Chapter 9

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Hey my loves im back againnn :)...Sorry I have been away for soooooooooo freaking long, it's because I basically have no device to write stories for yall.😫😭😭

It's a whole story, but the most important part is that imma try to start back writing for yall, im writing on a laptop bro and I really don't like to write on computers/laptops idk why it's just a feeling.🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

So hopefully I get everything sorted out so I can start back to write on my usual device🙂.

Im now continuing a story from a long time ago so the movie I got in there is like nobody watches it but that's not the point.   ⚠MAYBE?⚠

Hope yall gonna enjoy the story because im trynna get better at writing...

Follow me tho🤪 pwease?🤷‍♀️


Emma Pov:

After eating a few dozens of ice-cream and watching netflix, I checked my phone to see what time it was.

It was 2:45 a.m, I was really tired so i took off the tv and grabbed my phone,charger and airpods and walked up to my room.

When i reached up to my room i slumped down onto my fluffy covers that kind of matches the mattress and  I turned off the light and went under the covers and dozed off to sleep.


I was woken up by loud talking in the other room.

Cassin's room.

So I got up and opened my door and went in front of Cassin's door.

Yall ever heard about curiousity kills the cat, well basically I was the freaking cat lmaooo but plot twist im not getting killed.

His door had a crack so i could see what was happening inside of the room, so i peaked inside and i saw the same girl who  he fucked hard last night.

Is it bad that I was getting mad?

But anyways.

They were arguing about....


"You can't just let some random girl come into your house and split us up, like that's not cool" she stated

"I don't care Christina" he lashed back

"Wow I've been there for you, even when you got shot in your chest and u literally almost went  into a coma and this is how you repay me. By wanting to fuck that slut" she screamed

"Ok listen Christina you are going to leave my house this instant or your going to be sorry that you ever came here" he said angrily

"I love when u play hard to get it turns me on, but this isn't the last Babe I'll be seeing you around really soon." she smirked.

She was coming towards the door so i ran to my room next door and watched as she made her way down the stairs with her red shiny high heels.

I wish that bitch fall.

After Cassin came inside into my room, i pretended that i was asleep but i wasnt Bitch.

He spoked "I know you heard everything Emma"

"how'd you know?" I stated blankly

"like who sleeps like that, they way that your sleeping" he looked at me.

I sat up and asked him the simplest question "Do you like me Cassin?" I questioned

"Yes Emma ,but this would not change anything between us im still like your master" he said

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