Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning in my long and baggy pajamas I loved to wear. Everything I had, majority of it fit big on me, because most of it was hand-me-downs from Gabriel. I opened my eyes to greet the sun, as it's light kissed my cheeks. I smiled, remembering everything that happened last night. I sat up, yawning, and stretching out my arms and back. Then I slide out of bed quickly run out of my room and down the hall to Gabriel's door. I was going to knock... but then I remembered how he didn't answer me last night. How his silence broke me. Instead, I grabbed his doorhandle and pushed it open, trying my best not to make any noise.

When I stepped inside, his room was a complete disaster. There were discarded candy bags everywhere, his clothes all over the floor, and duck tape covering up the windows so sunlight can't even touch the inside of his room. It was so dark and gloomy, his 3 Days Grace and Lincoln Park posters weren't helping at all. Then I heard a soft snore. I turned around to see Gabriel, asleep in in the most funniest position. His arm was dangling to the floor, his knee brought up to his chest while the other leg outstretched onto the tailboard of the bed, and his opposite arm was holding onto his pillow. I tried my best not to giggle so loud. Tip toeing, I avoid all his clothes and sit cautiously on the bed, trying not to make noise with the springs. Victoriously, I slid under his cover with him, and snuggled up to his chest.

He was warm. Gabriel was so warm. I never knew he felt such a way, since he shut me out for eight whole years. I wrapped my arm around him and just cuddled, soaking up every moment I had with my older brother. His heartbeat, it was soft, and delicate, like a butterfly's flutter. I know he cares... but something dark and cold was blocking him from showing that he does. I sighed, as I began to fall asleep again. I was falling asleep next to the warmth of my brother Gabriel. The Gabriel that eats nothing but candy and plays nothing but games. The Gabriel that insults me for everything. The Gabriel that pretends I doesn't exist at school. The Gabriel that ignores me whenever we're home. The Gabriel that-- didn't come outside with me-- when I asked him to play eight years ago.... The Gabriel that didn't stop me from going out by myself and almost caused me to drown... That Gabriel. But yet, I loved him so. Because he's Gabriel. I drifted off into another deep sleep.

Suddenly, I felt myself hit the floor. Really hard.

"Oww!" I cried, picking myself up and holding my head. I turn around to see Gabriel, with a pissed look.

"What are you doing in my room twerp! I said you could never come in here! Ever!" Gabriel yelled at me. I immediately started crying. He rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry I actually wanted to spend some time with you Gabriel! And since you won't when you're awake, I might as well lay down next to you in your sleep!" I yelled back, stammering a bit.

"I said not to come into my room! Don't you ever do what you're told?!" He spat back at me.

"Oh yes, Gabriel, I completely forgot how absolutely obedient you are!" I replied, getting up from the floor. Gabriel slid off his bed and walked up to me, looking me straight in the eye.

"Keep your fucking gay mouth shut if out know what's best for you, Castiel." He muttered, I could feel the bitterness he had in his breath. I gasped lightly at his comment.

"You don't know me Gabriel!"

"Yeah I do! You're the annoying, little, worthless, crybaby that everyone stares at because you're to scared to step into a puddle! And then you go and cry yourself to Raph!" Gabriel kept at it. Everything he said was like a punch in the face.

"It's all your fault why I'm like this!" I yelled back, my voice breaking up. Raphael came running into the room asking what was going on.

"Don't you dare blame this on me..." Gabriel shook his head, as he clutched his fists.

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