Chapter Three

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Another loud moan echoes down the hallway, followed by rhythmic thuds against the wall of my bathroom from the room next door. I jam a pillow over my head with an annoyed huff, not finding the situation funny.

Since Jackson met his mate, Wendy, last week the two have been going at it like rabbits every night. I know she's in heat and all, but come on. Some of us need sleep. A full minute of obnoxiously loud groans and high-pitched screams continue before I give up. Enraged at being denied proper sleep, I storm from my room and stalk down the hall.

The knight posted at my door, trails after me at a distance. "Daniel get up here." I wave my arm around blindly behind me as I stumble over a hitch in a rug.

"Yes, Princess." He appears at my side in an instant.

I hold his offered arm with a grateful smile. "Thanks, I thought I was about to fall down the stairs."

He smirks and helps me find my way in the dark. Wolves have better night vision than humans and of course no one thought of lighting any candles tonight. "No problem, your Highness."

When we reach the bottom of the stairs I drop my hand from his arm. "Do you think if I sleep in the library I'll still be able to hear her screams?"

Daniel laughs, "I don't know. You may have to go outside." We both wince as another pleasure-filled shriek shatters the silent night.

"Outside." I walk into the parlor room and grab blankets. Daniel grabs pillows and we quickly leave the palace for the calm atmosphere of the outer gardens. I stomp toward the hammock on the far side of the lake, the palace lights small dots in the night. Daniel settles down in the hammock beside mine with a satisfied groan.

Quickly bundling up with a blanket, I stare up at the stars that litter the inky blackness of the sky. "I can't hear her, but that doesn't mean you still don't." I lift my chin from beneath the blanket to stare at glowing green eyes.

"I can't hear her." Daniel extends his arms above his head and yawns.

"Goodnight, Daniel." I shift under the blanket, letting the slow sway of the hammock gently rock me to sleep.

He chuckles lightly, "Night, Princess Hope."

Waking up to the soft glow of the first rays of sunlight might be a nice experience for some. It was very enjoyable to feel my skin gradually warm, the sound of birds singing, the voice of the lake and its inhabitants a welcome joy.

Everything about this morning was perfect until the beautiful bubble cracked. Shouts and calls can be heard echoing from the palace. The sound of fierce pants and thunderous paws on fresh dewy grass reaches my foggy mind. I burrow deeper under my pillow when something swishes my hammock and almost causes me to fall out. A small grumble of irritation left my chapped lips.

"Hope Valerie Summerland, get up this instant." My head shoots up, my body slamming onto the ground in surprise.

Above me stands my Dad with ten knights, Daniel has his head bowed in submission off to the side. The pure rage on my Dad's face is enough for me to want to grovel at his feet and beg forgiveness.

"What on Earth led you to sleep out here, especially alone with an unmated male." The King Alpha is out, and my Dad's usual hazel eyes are now a burning gold.

Back on my feet, I twist my fingers nervously. "I wanted to sleep."

He lifts his brow, unamused. "'Wanted to sleep' Hope you have a bed for that."

"I wanted to sleep without having to hear Wendy." I pointedly look at a tree when voicing this. Several of the knights all voice a grunt of agreement. "Dad, she's very...vocal." Again they nod and grunt.

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