Chapter 9- Don't be a Pussy

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"Sam Hurry up! You're taking forever!"

"I'm coming," she snapped as she emerged from her restroom. This was the first time I had stepped foot in her temporary room. It didn't really interest me to be in there, since AJ had been hanging out with her a lot more these days. With the amount of giggling I heard at night in the hallway, I knew they were up to more than just jokes.

I even decided to stand instead of sitting in the bed, not wanting to be sitting in the same spot Sammi and AJ had probably fucked on.

"Do I look okay?" She did a spin, revealing her petite figure in a tiny army green two piece.

"You would look hot if your nipple wasn't about to pop out," I pointed out. She glanced down and adjusted her tiny triangle top, even though it barely made a difference.

Sam's flawless skin and small body shape made me more jealous than words could describe. I was definitely more heavy set than her with my thighs that could barely fit into size six jeans. Sam envied my curves and I just wish I could be fully comfortable wearing a revealing bikini around boys.

"Where's your bathing suit?!" She looked me up and down, frowning at my choice to wear clothes.

"It's underneath. I just don't want to walk out there with no clothes while they silently judge my body."

She shrugged. "They're gonna look anyways. Stop caring so much."

"Thanks for the advice S," I sarcastically stated. She tossed her wavy hair over her shoulder before blowing me a kiss.

"You'll thank me later." She walked past me and into the hallway. "By the way, your wine is in the fridge. Sparkling, just the way you like it."

A wave of relief hit me. If anything made me happy, it was a glass of wine. Or two. Or the whole bottle.

When we reached the beach, the guys were already sprawled out on blankets along the sand. I glanced around and hoped I could find a spot far from AJ and Sammi. There couldn't possibly be anything more awkward than third wheeling with your best friend and her crush that you made out with.

When I saw Codi laying down a few steps away from Sammi, I sighed of relief. At least now I wouldn't be completely alone. I stripped down out of my clothes and sat a little closer to Codi than I did to Sammi.

"What are you doing?" He mumbled, squinting to look at me because the sun blocked his view. He was wearing black bathing suit trunks that clung on tight to his hips and his abs glistened from the beaming light above. I wanted to trace my fingers down them, maybe even kiss them.

"I'm sitting down," I finally replied.

"I noticed," he snorted. "Why next to me?!"

I cocked my head to the side to get a better angle of his face. That perfect, God-sent face.

"Are we playing this game again?"

"What game?"

"The one where you're bipolar and act like you hate me." He blankly stared at me before muttering something under his breath. "Why can't we just be friends and stop the hostility."

He ignored me and rolled over to the other side.

"Fine. Suit yourself grumpy. I'm going for a swim." I stood and dipped my big toe in before completely stepping into the water. I got to about hip height in the ocean before I turned around to find Codi still turned on his side. Fine, two can play this game.

I pulled my hand back to get ready to attack. In one hard, swift motion, I pushed my hand against the waves and sent water flying through the air until it reached Codi.

"What the fuck." He leaned up and searched around until his eyes landed on his culprit. "Why did you do that?!"

"Why does it matter? You're not gonna do anything anyways." I crossed my arms over my chest and jutted out my hip. "Pussy."

"What did you just say?!"

"I SAID YOU'RE A PUSSY!!" I yelled it loud enough for his friends to hear. A series of "ooos" and chuckles erupted from Jude, Bryson, and AJ. Especially AJ.

"TAKE IT BACK!" He yelled back, now sitting up on his towel.

"MAKE ME." I immaturely taunted. I expected him to roll over again and cuss under his breath like he had just done. Instead, he stood and ran towards me.

I splashed more water at him, hoping to slow him down from counterattacking me. He caught up to me sooner than I thought and splashed back. I had so much salt water in my eyes that I had to shield my face.

"Okay stop!" I pleaded. "You win! Just stop!"

"Tell me I'm not a pussy," he demanded, still slightly splashing my chest with water.

"You so are though..." He grabbed my waist with one hand and used the other to pry my hands from away from my face. "Okay! You're not a pussy! I surrender." My eyes were burning by the time he stopped. I rubbed them, which in turn made the burning worse. I continued to do so until I couldn't feel my eye sockets anymore.

"You okay?" he asked me. I noticed his hand was still on my waist. I had to blink a couple times before finding the words to say next.

"I would have been if you didn't physically abuse me with salt water," I mumbled.

"You're ridiculous you know that city girl?" he chuckled.

"Did you know that my eyes are still burning?!" I snapped. He rolled his eyes and gave me a "you're being dramatic" look before staring at my eyes.

"They are kinda red," he admitted.

"See!!" I pouted. "And don't you dare laugh." I watched as he bit back a smile.

I became very aware of our positions as we stood there longer. His hand against my bare skin. The smell of coconut sunscreen mixed with that cologne he always wore. The water droplets hanging on to his chest. It was all enough to make me flustered.

I looked up at his heavenly blue eyes I adored, but they were staring at something else.

He was staring at my lips.

My stomach filled with butterflies. He wants to kiss me. Then, of course, I never really knew what Codi was going to end up doing. No one did. And kissing him would be stupid.

He found my eyes again, and I forgot about everything I was thinking. I just stared dumbfounded, until he leaned in slowly.

Don't do it.

I gravitated towards him, following his lead.

You'll regret it.

His hand made its way to my chin. Any last chance to turn back was gone- he had pulled me in. He planted his lips on mine softly, both of our mouths still salty from the water. I placed one hand on the back of his neck while the other rummaged through his now wet dirty blonde hair. Then, he pried my mouth open with his, allowing my tongue entrance to explore.

He tasted sweet and like coffee from the morning; which made me smile. I felt his hand slip below my waist and onto the curve of my ass before he squeezed it gently. It was nice- us just swaying back and forth from the current kissing. I felt like I was lost- lost in his hot touch against my skin under water and lost in the feeling of his silken lips against mine. I only snapped out of the trance when he finally pulled back.

"I-" He paused before continuing his sentence. "I have to go."

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