Help Guide

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I don't know if anyone is confused, but I thought about outlining to help readers.

Any questions, I'll go ahead and answer them.

Is this story LGBT?

Yes, it is. We have lesbian main characters and will feature gay characters too!

Is this a werewolf story?

Yes. Wolves are only featured during battle scenes, but you will see the Alpha/Omega second gender come out.

What are Alpha, Beta, and Omega?

Alpha = Dominate. Males/females can be Alphas.

Beta = Neutral. Males/females can be Betas.

Omega = Submissive. Males/females can be Omegas

Can humans be Alphas and Omegas?

Yes! In this world, everyone has a second gender. No one is counted out. Although, wolves have stronger senses and ties to the second gender.

What are the four kingdoms?

The Northern Kingdom = Solstice Pack with smaller packs integrated.

The Western Kingdom = Eclipse Pack with smaller packs integrated.

The Eastern Kingdom = Evergreen Pack with smaller packs integrated.

The Southern Kingdom = Summerland Pack with smaller packs integrated.

SIDENOTE: There is a human kingdom, it's mentioned. The Human Kingdom = Crosland in the East

Will we see the Packs in wolf form?

Only in battle scenes or if a wolf gets extremely mad.

Can werewolves communicate through a "pack bond?"


Can Werewolf Mates communicate through a "bond?"

Yes. Not with thoughts, but the pair can feel each other's emotions and find the other over great distances.

Will there be Heats and Ruts?

Yes. For wolves it's immediate and the Omega will go into Heat once scenting their mate. For humans, it takes a week for the Heat/Rut to happen because they are different beings.

Can humans and wolves be soulmates?

Yes. It's very rare and rarely happens.

Do wolves have an inner wolf talking to them?

No. There is only the person who happens to be able to transform on command into a beast.

Full Moon shift?

Myth. Wolves can shift whenever. Think Twilight, and how Jacob Black is a shifter.

Are wolves a secret?

No. They rule the world alongside humans.

Explain what an Alpha King/ or Queen is.

Alpha King = The ruler of the Kingdom who happens to be a Male Alpha.

Alpha Queen = The ruler of the Kindom who happens to be a Female Alpha.

Explain what a Queen Luna is.

An Omega male/female that is mated to the King/ or Queen.

What is a Beta or Second-in-command to the Alpha King/ or Queen?

Not a Beta! It's an Alpha that the ruler decides is strong and responsible enough to rule should anything ever happen.

What are ages like?

Wolves = Live to be 100-120

Humans = Live to be 70-90

Are there any other magical creatures?

Yes. We have Lycans. Think of Remus Lupin in Harry Potter and his transformation. That is what a Lycan is. Very dangerous dark creatures. (WHO ALSO HAVE SOULMATES)

What are Rogues?

A wolf that has disobeyed the Pack leader or left the Pack.

Does the realm experience weather? Climate change? The four seasons?

North = Nine months out of the year its winter. They experience a Spring for three months

West = Cold and wet for six months before it becomes very hot for another six months.

East = Rain and humid all year round.

South = Ten months out of the year it's scorching hot, then two months of rain/humidity

What is the Dark War?

A war where the Four Kingdoms fought, many died, and all because of a crazy Northern King.

Are people Homophobic?

Conservative Minded = South and West

Open Minded = North and East

Can an older person have a younger Mate?

Yes. Wolves tend to outlast humans. A forty-year-old Wolf can have a Mate that is twenty.

Humans can be fifty and have a twenty-year-old Mate too. Although, it's uncommon. Humans usually meet their mates between the age of 18-25.

At what age do people begin meeting their mates?

18 is the starting age.

Can gay couples have children?

Gay Males = Yes
Gay Females = Yes

How do they have children?

Males have the normal gay sex up the butt. Omega Males will have a C-Section, the baby will not poop out!

Female Alphas clitoris enlarges into a penis. Their orgasm carries sperm cells.

Afterward, the female penis will decrease in size back into a normal clitoris once rut is over.

How long do Heats and Ruts last? 

Omegas have Heats. It lasts 5-7 days. Happens three times a year. Can be induced by an Alpha in Rut. 

Alphas have Ruts. It lasts 3-5 days. Happens twice a year. Can be induced by an Omega in Heat. 

Is this weird?

Maybe, depends on what you're into. 

I will update this if readers have any questions.

Thank you, SylveonEx

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