Chapter 10- Surprise Bitch

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"So... he just left?"

"Yeah. It was weird." I was pacing back and forth in my room. My hair was still wet from the shower I had took after the beach and I was dripping everywhere. I didn't care though; all I could focus on was the event that just occurred. "I mean who just says I got to go after a kiss? Especially a hot kiss like that?!" Irritation didn't even describe my mood.

"So it was hot?" Sammi scooted closer to the edge of my bed.

"Sam. Sooo not the time." I stopped in front of her and placed my hands on my hips.

"Well sorry...but I never get to hear details. And he's the first guy you've kissed in a while." She pouted. Actually, AJ was the first guy I had kissed in a while, but I decided to leave that part out. I going to tell her eventually, I just needed the right time. "So?"

"Yes it was hot," I admitted. "He's a really good kisser."

She squealed. "So is AJ. We should totally double date." I almost vomited when the words 'double date' came out of her mouth. Definitely not what I needed at the moment. "B are you okay? You look kinda sick."

"I'm fine," I lied. "I just need some time to process this."

"Or..." She smiled. "We could get your wine and drink now and think later." Wine was exactly what I needed right now. Just a glass or two and then I could relax and call it a day.

"Okay I'll go get the wine," I told her. She pulled her yellow tote bag from behind her. Unzipping the middle, she pulled out two crystal clear wine glasses with our first initials sprawled out on them.

"I already have the glasses." She let out another squeal. I thanked her for the new glasses before stepping out of the room. I pulled my hair up into a bun while I walked down the stairs so my drenched hair wouldn't mark the floor. When I reached the last step, I heard feet shuffling towards me. My stomach dropped when I found out those feet had belonged to the same guy that had ran from me earlier.

"Um...hi," I awkwardly greeting him. I didn't know what else to say, but when he just nodded back and started to make his way towards the back door, I knew I had to say something. "So that's it?" He blankly stared at me. "Are we not gonna acknowledge what happened earlier today?"

He looked down at his bare feet before responding. "What happened earlier today was a mistake. I'm sorry." Is he being serious? Or does he just think I'm that dumb?

"Look I'm not stupid. I know you're attracted to me so if it was so much of a 'mistake' how come you enjoyed it as much as I did?" I stepped closer to him, lessening the awkward space that lay in front of us.

"How do you know I'm attracted to you?!" he questioned me.

"I uh- felt it." My face began to get hot. Damn, I hope he can't tell I'm nervous.

He stared me down for what felt like an eternity. "It doesn't matter if I enjoyed it or not. It was stupid. I can't let a simple minded city girl get in the way of my surfing. Whatever you thought it was, it wasn't. Let's just drop it." I blinked in disbelief as the words "simple minded" echoed in my mind.

"You're an asshole." I turned on my heels and paced myself to the kitchen before I heard him open and close the back door. Simple minded? He could have used any other insult and I would be fine. He knew I was the complete opposite of simple minded, yet he purposely belittled me to an airhead. It infuriated me.

I yanked open the refrigerator and grabbed the sparkling wine that would now be of extra use to me. I popped open the cork impatiently. I took a couple swings of the bottle before stomping upstairs and into my room where Sammi was still sitting on top of my bed.

"B are you okay?" she gave me a concerning glance.

"I'm fine." I plopped down next to her. "Let's drink."

It was about three glasses in that I realized I was beyond tipsy. It was the 5th glass in that I realized we had finished the bottle. That same 5th glass caused me to spill out everything that happened between Codi and I downstairs. 

"Simple minded? I mean come on. He couldn't have thought of a better insult?!"

"I totallyyyy agree. What a jockass."

I glared at Sammi. "Sam, you know you said it wrong right? It's jackass."

"And this is exactly why you're the smart one. See? Definitely not simple minded. Fuck him." I giggled and nudged her playfully. If I was tipsy, I knew Sammi was drunk. She always had a lower alcohol tolerance than me.

"I'm gonna go talk to him. I'll be right back. Don't move," I commanded her as I slid out of bed and put on my black old navy flip flops on that were perfectly placed on the side of bed.

"Where would I go?!" She grinned at me. "Go head girl get yo man." I laughed before galloping down the stairs to find Codi. I wanted to tell that son of a bitch that he couldn't mess with my emotions and he had no right to name call. I would demand for respect and nothing else.

I swung the porch door open, only to be met by the person I could have gone my whole life without talking to again. AJ.

AJ, Jude, and Bryson had just got back from surfing and they looked exhausted. Jude and Bryson made their way around me and into the house after we exchanged quick hellos.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" AJ smirked. He still made me more nervous than the first time we met, but this time it wasn't from attraction. I was just uncomfortable.

"I, uh, was looking for Codi." I darted my eyes around so I could at least see a glimpse of him. I rather have been called simple minded by Codi again then be under AJ's goggly eyes. Unfortunately, I didn't see him anywhere.

"He's still surfing. He gets out a little later than the rest of us some days... when he needs to clear his head."

"Oh..." I trailed off. "Well I guess I'll just-"

"How have you been?" he cut me off. I moved a few steps over from the door- an impulsive decision to get away from him.

"I'm good. How are you? I heard your relationship with Sammi is going well?" I made sure to include Sammi's name in there, hoping it would prevent him from doing something stupid. It didn't.

He chuckled. "Right. I'm sure she told you that." He moved closer to me as I inched away even farther. "Truth is, I'm only with her to make you jealous. But seeing as you're with that shithead of a guy Codi, I guess it didn't really work did it." His pout made me want to punch him. I couldn't believe I was ever attracted to this guy.

"Codi and I aren't together," I stated, ignoring everything else he stated.

"Well he kissed you. You kissed him. You don't kiss people you don't like do you?" I stayed silent. "Guess I'm gonna have to show that fucker you're mine huh."

"I don't belong to anyone." I tried to walk away, until I realized he had cornered me into the end of the porch. He moved closer to me until his lips were over mine. "Get off of me."

"See that's where you're wrong. I wish you would stop denying it." I tried to push him off, but his grip on me was too tight.

"You're hurting me," I whined. He planted his lips on me aggressively, forcing his skin against mine. I tried to wiggle and even pry my mouth open to scream; it was no use. His body crushed against me and he began to unbutton his shorts. The first tear began to form as he hand reached for my shorts. I began to accept my fate and repeated the words "you're going to be okay" until I heard my own words drowned out by someone else's. Someone filled with anger.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER MAN." I finally opened my eyes, and I saw Codi's fist moving at full speed to AJ's face.

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