Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
September 2018


"LUUUKKEE! LUUUKKKKKKEEEE!" I yell from my position in our bed.

Since we got back from South Africa I've been on a very restrictive bed rest. It's driving me insane. Luke too. Whenever he's home, he's my servant. That part isn't so bad actually. It's just annoying for him.

Luke reaches over to pinch me. He's laying in our bed next to me.

"Ow! What you did that for?" I pinch him back.

"I'm not even two feet away from you. What do you want now, Lucy?" He snaps as he sits up.

"I need to go to the bathroom. Junior is pushing on my bladder too much." I say sweetly as I rub my stomach.

"What in the actual fuck." Luke glares at me and my stomach before getting out of bed to walk around and pick me up. He carries to the bathroom where he waits while I use the bathroom.

When I finish, he carries me back to our bed. Once he's settled and I cozy up to his side. "No, Lucy. Move."

"Luke James Boyd, I know you didn't just tell me to move." I snap, carefully sitting up to glare at him.

"I'm sorry that I don't want to cuddle. I just got in from working. I'm tired," He says them his eyes widen as mine narrow. "Lucy, I'm—"

"I'm sorry that I have to carry our child and can't work. I'm sorry that I got into a car accident that forced me to be bedridden," I sneer. "But you're right. You're tired. You've been working so hard all month."

He leans his head back and lets out a sound of frustration. "Lucy—"

"No! You're tired. You don't want to cuddle. That's fine." I carefully turn away from him.

He slaps my ass. "Stop letting those damn hormones make you a baby, LuLu."

"Stop talking to me, Boyd." I snap back at him as my phone rings with an email and text messages. I unlock my phone to see that JJ and Auntie Jacque have been working to get the First Family shows on Netflix.

"Hmm." I slowly sit up as I think. We have the largest share of Netflix. It's about time we make our move on what's basically our streaming service.

"What's happening?" Luke asks. I glare at him and he rolls his eyes before grabbing my phone and reading the messages. "That's interesting. Why don't y'all just make your own streaming service? Or buy out Netflix and rename it?"

"For what? We don't have enough money to buy it out just yet— not until I start staring in more MCU movies and the First Family Dance Studios start turning over a profit," Luke just nods as I talk. "And anyway, we have shares in Disney. They'll be making their streaming service soon. We'll make more money off of the two streaming services until we can buy both."

"So I'll be a part of the family that owns Disney?" Luke asks with a smug face.

"Potentially," I tease him before going into my notes. I look at all of the story ideas and outlines that I have. "Luke, can you reach me my computer?"

"Yeah," he gets up and looks at me. "I'm sorry."

"I know. But you're right. I need to stop being such a fucking baby. We all know I'm a bombass, badass bitch. I don't have time to being petty."

"You damn right, Mama." He kisses me before getting my Mac from the office where I was this morning.

Once Luke comes back with my computer, he stays up to listen to me talk about movie and tv show ideas I've had in my head for years. Some of the ideas are dorky and maybe too complexed but it makes me smile to finally tell someone what worlds I've created in my head. When I see his eyes close for a second too long, I stop talking and let him fall asleep. I instead call Mikey who's spending some time in New Jersey with Breanna.

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