t h i r t y t w o

Start from the beginning

"God I missed you." I breathe out and kiss her head.

"I heard you, ya know." She says and I sit there confused.

"What do you mean?" I question and she flips so she is facing me.

"I could hear you when I was in the state I was in. I couldn't open my eyes, it was so dark, but I could faintly hear you. You were the reason I came back. I figure that it was my time to go but when I heard you cry and get mad then tell me how much you loved me and needed me, I knew I had to come home to you." I stare at her and her teary eyes, making my own start to tear up.

"I'm so sorry Rose." I breathe out before a tear streams down my cheek.

"Harry, I'm here now. We are fine." She says and I nod and kiss her forehead. "Let's go to bed." I happily oblige and I lay my head on her chest, her fingers going in my hair, and my arm wrapping around her waist. I go to bed shortly after.

Roses POV (December 22)

I have been online shopping all day. And when I'm not I'm decorating. Me and Harry are putting the tree up tonight so I am pretty happy. Christmas is soon and Friday Anne and gemma are coming over for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

I sigh before standing up and clicking the checkout button. I start to sway from side to side having to pee but not having enough energy to walk to the bathroom, I have been up since like three am. I can't go to bed for some reason, but I can barely stay awake. Harry should be home soon, and that brings a smile to my face. He has been very protective over me, not letting me work from the office. I had to convince him to even let me work from home. It took a bit of arguing but finally I won.

I decide to get in the shower. I wash my hair and body before getting out and wrapping a towel around my self. I walk in the closet and walk over to the huge floor mirror we have in here. I slide on some underwear before dropping my towel. I turn to the side and put my hand on my stomach, rubbing it. There isn't much there at all. Just my normal sized stomach. Doctor said it would look like I'm bloated but so far, nothing yet. I made an appointment for January earlier today and I'm excited. I don't know how Harry feels. He probably isn't the most excited. But a smile can't help brut break out on my face when I remember him talking
to the little bean. I look at my stomach more and push it out to try and see what I would look like. God I'm only twenty one,almost twenty two, and I managed to get pregnant. Good going Rose!

I am so into my thoughts I don't even see Harry creeping up behind me. His shirt is half unbuttoned and his belt hangs off. Exhaustion and happiness in his eyes.

"Hi beautiful, what are you doing?" He questions with a smirk on his face and his eyes scanning me up and down. I blush and grab my robe quickly covering up.

"Well, umm, if I'm being honest I was imagining what I would look like with a bump." I say hesitantly. Scared of his reaction. He tenses but tries to play it cool and hums.

"What have you done all day?" He questions, changing the subject.

"Nothing, I did some Christmas shopping and scheduled an appointment."

"Appointment for what?" He questions.

"The baby." He sighs and brings his hand to his hair. "Harry you still can't be mad at me for this." I say desperately.

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