to the taco truck then Halfway to the truck

"holy crap it's cold outside." I say rubbing my hands together, then ross reaches behind my head and puts his arm around me and pulls me close.

"Your cold amy, and I'm here to help it's just till we get to the taco truck okay?" He said raising an eyebrow

"O-okay." I say blushing really bad. As we show up to the taco truck he swings his arm into his pocket to grab his wallet and then ross orders for both of us, I got the same thing as him because it's my first time here I was just to shy to order but I feel like this won't be my last time here.

As we show up to the offices I feel a bit nervous and I think ross knew because he put his arm around my shoulders and mouths "it's okay."

He holds the door open for me I say thank you, Ross guides me to where we are eating as me and ross sit down and eat I hear people screaming and laughing me and ross get up and I see Max doing a handstand on legos then sky and barney tried to put him down in the legos and that made me laugh a bit and everyone looks at me and stares. Then max sees ross and tells him

"Is this why you skipped walking on legos" max said laughing looking sitting at his bleeding hand on the ground

"Yes max, come on amy let's go finish eating." Ross said grabbing my arm before max could say anything else as me and ross sit down after 5 minutes of ross making jokes and me almost choking on food because ross kept making me laugh, the five guys come in and sit down with us

"Hello I'm Adam that's Jin and that's Barney and the guy you saw handstanding on legos is max" he said and everyone chuckles

I laugh a bit " I know who you guys are I watch all of your guys videos after work you guys are my favorite youtubers ever." I said smiling and Adam just says oh yeah really that's sweet

"I'm Amy Irwin I ran into ross and here I am" I said earning a laugh from everyone I've been having a fun time with everyone I really didn't want to leave at all but then my phone rings it's my mom again

"Excuse me guys I have to answer this" they all say okay then went on with there conversations and I walk into the hallway

"Hello?" I say

"Hi sweetie I called to tell you something really devastating and I feel like you need to know." She said it's sounds like she's been crying

"Yes mom what is it"

"I dont know how to put it but here it goes, honey your father died a few hours ago and I felt like you needed to know so I called you to tell you the funeral is in a few days and I was hoping you could fly down and attend his funeral." I leaned against a wall and slid down I started bawling my eyes out

"Is-is th-at w-why you called me eailer." I said trying to get my words out

"Yes sweetheart I tried to call you earlier so you could talk to him before he went to sleep.. and never woke up" She said crying more I'm crying harder now I get up and walk outside sitting on the stairs outside crying even harder than I already was

"Mo-m I'm so sorr-y I didn't answer ea-iler I w-as just in a ru-sh and and I did-n't think it was some-thing th-at big."

"It's okay honey I know you have work and everything you father told me to tell you that he loves you and that he will miss you." Then I hear the door open behind me and I see ross I don't look up I still look down.

"Alright mom I'll be in Michigan tomorrow I'll see you then I love you." I said crying

"Okay sweetheart I'll pick you up from the airport and I love you too." She said hanging up and this when I hugged ross crying in his arms he hugs me even tighter

"Amy what's wrong" I ignore him crying even harder I finally answer him after 5 minutes

"M-my d-ad d-ied." I said

"Oh amy I'm so sorry." Ross said standing both of as up and hugs me

"I need to go home and pack I don't want to go by self ross can you come with me to Michigan." I said

"I would love to amy come on let's go to your house and get ready to leave." He said as we went to my house and packed clothes everything then went to ross's house and packed his stuff then fell asleep in his bed together.

Thank you everyone for reading

* not edited *

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