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I heard faint footprints and stood as I heard the door open. In walked Westin, and I ran to him and gave him the tightest hug I could. Seeing him for the first time since I regained my memory was refreshing. It was nice to feel something real for once.

"Glad you're back kiddo," he chuckled.

"Glad to be back." I smiled. I had to deal with the gaping hole on emptiness inside of my soul, but besides that, I was glad to be back. I finally felt like I had my shit together.

Westin walked towards his desk before pulling out another file. He held up a picture of a Caucasian male that had a dark shaved head and a few tattoos on his face. The one that stuck out the most was on his left cheek; it was a cross with a knife at each end. He looked in his late twenties and I had definitely seen him before.

"Marshall right?" I searched my brain for answers. "Marshall Wright. He's always at this club Tye and I go to called Elevate."

He grinned. "Smart girl. He's been watching you for a while now. You're his boss's type, we made sure of it." I touched my face and was reminded about the amount of plastic surgery I had to go through to become Alicia Brown. I hoped it was worth it. "This is an important case. We think his boss may be a former agent trading in information. At least ten of our agents have been killed already. I need to know if you're still a hundred percent in this." I smirked. Did he really think I would back at now?

"I'm all in."

"Good." He placed his palms on the edges of the desk. "Let's talk strategy. Marshall is a dealer. You know this obviously because you've bought from him before." I blushed. I hadn't exactly been the ideal daughter these last years. "Moving on. His supplier is coming down for the first time this weekend, which we think is the same ex-agent who is working against us. You need to find out who he knows and what information he's selling."

"Do we know who it is yet?"

"No. That's where you come in." He taped his fingers against the file. "You have to tell Tye you got this job as a secretary. Convince her to go out and celebrate. Go to your usual spot at Elevate and turn thirty degrees to the right. Marshall was already thinking of introducing you to his boss, but it's your job to convince him tonight."

"And how do you expect me to do that?" I crossed my arms.

Westin stared at me like I was an idiot. "Like you always do. C'mon Evie think." Flash backs of me persuading men and women came into my head. Holy shit. I smiled to myself. I'm a fucking seductress. That was a charm that didn't change when my memory was lost.

"Right. Sorry."

"Evie." He held on to my shoulders and looked at me sternly. "Like I said, this is an important mission. You only have tonight. If you fuck up, we lose our suspect. He doesn't come into town often. You need to get this right."

"Okay," I replied. "I've got this." He pulled back and I rolled my shoulders and grinned. "Be prepared to be amazed." He rolled his eyes before walking me out of the doors and to the elevator. When we were about to get off, he handed me a heavy envelope. I peaked in to see what looked like a couple thousands of dollars. "What's this for?"

"You don't have to pretend to be broke anymore kiddo. There's also some keys and an address for your new place in Manhattan." I opened my mouth to object but stopped once he held his hand up. "It's only a five-minute walk from Tye's place. Also, your electronics have been tapped to hear anything within range of them. You will receive your weapons and gadgets at your new place. Any questions?" I shook my head. "Good luck."

I stood there for a few seconds, contemplating what had just happened. My life had completely changed within two hours and I was having to go home to a life that I thought was mine when it really wasn't. I placed a hand on my forehead and groaned. That was the third headache I've gotten today.

After getting a ride in a cab, I made it to the apartment I had called home for these last couple of months. It's a lie. All of this is a lie. The thought repeated in my head until I reached the front door of Tye's place. It was a lie, but I was used to lying. I had to play my part so I could do what I've always done- be a good fucking agent.

I opened the door and was greeted by Tye laying on the couch in a large t-shirt and underwear.

"Hey bitch," Tye greeted me. "Close the door before the creeps next door start looking." I giggled. I really had grown to love her. "So how was it?" This is it. Do what you do best.

I beamed. "You're looking at the newest secretary at POS Incorporated."

"Ohmygod I'm so proud of you!" she squealed and gave me a hug. "I knew you could do it. We have to celebrate." She was making this extremely easy for me.

"Drinks at elevate tonight? It's on me!" I held up the envelope of money and the keys to my new apartment. "I got an advance."

She gasped. "You hoe," she joked. "Did you show your titties or something?"

"Maybe..." I winked.

"I don't even care. I'm just so happy you have a fucking job! I'm down for whatever tonight." She got up and pranced around the kitchen before reaching under the sink. Pulling out of tequila, she let out a loud celebratory roar. "Let's get drunk and sexy!" I giggled and threw my heels off to the side of the room. "Alexia! Play Suavemente by Elvis Crespo," she instructed. The Spanish song played throughout the apartment and I started to move my hips and feet to the rhythm. She handed me a full shot glass and I threw it back effortlessly.

"Let's make it two." I poured us second shots and we downed them immediately. We took two more and began to dance together. I laughed as Tye spun around and threw in an ass shake out of nowhere. She was so much fun to be around, and it made broken hearted to thinking about possibly leaving her. After this mission, I wasn't sure where I would go next or what I would even do next. She didn't know the real me, and I don't know if she would ever accept me if she did.

About an hour later, we ended up crashing on the couch from all the tequila we drank. I woke up to Tye's foot near my face and I pushed it enough for her to let out a yelp.

"What time is it?" she yawned.

I looked at my clock. "It's eight."

"It's getting late. Should we get ready?" she asked. Marshall will be there at 10:30, like he always is. It was perfect timing.

"Yes. I call shower first!" I ran past her and into the room.

"Not fair!" she yelled as I closed the bathroom door. Warm water fell against my skin when I turned on the faucet, and it felt amazing. It was just what I needed after the day I had. When I finally stepped out, the bathroom was full of steam. I dried off quickly and started blow drying my hair when the door opened.

I covered myself temporarily and was relieved to find it was only Tye.

"Warn me first next time," I mumbled as I continued to dry my hair nude.

"If I don't shower now, we're going to be late," she playfully snapped at me. She pulled her t-shirt off, revealing her perfect D cup titties that I was always jealous of. "I need to lose weight," she frowned.

"Shut up. You're perfect," I told her.

"Honey you should look at yourself," she replied before stepping into the shower. I continued to blow dry my hair and straightened it just how Westin had told me- sleek with a part down the middle. I finished rapidly and pulled on a black lace thong and a red strapless dress before looking at myself in mirror. I was going to make my dad proud tonight. Most importantly, I was going to impress Marshall so much that he was going to fall in love.

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