chapter 2

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I hope you guys like this chapter  enjoy cx

Ross pov

From  Amy 💕

~Allright Ross cx I'm gonna hit the hay, I gonna get up in a few hours, good night Ross I'll see you tomorrow.

to Amy 💕

-Okay, goodnight Amy I'll see you Tomorrow. :)

I put my phone in my pocket as I walk into the offices I walk into my office sitting in my chair leaning back I groan even though I just met her, and it's only been a few minutes I miss texting her already,  I turn my computer on then someone knocks on my door I look over to see Jin I get up and open the door.

"Hello Ross's pizza place." I said earning a laugh from Jin

"Adam saw you walk in late he wanted me to ask you why." Jin said walking in sitting in my chair

"well I didn't think I'd be that late. " I said laughing a bit

" what do you mean Ross?" Jin said as he spins once in my chair

"well I met this girl, I mean well she bumped into me and she fell I mean I wasn't looking where I was going either so it's not just her fault it's mine too." I said scratching my neck

"No way really was her name what does she look like-" Jin said getting up and rushing over to me and tries to take my phone but I stop him

"Woah Woah Jin relax her name is Amy and the picture she took for her contact is right here." I said showing him a picture of her(the picture above is the picture he showed Jin)

" Holy shit dude shes really pretty you gonna show this to Barney and Adam." Jin said patting my back as I smile widely 

"I mean I will when they see her tomorrow me and her are going to the taco truck and eating back at the office I said sending Jin a thumbs up

"can we come t-" Jin was saying with pleading eyes

"it's a get to know each other thing I mean it would be nice if you guys didn't, but you guys can by for 5 minutes because that's what I told her, I really do think she's the one, but Jin."  I said Smiling really big


"don't tell them just yet please" I said

"I won't well I gotta go see you around" jin said walking out of my office shutting my door I sit back in my chair rubbing my eyes 

-after recording cops and robbers with sky, max,broah and mudkip -

"Alright guys I better get going I have a - I mean so I'm not tired tomorrow goodnight guys" I said rushing out before I mess up even more 

I can't wait for tomorrow I'm so excited as I get home I lay in bed and pray tomorrow goes well 

Amy's Pov

I woke up to my alarm go off for work then I realize I'm meeting up with Ross later so I jump out of bed

I quicky make my way to the shower as I take of my pajamas putting them in the hamper turning on the shower letting warm up I get in the shower letting the warm water run down my body after my 5 minute shower.

I go into my room grab my work clothes and change into them I look in the mirror fixing my makeup I grab my phone and keys putting them in my jacket and I walk out locking my door hoping today goes as planned. 

As I walk into work is it weird to say me and my boss are like best friends she's in her late 20s her dad use to own this restaurant but he passed when she was 21 so she took over the restaurant, but as soon as I saw her I pulled her into her little office. 

"oh my god, Louise guess what!" I said squealing like a little girl

"what?" she said laughing

"so you know who yourpalross is right."

"yeah you talk about him like 24/7-" she said raising her one of her eyebrows 

"well I met him last night because I wasn't looking where I was going and I fell on my butt and he helped me up and we traded numbers, and today after work I'm spouse to meet him after work" I said not holding back my how I felt that night, my heart started pounding really fast I just got really dizzy, oh god I have to sit down I said sliding down the wall trying to relax 

"I'm happy for you, and are you okay? working with you for over a year you never did that." she said sounding really worried and then crouched in front of me putting her hand on my shoulder  

I laugh nervously I put my hand over my heart" wow geez that never happened before." I said as I feel my heart starting to slow down

"do you want to take the rest of the day off, then tell me about ross tomorrow?" she said as she helped me up

" you sure? and thank you that never happened to me which really scares me I better get going so I can rest before I see Ross thank you again and tomorrow I will tell you everything" I said hugging her then we exchanged goodbyes then I leave to head home to get ready to see Ross.

Part two will be written soon thank you for reading

*not edited*


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