Chapter 4

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I'm back! :P I hope you guys enjoy reading sorry it's been so long

Ross's pov

We got about two hours till our plane takes off so I slowly get up from my bed not trying to wake Amy, I check my suit case making sure everything is in there I shut it and walk into the bathroom to take a shower.

Amy's pov

I feel the bed move witch wakes me up I didn't get much sleep last night at all I just couldn't at all I have a lot on things on my mind, first I called my boss and her tell her every thing that happened she's letting me have the week off.

"Hey Amy." Ross called

"Yeah?" I said stretching

"I forgot my towel on my bed can you grab it and give it to me please."

"Yeah sure hold on." I said grabbing the towel and walking to the bathroom door

"here Ross." I said opening the door holding his towel till I feel Ross grab the Towel from my hand

"Thank you Amy"

"No problem but if you mind could you hurry up I would like to get my shower in." Ross laughs a bit "alright hold on."
I walk to my suit case grabbing my bathroom stuff that I put in a bag I grab some sweats and my Supernatural shirt and my other stuff I hear the bathroom door open and I turn around to see a shirtless Ross with only towel around him

"ROSS PUT CLOTHES ON!" I yell grabing my stuff and running into the bathroom slamming the door and locking it then I start laughing

"Amy I know you like what you see" he said and you can clearly hear the cheekyness in his voice

-ride to the airport-

"Ross I just wanna say thank you again for coming with me even though we just meet I feel like I can tell you everything I feel like I can trust you." I said looking down at my fingers

"I know right, Amy I feel the same way and it's no problem I didn't want you going though this alone." he said putting his hand on my hand inertwing our fingers, I look up blushing and we just stare at each other it felt like it was just me and ross and we leaned in the Uber said

"Were here!" I thank him and get myself together before I grab our stuff and I go to his window and he rolls down his window I give him a extra tip then he says

"Why thank you, one more thing you keep that boy I can tell by the way he looks at you that he really loves you." I blush and tell him okay and thank you once more ross gets out and grabs his stuff making sure we have everything before we wave off the Uber, I grab my phone and I text my mom telling her we are on our way

-skip to when they get on the plane-

"ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking we like to welcome you onboard this Delta flight to flint Michigan flight duration is around 4 hours and we are expecting a fairly smooth flight today. Once again we thank you for choosing to fly with us today and we hope you enjoy your flight."

"God I'm so nervous." I said in my plane seat next to ross

"It's okay I am to but we will get threw this together." Ross said sending me a thumbs up I just look and him and just send him a half laugh, i move the arm rest thats in the middle of us i cuddle up against ross and lay my head on his shoulder and pull my blanket up and doze off

Ross's pov

Amy looks so peaceful, I wonder what the Uber said to her she blushed pretty bad I mean I'm not complaining she's so beautiful,
I need to text Adam and tell him what's going on.

To Adam

-hey Adam I'm just letting you know that I'm on the plane it just took off not even in hour ago you know that girl Amy, I'm going to flint Michigan Amys dad passed and she didn't want to be alone so I'm going with her I'll probably be back at the end of the week.

From Adam

~Alright Ross I'll see you then tell her everyone at the office said   sorry for her loss, I hope I see a lot more of amy at the offices wink wonk

I chuckled at his text and I look at amy and smile pushing the strand of hair behind her ear and I close my eyes and doze off.

Amy's pov

"Excuse me miss, the plane is about to land" I thank her and wake up ross by hitting his lightly on his chest

"Hey ross get up were about to land." he flinches and groans and rubs his eyes

"Flight attendants, prepare for landing, "Thank you for flying Delta, welcome to Flint Michigan where the current time is 3:30 pm and the temperature is a comfortable 72 degrees"

The plane lands

"See amy that wasn't so bad" Ross said smirking

"Yeah because I had someone nice and comfortable to lay on" I said laughing and standing up I grab my backpack and put it on ross stands up and just hugs me

"Ross what are doing?" I said as he groans and stands up

"Nothing now, let's go grab our suit cases" Ross said and a nice old lady let's us go in front of her i thank her, as me and ross are looking for suit cases ross finds them and grabs both of them and hands mine to me, we walk out I start looking for my mom and I see her standing on her tippy toes looking for me I fast walk and I run into her arms.

"Mom you don't know how much I missed you." I said crying

"I missed you sweetheart, and who is this handsome man, I'm miss Irwin." My mom said shaking his hand. " I'm Ross." "let's get your stuff in the backseat." my mom said grabbing my backpack and suit case sliding them into the back seat leaving a spot for ross as everyone gets in the car and puts there seatbelts on my mom says,

"Let's go home." She said grabbing my hand and mouthing I love you

I'm sorry if took so long to post I just been busy with school and everything


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