Chapter Six

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"Dad it's not that big of a deal." I sigh in exasperation for the thousandth time in an hour. Jackson and his Mate, Wendy, sit on the couch wrapped around one another.

Mom rubs her hand down Dad's back while he snarls in his wolf form, golden irises glaring at me. "Honey, you can't go." Mom shakes her head while gently shushing Dad. "It's not safe for you."

Wendy's high-pitched voice reaches my ears, "Hope, I agree. Northerners are savages."

Incredulous, I look at my older brother, but all Jackson does is stare at his mate like she hung the moon. "It's Princess Hope to you." I glare down my nose at her with narrowed eyes, "Queen Mac seemed nice, and Prince Nicolas will also be going." Wendy averts her eyes from the clear disdain in my tone. Ever since Jackson mated her, she's been trying to buddy up to me. I refuse to become friends with someone who follows me around like a lost puppy when no one gives her attention.

"Prince Nicolas is an Alpha," Jackson says while hugging the disheartened Wendy closer to his chest.

I place my hands on my hips with a frown. "What is that supposed to mean?" The room goes quiet, tension thick. Dad growls softly before laying down at Mom's feet, his eyes hard.

"Hope, you're an Omega." Jackson points out the obvious. "Omegas can't make proper judgments." Mom and I both stare at Jackson like he's lost it. "Not to mention you're a human Omega, so genetically you're weaker."

"You say that, but Dad chose me over you to go to that meeting." I point down at the black wolf that is our Dad. "Just because I'm an Omega doesn't mean I'm incapable of doing things." My hand fists a pillow and I chuck it at Jackson's head. "You're so stupid!"

With that, I stalk from the room. Upstairs, Daniel follows after me and stands guard at my room. The large wooden door slams shut behind me, causing a mirror on the wall to fall and break. I stare down at the shattered pieces with angry tears in my eyes. My sleeve becomes soaked in salty tears when I fiercely wipe at them, using a handkerchief to blow my nose.

The warm orange hue of the setting sun lights up my room like fire against the red walls. A sense of calm settles over me, my eyes falling onto a knapsack in my closet. Chills race up my spine at the sudden thought that pops into my mind. "Daniel," I turn around and open the door. The male wolf stares expectantly at me from his position at my door. "Can I trust you?"

"Of course, Princess Hope." He sternly stands taller, back ramrod straight.

I tilt my head to the side with narrowed eyes, "What if I asked you to betray your duties to the crown?" Even speaking of this is bound to cause trouble. It's high treason to go against the King Alpha, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Daniel looks up and down the hallway before shooing me back inside. He closes the door after himself with a sigh. "Princess Hope, what are you asking?"

"Daniel you're the only one I trust." My brown eyes widen, liquid pools shining in the orange glow of the room. "You know I wouldn't ask you this if it wasn't of the utmost importance."

He stares at me for a few minutes with his arms crossed. His lips set into a grim frown. "You want to go North?"

A fierce blush lights up my face. "You know this is disobeying your father, the King Alpha, the man I serve." I nod my head, "This goes against all my beliefs, Hope."

"I understand." My head bows low and I take a step backward in shame.

"But I also serve you." I whip my head upward to stare at Daniel. "When you were brought here twenty-two years ago, I swore to watch over and protect you until my dying breath."

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