Chapter Fifthteen

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"What were you thinking!" I flinch away, limbs trembling. "Do you have any idea what could have happened to you?" Once we reached the palace Queen Mac went into a tirade. All I can do is kneel at the bottom of her throne while she continues to shame me in front of Daniel, Xavier, Nicolas, and Everest. I already know that no one will come to my aid. "Maybe I overindulged you, is that it?" Queen Mac stands and harshly grips my chin. Her sharp nails dig into my skin causing me to wince at the sudden pain. "Answer. Me."

"I'm sorry Alpha." It's all I can think of at the moment.

She removes her hand from my chin in favor of twisting it into my brown locks. Queen Mac angles my head upward to face her. "You're not apologetic Princess Hope, I can smell it on you." Queen Mac grimaces down at me, "You reek of those monsters." She drops my hair, glaring. "I'm disappointed in you."

Finally, I let the waterfall of tears cascade down my red cheeks. A mumbled mesh of pleas and cries for forgiveness tumble from my lips. "I'm sorry, Alpha please, please forgive me." I clutch at Queen Mac's pant leg for dear life. "Alpha I won't ever do it again. I'm sorry!"

The female Alpha sighs, arms crossed. "No. You ran away. After I told you how Alphas are with their mates." Queen Mac pushes me away so that I land on my back on the hard floors. "It's like you love to make me angry with you." She snaps her fingers. "Take her to her room."

Screams echo off the black walls as I cry out for Queen Mac. It takes Xavier along with another Northern knight to drag me from the room by how hard I resist. The door slams in my face and I throw myself at it. Hitting the door with my fists, I scream with all my might to be let out. "I'm sorry! Mac, I'm sorry!"

Curling up into a ball, I pull the furs around myself. Crying, I weakly paw at the door, my faith fading. Seconds turn to minutes which escalate into hours. I remain on the cold brittle stone floor. Sometimes I'll whine and try the handle, but I know it's still locked.

Inside my head, I can't get the look of anger and rejection on Queen Mac's face out of my head. It keeps playing as if on repeat. My heart aches. My entire body yearns for her. For her approval. I want Mac to be happy when she looks at me, not with a gaze full of disgust. I can't stop the flare of hurt that rises every time I remember the way Queen Mac shoved me away like I never mattered. More depressing thoughts rise. What if I'm not good enough? What if Queen Mac decides to reject me? What if, it was all a lie? It hurts. It's like a million horses are stampeding over my body only to turn right back around and do it all over again.

How long has it been? A week? I met this woman exactly eight days ago and I'm already this deep. So invested and consumed that all my thoughts are of only her, Queen Mac.

My Alpha. It's pathetic.

"She's not my Alpha." Bitterly, I rise from the floor. My arms shake with the strength that I don't have but I muster it up. I crawl along the floor toward the bed no more than a few feet away. Success is bittersweet when I glare up at the height of the bed.

From my spot, laid out on the floor, it looks like miles. I could easily climb up if I had energy. But for some reason after walking for almost five hours in the wilderness my entire nervous system chooses now to stop operating. I roughly grab a fist full of the duvet and mountain of blankets atop the bed. Pulling with everything I have I grit my teeth. Screaming in rage, I tug myself further up and somehow maneuver my legs underneath me. One more tug and I face-plant the mattress.

A relieved sigh escapes me and I pull my whole body up and onto the warm bed. I lie still and quiet. Just breathing in through my nose to calm my racing heart. "Fuck the Queen." I reach over to my bedside table and grasp an empty glass. I lift my arm and wind it back. "Fuck! You!" The glass soars through the air and it hits the fireplace with a resounding crack.

Alpha Queen: First of Her NameWhere stories live. Discover now