t w e n t y n i n e

Start from the beginning

"Babe, isn't this a sad movie?" She nods. "Why do you want to watch a sad movie?" I question.

"I wanted to cry." She shrugs and I chuckle. She stays snuggled up to me the whole movie and I hear her sniffle towards the end. When it's over I kiss her forehead before going upstairs. I lay her in bed and then strip her of her jeans. I get undressed down to my boxers and climb in. I pull her back into my naked chest, her skin making me heat up.

"Rose," She hums. "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier." She flips so she is facing me and puts her hand in my hair, massaging my scalp.

"It's fine. I understand." I sigh out of relief that she isn't mad at me.

"How are you?"

" 'M fine."She says trying to convince me.

"Rose, don't lie to me. Please."

"I'm confused, sad, and mad. I'm confused why they would do these things. I'm sad because it's affecting us. I'm mad because it's affecting us and I just got my office the way I want it." She laughs at her last statement, but it isn't a true laugh.

"Baby it's ok to not be so tough. I love that you are, but it's ok to breakdown. It's ok to feel what your feeling. If you need to cry,cry. If you need to scream, scream. If you need to do whatever you need to do to relive this stress and whatever else you are feeling please do it. I can't stand to see you be so down. It hurts my heart. I love you so much and I don't want to see you like this." She looks up at again with tears down her face and a pout on her plump lips.

"God I love you so much Harry, you don't understand." She smashes her lips against mine, her mouth tasting a little salty from the tears and minty from the gun she was chewing on earlier. I sit up, her following. I grab her jaw and kiss her deeper. I swipe my tongue on her bottom lip and she lets me in. Our tongues dance together and our lips fit like a puzzle piece. I pull back and take a breath before kissing her once more, this time slower and not so rushed. We pull back she smiles at me.

"Let's go to bed." She nods and lays her head back down my chest. My left arm behind my head and my right hand by her back, rubbing up and down. It doesn't take long for her to sleep but it takes a bit for me to sleep. To stressed about the situation. But I finally fall asleep and have the nightmare that always seems to haunt me. But my nightmare doesn't stop this time. It keeps going.

"Rose!" I yell but it's too late. The car smashes into her side and she looks at me before with a scared look in her eyes that screams help me. But that's the thing I can't help her. I can't reverse time to stop that car. I can't reverse time and avoid the car. I can't reverse time and stop the argument we were having. I can't do any of that. I can only sit and feel the pain shoot through my head and back. My head pounding against the window, my shoulder colliding with it as well. As soon as I look at Rose she opens her mouth to say something. But nothing comes out. Her eyes flutter shut and her chest stops moving up and down.

I sit up gasping for air. I can't see straight, my vision blocked with tears. Rose stirs from beside me, turning a couple times before continuing to let out little breathes for her mouth. She's laying on her back and is propped up by a pillow. I put my head on her chest and nuzzle my head closer to her right side so I can hear her heart. That's all I need, I need to know she is still ok. I need to feel her breathe tickle my ear to know she is at least still breathing. I don't know why I have these dreams, but I do. After listening to her heart and checking her pulse a couple of times I finally go back to bed.

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