Chapter 7

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The next day, I told Raphael everything. I always do. He told me I shouldn't be on the phone too late, but besides that, he was so jittery and excited. Which was weird, because he never acted like that before. He was so hysterical. Gabriel rolled his eyes and said he'll be waiting for us 'idiots' in the car. Raphael shook his head and then told me that I could go, if Dean could pick me up. He said it was much formal? Then he quickly pushed me out of the house so that we could get school.

I shivered in French class. It was so cold. I held onto my coat tighter, trying to stay warm. And I couldn't stop staring at the clock. Just itching to get out of here, so I can go see Dean. See those elegant green eyes again.

"Monsieur Castiel." I heard the teacher say. I looked up to him, and his brown slicked back hair, his trans-lenses resting on the edge of his nose.

"O-Oui...?" I replied.

"Le livre coûte quand euros?" He asked me. At first I didn't understand what he was saying. The I looked down to the book in front of me.

"Oh! Uhm, Le livre coûte quinze euros, monsieur."  I replied softly. Hoping I pronounced everything right. He gave me a smile.

"Trés bien." He said and walked away, talking in French to the rest of the class. I heart almost stopped when that man was next to me. I was so nervous and shocked. Then to my most convenience, the bell rang. I closed the book, turned in my work, and left the room. I didn't want to be thrown across the hallways, so I still ran. Then I stopped in the middle of the tundra, looking around.  In the distance, I saw the back of Dean's head.

Where did my heart go?

I tried to run to him, doing my best to push whoever was in my way; out of the way. Soon enough, I reached out and grabbed his arm. He jerked back as I looked up to him. As soon as those green eyes met mine, he smiled the same wide smile.

"Hey Baby in a Trenchcoat!" He laughed. Dear God that laugh.

"Hi!" I said, the most confident I've ever been in my life. My coat began to Fall off my shoulder, I quickly picked it back up.

"You never gave me an answer last night... can I have it now...?" Dean asked, those green eyes full of yearning. I swallowed hard. I didn't really know... I've never been anywhere by myself before... Or with another boy.

"I-I don't know..." Was all that came out if my mouth. Dean gave a groan.

"Aw, please? I had a whole plan and everything! Don't make me go by myself..." He batted his eyes at me. He batted his eyes. Those irresistible, green eyes.

"I c-could go... i-if  y-you can pick me up...." I said, remembering what Raphael said. Dean looked up, as he silently thanked god.

"That's no problem for me! I got my own car." He smiled with so much joy then I've ever seen before. It caused me to smile too.

"What time...?" I asked.

"6 o'clock?"

"Y-Yeah ... that's perfect." I replied, not knowing if that time actually was perfect. He chuckled, gleaming. He pulled his arm out of my grasp, and wrapped it over my shoulders. I felt his warmth. He was so warm, it was the same loving warmth I felt when Raph hugged me.

Is this... the sign Raph was talking about?

We continued to walk again, his arm still around me, close to him. I felt so embarrassed and flattered. We were actually walking to practice together.

People didn't seem to be phased. I guess it looked like I was caught in a headlock, instead of an embrace. I stared to feel hurt after that. Is that what people really see of me? Getting dragged by the neck by thee Dean Winchester? I swallowed hard, asking him softly if he could remove his shoulder. He looked down to me, shortening his smile.

"But I want to hold you."  Was all he said. I was once again left speechless. I couldn't believe my own ears. Is this boy for real? Did he not look at me? I was small, and worthless, the nobody everyone stares at because I cry too much.

"Just... not over my shoulders," I said, cautiously as we walked. Dean looked up, thinking for a bit.

"Ah!" He spoke randomly. He grabbed my arm and let my coat sleeve fall so that my hand was showing. He then took his and grabbed mine, intertwining our fingers. He brought them both down to our sides together. "Is that better?"

Holy shit.

We're holding hands.

My heart pounded and I could hear all of it in my head. I was screaming internally, visualizing myself pulling away and running off. It seemed like a pretty good idea, but for some reason; I stayed. I finally nodded my head. He brightened his smile again.

"Good! It makes it easier to do this!" He raised his voice, and jolted down the hall. My whole body jerked and were both running down the lengthy hallway. He was laughing happily, and I was just trying to catch up. I couldn't stop stumbling. He was too fast. Dean kicked open the double doors at the end off the hall, and continued to run all the way to the Aquatic Center.

"D-Dean..." Tried to speak up, but my panting overpowered my voice. He gripped onto my hand. Soon enough, we were inside the building. I felt the same coldness I felt from yesterday. We finally stopped running, and we panted together.

"That was the most running I ever did in my life..." I panted heavily. Dean laughed. That addicting laugh.

"Sorry... I couldn't help it." Dean replied, his panting a lot softer than mine. He looked down the hall. Searching for any more swimmers. "I think we're the only ones here... Coach might be in the pool area."

"Probably..." I agreed softly. Dean smiled. He was always smiling. He started to release my hand as he began to walk toward the changing area. He hesitated to let me go once our fingertips were the only ones touching, but he sooner or later, he let go. My arm fell to my side. He chuckled as he threw another kiss at me.

"See you on the other side Baby!" He yelled to me and then turned around the wall into he lock room. I couldn't resist but giggle. I sighed in complete content, as I fixed my coat sleeve, letting it cover my whole hand and let the remaining length fall.

Wait ... did he just call me 'Baby'?

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