Chapter 15: On Valentine Day...

Start from the beginning

Either way, it's too late for him to redo it. Letting out a sigh, Izuku pack the chocolate into a small box and put it away into his bag and step out of his house. What's left now is to give the chocolate to Katsuki.


As usual, Izuku would meet up with Katsuki and they will go to school together. On the way to school, Izuku's mind has been going around in circle. How in the world is Izuku going to give the chocolate to Katsuki without looking like a weirdo? It's not like he's going to confess to his crush so why is he feeling so freaking nervous about it?!

To begin with, girls are the one who is giving chocolate on valentine day. As a guy, it would be weird if Izuku were to give chocolates to Katsuki. Giving it to Katsuki face to face would be a bad idea, Izuku'll have to do it in the anonymous way.

Leaving the chocolate under Katsuki's table or shoe locker should do the trick. He just had to do it without Katsuki seeing him and that's it!

Once Izuku and Katsuki enter the school, they immediately spotted Todoroki standing right in front of his shoe locker.

"Ah, good morning Todoroki-kun!" Izuku greeted with a smile.

"Morning, Midoriya." Todoroki greeted back. Just as he opens his shoe locker, a bunch of neatly wrapped box of chocolates came falling out like a mini waterfall. "Ah..."

"T-that's a lot of chocolate you got there, Todoroki-kun." Izuku sweat dropped at the number of chocolates that was left inside the shoe locker. All these chocolates is going to make Kaminari jealous for sure.

"Every year is the same."

"Every year?!"

"Yeah. Although I don't really mind since I can use these paper warping as a reference."

"Those dumb bitches sure got a lot of free time to do these kind of things." Katsuki grumbled. Right after he said those words, he opens his shoe locker and just like Todoroki, a bunch of chocolates fall out one after another. "THE FUCK?!"

Todoroki merely blinked as he stares at those chocolates. He was slightly surprised to see that there are girls who is willing to gives chocolates to the hot and foul mouthed blond. What will Izuku think when he saw these chocolates? Will he become jealous?

Turning his gaze to the green haired boy, Todoroki was stunned to see Izuku wearing an upset look as he glare at those chocolate like they are his worst enemies. Oh dear, he never thought that the day where he'd get to see Izuku glaring at something. This small, pure and innocent cinnamon roll is slowly getting tainted...

Must be Bakugou Katsuki's fault.

"Maybe they mistook Kacchan's shoe locker for Todoroki's since they are just right next to each other." Izuku said, bending down to pick up one of the boxes. Flipping it over, Izuku can see a note pasted on it that says 'To Bakugou Katsuki ♡'. Turning it over so that he won't see the note, Izuku muttered in a low voice. "...Yeah, they definitely made a mistake."

"He's trying to escape from the reality..." Todoroki thought.

"Stop moping just because you're not popular, dumbass." Katsuki said.

"...That's not what Midoriya is upset about, Bakugou." Todoroki facepalmed.


When the trio enter the classroom, the first thing they see is a depressed Kaminari who has his face planted onto his desk while Kirishima is trying to comfort him. The next thing they saw is some of the girls chatting with the other guys and giving them obligation chocolates. The last thing they saw is a mountain of chocolates left on top and under Todoroki's table.

"Just how popular is Todoroki-kun? He's like some kind of an idol!" Izuku mentally retorted.

Katsuki narrowed his eyes on his desk and without a word, he made his way towards his desk and look under it. Just like what he has guessed, someone has left boxes of chocolates under his table as well. "Fucking piece of shit! Is these idiots trying to kill me with all these sweet stuff?!"

Izuku fully understand it. Even though Katsuki is rude and has a foul mouth, he's still handsome and it's not surprising that there will be someone who fall for him. Izuku thought that the 'bad boy' type is only popular in the 2D world but it seems like it's really popular in real life as well.

For these girls to go after a guy who is a champion at insulting people... are they a masochist?

Well, Izuku isn't in any place to call other people a masochist when he is also the same as them. Still, he wanted to be the only person to give chocolate to Katsuki. Is this what the heroine of the shoujo manga always feels whenever there's some other girls trying to fight with her over the guy she like?

Urg, he hate this jealousy part of himself!

Thanks to the girls squeezing all those chocolates into Katsuki's shoe locker and under the table, there's wasn't a spot for Izuku to put his in. Guess he will have to sneak it into Katsuki's bag when he's not looking. Even for someone like him, it should be easy enough for him to do.

Or so he thought...

After hours of lessons, lunch time, another few more hours of lessons, the school has ended in a flash. He has all the chance to do it since Katsuki is just sitting right in front of him but... his hands just won't move. It certainly wasn't helping when Izuku can feel Todoroki's gaze on him for the entire time. What should he do?

They will be going up to the roof to work on their manga soon and this time, Kirishima will be with them and Kaminari will be tagging along as well. It is going to be harder for him to sneak the chocolate into Katsuki's bag. And since he's getting nowhere, Izuku finally decided to send a quick message to a certain 'someone'.

[Izuku: I cannot do it! Help me Todoroki-kun!!]

[Todoroki-kun: Let's talk after everyone left.]

"Oi, Deku."

Izuku nearly drop his phone when he heard his name being called. Looking up from his phone, he smiled nervously. "Yes, Kacchan?"

"Stop spacing out, damn nerd. We're heading up to the roof."

"Ah! Um... please go ahead first! I-I got something I need to do!"

For a moment, it looks like Katsuki is ready to murder someone. But thankfully, all he did was narrowed his eyes on Izuku. "What could be more important than my-"

"Sure! We'll be waiting for you at the roof!" Kaminari cuts the annoyed blond off, giving Izuku a thumbs up.

"Hah?!" Katsuki shot a glare at talking Pik*chu.

"Come on, Bakugou. There's something we need to talk to you about as well." Kirishima said, petting Katsuki's shoulder.

Katsuki was about to start shouting insults at the redhead when Kaminari butt in again and whispered softly so that wouldn't reach Izuku's ear. "Did you forget what you learn from the dating sim games? Being too forceful will only scare the girl... or boy away."

"...Tch!" Katsuki turned and walked away, much to Izuku's surprise. "Hurry up and finish whatever you're going to do!"

Although Izuku's confused by Katsuki's action, he's silently glad that Kirishima and Kaminari helped him out, even if it wasn't intended. Now, all he need to do is to wait for everyone else to leave the classroom.

"Hm?" Izuku blinked when he saw all the chocolates that was left under Katsuki's table. Given by that amount of chocolates, any guy who doesn't have a girlfriend will definitely be glad to receive that many. But that's not the main point right now. What Izuku wanted to say the most is...

"Is Kacchan going to leave all those chocolates here?!"

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